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    时间:2019-02-16 03:31:15 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

         Made Again      It would seem that popular culture in recent years is being very environmentally friendly; it just keeps recycling itself. Fashion, music, cinema and art have all seen a huge spate of retro trends, comebacks, covers, adaptations and remakes. Will future generations abandon originality for good? Will popular culture eat itself? Film remakes, while not being a new phenomenon, are the most controversial of all. Seen by some as being proof of Hollywood"s lack of originality, they are often accused of being blasphemous to the originals. Other critics see remaking a movie as an artistic right and claim that by using big budgets and famous stars to retell the stories of lesser known films, they introduce forgotten classics to a younger generation. Love them or loathe them, they are here to stay. Insight Entertainment looks at a few famous and infamous remakes:
      Reservoir Dogs and City On Fire 《水库的狗》和《龙虎风云》
      Quentin Tarantino"s debut film, Reservoir Dogs, was a huge hit which propelled him to fame as a director. It is based on a 1987 Hong Kong film by Ringo Lam, called City On Fire. Generally, Tarantino has never come in for criticism for remaking what was already an excellent film. This is partly because American audiences were not familiar with the original but also due to the way in which it was remade. Tarantino took the basic story of City as the plot for his film but told that story in a completely different style. Lam deals with time in a conventional linear way whereas Tarantino starts at the end and works backwards before ending up at the end of the story again. The screen stealing performance of Chow Yun-Fat drives the pace of City. Dogs works on the dazzling combination of the different styles of Keitel, Roth, Penn, Buschemi and Tierney. In this case, the remake stands on its own as a quality flick and has even introduced more people to the work of Lam in the process.
      Planet of the Apes《决战猩球》
      The Burton remake of the 1968 classic was trashed by the critics from the start. While praise was given to the make-up and the humour that was injected into the story of a human astronaut trapped in a civilisation ruled by apes, the film was criticized for its lack of imagination. It has been rumoured that studio interference with Burton"s vision was the cause of this but many movie buffs complained that the 1968 version, starring Charlton Heston, is still a highly entertaining film to watch today and that remaking it was doomed from the start. If it ain"t broke, don"t fix it!
      In 1998, Gus Van Sant directed a remake of the 1960 classic thriller, Psycho. The original, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, has survived generations of viewers and still succeeds in chilling modern viewers. The remake was an instant flop. Van Sant remade the movie scene for scene and shot for shot. Hardly any of the dialogue had been changed. Most critics screamed about the futility of doing this. Van Sant defends himself by claiming that young people today don"t like to watch old black-and-white films and by remaking it, exactly as it was but in colour, this brilliant picture can be enjoyed by a new generation. However, this remake failed because a carbon copy of a timeless work of art is pointless.
      The Ring and Ringu美版《午夜凶铃》和日版《午夜凶铃》
      In the last few years, there has been a trend in the U.S. to remake Japanese horror movies. Hollywood studios take a successful Japanese horror film, inject a big budget into it and cast big stars, thus making it more marketable in the West. The Ring, a story about a cursed video tape that kills all who see it, is one of the best examples. Based on the Japanese hit, Ringu, The Ring is a chilling supernatural thriller. Throughout the nineties, Hollywood horror films had deteriorated in quality. Cheap thrills and graphic violence succeeded in shocking but continuously failed to scare audiences. By basing it on the Japanese film, which uses a lot of silence, eerie imagery and empty spaces to create suspense, and incorporating thriller techniques from Western masters, such as Hitchcock, The Ring puts American thrillers back on the right track. Although, arguably not as scary as the original, it is a modest, spooky thriller that never sells out to commercialism.
      Remakes for 2005
      War of the Worlds - Speilberg will direct and Cruise stars with a multi-million dollar budget.
      The Pink Panther - Steve Martin takes the place of Peter Sellers to play bungling cop, Inspector Clouseau.
      Oliver Twist - Roman Polanski takes on this much loved adaptation of a Dickens novel.
      Herbie: Fully Loaded - Kids will be entertained by this remake of a movie about a very special car.
      Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Tim Burton remakes a favourite kid"s film. Johnny Depp plays Willie Wonka.
      Music with Joy and Earnest
      D・Kwok, R&B Music Boy Interview
      认真玩音乐 ――访19岁音乐顽童郭顶
      时间会变老 时间会抹掉 你一定会知道 HEN
      什么是美好 什么会更糟 都忘掉
      只想用最简单的方式告诉你 我爱你
      只想用最简单的方式告诉你 抱着你
      只想用最简单的方式告诉你 和你一起
      我要你告诉我 你也一样
      只想用最简单的方式告诉你 我爱你
      只想用最简单的方式告诉你 抱着你
      只想用最简单的方式告诉你 和你一起
      我要你告诉我 告诉我 你都知道
      我只是想表达我的观点习惯这叫大爱你又不懂了 HA
      时间会变老 时间会抹掉 我们都知道 HEN
      什么是美好 什么会更糟 记不了
      郭顶:我学到了很多东西,因为有太多的第一次。自打进入这个公司起,我就一直在不断学习。许多人,如林哲民老师,Terence Teo以及行方洋一老师,对我的帮助非常大。此外还有很多人,如高晓松老师、成龙大哥,都认真听过我的专辑。自孩提时代起,成龙就一直是我心目中的英雄。我的作品能得到他的肯定,真是莫大的鼓励。
      郭顶:有。像Usher、Alicia、Mariah Carey。我非常喜欢他们的音乐。他们给我的影响很大。我很早就开始听他们的歌,并一直想做出像他们那样的音乐。他们得过不少格莱美的奖项,而我可能连个机会都得不到。可不管怎样,我都会努力去做,但我真的非常欣赏这些艺人。我刚刚听说在洛杉机,有一个华人电台不仅播我的歌,还强力推荐这些歌曲。很高兴那里的华人能听到我的声音。我希望他们都能支持内地的原创艺人。
      Bilingual Time: Your company has decided that all ten songs on "D・Kwok" are top songs. If it"s up to you, which one would be the main track?
      D・Kwok: It must be 1985, the last song of the album, because it represents the concept of the whole album, which is to do with the carefree attitude of those born in 1985, or the1980s. I think this generation tends to be unrestrained and ignores life"s complexity. But at the same time, they are also under tremendous stress. With this song, I want to suggest that our generation should live free and easy but also with a sense of responsibility. You can do what you want, but never hurt others. 1985 is an end and also a curtain lifted. It would be the best choice for the main song.
      Bilingual Time: What is the biggest reward for producing this album?
      D・Kwok: I"ve learnt much because there were too many first attempts. Since entering this company I have never stopped learning. Many people, such as Lin Zhemin, Terence Teo and Namekata Yoichi, have helped me a lot. And there are some others like Gao Xiaosong and Jacky Cheung, who have earnestly listened to my album. Jacky is my hero since childhood. It"s such a great encouragement that he has affirmed my work.
      Bilingual Time: When did you become interested in music?
      D・Kwok: I was born in, if you could say so, a family of musicians. My father graduated as a composer and my mother is a ballerina in a local art troupe, so my journey into music began with my birth. My parents always strongly supported my musical interests. They would buy me whatever cassette I liked. In school I was very fond of art. I took part in a variety of theatrical performances and was elected Minister of Art in the student union. Campus life was fun. Then I went to Beijing to start formal studies of music.
      Bilingual Time: Why are you so dedicated to music?
      D・Kwok:Because I"m capable of nothing else. (laughs) I think music is too important to me. I must live in a musical mood everyday. Music is very good to me and I must treasure it.
      Bilingual Time: When did you first begin to compose melodies?
      D・Kwok: I haven"t studied composition formally. But early in my childhood, I sometimes hummed some melodies off the cuff. I used to record them with a tape recorder and play them to other people. Composition, I think, is one of life"s sentiments. Everyone is able to compose. We may find ourselves humming something we like from time to time. Actually if we put them together according to certain rules, we might be able to compose a beautiful song. I really enjoy composing in this way. It feels more like playing around, and not trying to be very serious and make something flawless.
      Bilingual Time: Have you found that your attitude toward music has changed since you have become professional?
      D・Kwok: Absolutely. Before I released my album I could do whatever I pleased with music.Since its release, I have been possessed by a sense of responsibility. I feel that the audience"s standards are ever increasing. The more they demand the more stress the musician bears. In fact, I think that when I play in a relaxed way, the audience enjoys the music more. A song, composed about the joy, sorrow and sentiments of life, is like a photo album. By opening it, you may recall a lot of memories. But, of course, to be sincere is always very important. We should play with sincerity.
      Bilingual Time: If one day, no one listens to D・Kwok anymore, what will you do?
      D・Kwok: I"ve said that music is all that my life is about. I own nothing but music. Even if nobody likes me anymore, I wouldn"t give up. Actually I have been a musician in obscurity all along. I have never been tempted to pander to everyone. I will work hard at it. At least I will be satisfied with myself.
      Bilingual Time: What is your next objective?
      D・Kwok: My next album. I wouldn"t want to keep you guys waiting. The first is to make me known, and the second will bring something totally new. I will keep my word. In my next album, I"ll try more musical genres and I will concentrate more effort on developing my own style. What"s more, I want to make some MVs that you may have never seen. In short, there will much more of the D・Kwok style.
      Bilingual Time: Are there any European or American singers that you like?
      D・Kwok: Sure. Usher, Alicia and Mariah Carey. I"m very fond of their music. They have influenced me deeply. I"ve listened to their songs for a long time and dreamed to be like them someday. They have won many Grammy Awards and I may never have a chance. Anyway I"m trying my best on my own work, but I really appreciate these artists. Lately I heard that my songs were played and strongly promoted by a Chinese radio station in LA. It"s a great pleasure that the Chinese there could hear my voice. I hope they will support original mainland artists.

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