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    时间:2019-02-16 03:33:05 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      Dialogues 精彩对白   1.波澜又起   迈克斯和罗拉盗走第二颗拿破伦钻石后,决定在天堂岛过起幸福的生活。孰料,他们的死对头――联邦调查局探员斯坦却一路追踪至此,并向迈克斯展示了在此地展出的最后一颗拿破仑之钻的图片。原本平静的生活又掀新的波澜……
      Max: State your business.
      Stan: You"re gonna shoot an FBI agent, Burdett?
      Max: All I see is an intruder, who just swallowed eighty dollar"s worth of my whiskey.
      Stan: Put down the weapon. Don"t make me shoot you again.
      Max: Again?
      Stan: Oh, is that the way we"re gonna play it?
      Max: What are you doing in my house, Agent Lloyd?
      Stan: Sitting, drinking, eating chocolate.
      Max: You have a warrant?
      Stan: FBI doesn"t have jurisdiction here.
      Max: I know, that"s why I came down here.
      Stan: Oh, I don"t think it is. The Seven Seas Navigator docking here for a solid week. They"re having a nice promotion for the maiden voyage, calling it "The Diamond Cruise". A gem exhibit whose star attraction is the third Napoleon Diamond. Stop me when I get to the part you don"t know. It"s the only one you two haven"t stolen.
      Max: Allegedly.
      Stan: And it"s gonna be right here for a whole week. The last of the set. And I suspect you plan to purloin it.
      Max: Well, I don"t. So finish your drink and get out.
      Stan: It"s ok to be happy to see me. Just because you"re English doesn"t mean you need to hide your emotions.
      Max: I"m Irish; we let people know how we feel. Now, fuck off. You can take any bugs you planted along with you. I"m retired.
      Stan: A retired guy wouldn"t have anything to worry about from those. Mind if I borrow this?
      Max: Take it, you might learn something from it. But return it for me, it"s overdue.
      Stan: Give my love to Lola, will you?
      Max: How is the tennis lesson?
      Lola: Great. The teacher says I"m a natural. He says I"ve got the best backside he"s ever seen.
      Max: That"s backhand. Don"t go in there.
      Lola: Why?
      Max: Let"s talk.
      Lola: Ok, you"re making me nervous and I don"t get nervous.
      Max: Agent Lloyd just left.
      Lola: What"s he doing here?
      Max: He came to show me this.
      Lola: Damn it, Max. Is this what we"re here for?
      Max: No. It"s not.
      Lola: This is not retirement at all. This is the next setup, isn"t it?
      Max: Baby, you choose this island, remember?
      Lola: I hope you don"t think this is a gift from God. "Cause this is God messing with us.
      Sophie: Ok. The watermarks and holograms match. But I still have to register the gun.
      Stan: You have a nice smile.
      Sophie: I haven"t smiled at you.
      Stan: You will.
      Zacharias: That"s just the way I feel about it and they have to deal with it.
      Policeman: Yes, sir.
      Zacharias: Uh, Sophie. I need to speak to you. I"m getting complaints about you bothering Henry Mooré.
      Sophie: Just doing my job, Zacharias.
      Zacharias: The man is practically the unofficial mayor of the island. In one year he"s made everyone here like him. Something you haven"t been able to do in a lifetime.
      Sophie: I guess we can"t all be the kiss-ass politician you are.
      Zacharias: I want you to stay behind tonight so we can discuss your attitude.
      Sophie: You knew about my attitude the day we got married and knew about it the day we got divorced. You"re not gonna learn anymore about it tonight. Besides, I have plans with Special Agent Lloyd of the FBI. He"s just arrived on the island.
      Zacharias: Is that so?
      Stan: Shall we?
      Sophie: We shall.
      Stan: She"s feisty.
       (In the restaurant)
      Stan: What"s the shortest amount of time you"ve ever known a guy before you kissed him?
      Sophie: I see what you"re thinking, and you can forget it. Guys come down to this island looking for a slice of paradise with a local girl, and they will say anything to get it.
      Stan: I resent being lumped in with all guys. Though, admittedly I would say anything right now.
      Sophie: How long have you been chasing Max?
      Stan: Seven years, ever since the first Napoleon Diamond went missing. I got to the scene, took a few shots at the getaway car. Next day, bottle of champagne arrives at FBI headquarters for me with a note, says "Aim for the tires next time".
      Sophie: He was baiting you.
      Stan: Mm.
      Sophie: Is there a money trail?
      Stan: Everything"s clean: taxes, bank accounts. He doesn"t buy expensive paintings, yachts, nothing. I think it"s more about the challenge and the alibi. That is his work of art.
      Sophie: Sounds like you admire him.
      Stan: Would I like to live one day in his velvety slippers? Maybe. But I don"t admire him. He"s beat me too many times for that.
      Sophie: Maybe you need the female touch.
      Stan: That"s exactly what I need.
      Sophie: Listen, I want a big arrest, you need local help. I"ll extend the FBI courtesy on this one as long as I"m riding shotgun.
      Jean-Paul: Give me a ride.
      Max: I don"t think so.
      Jean-Paul: Maybe you should think again. May I present Monsieur Henry Mooré?
      Mooré: Mr. Burdett. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir.
      Max: Oh, you"re an American. Mm, Henry Mooré?
      Mooré: Ah, my name is Henry Moore. I place the thing on the E. I felt it more appropriate to my surroundings. Please. I image you"re wondering why you"re here.
      Max: Well...
      Mooré: Forgive Jean-Paul"s tactics, Mr. Burdett, but to put it bluntly, the impoverished people of this island need your help. Five years ago, I was a successful businessman in Detroit. While vacationing on this island, I was sitting on the beach drinking a...
      Mooré"s girl: Citron Martini.
      Mooré: I don"t recall what I was drinking, it"s not important, but I experienced a revelation that I had been brought to this island to provide the commensurate social services that were sadly lacking for the poorer elements of society here.
      Max: And you want me to buy a table at your next fundraiser.
      Mooré: No, Mr. Burdett. But I"m offering you the opportunity to participate in the vital growth of my infrastructure.
      Max: Uh-huh, how is that?
      Mooré: I want you to steal me that diamond.
      Max: I"m not a criminal.
      Mooré: Right, neither am I.
      Max: Good. Then we understand each other.
      Mooré: Yes.
      Max: Yeah.
      Mooré: Let me show you around, Mr. Burdett. Do you think it fair that the indigenous of this island are not allowed to enter the casinos unless they work there? Why is it that only the rich should enjoy pharmaceutically-assisted moments of personal introspection. The safety and security found in owning your own machine gun. The pleasure derived from financially procured female companionship. The underprivileged should not be denied these essential diversions. I mean, look around you, Mr. Burdett. No one is turned away. All I do, I do for the people.
      Max: And why do you need the diamond for that?
      Mooré: I have an urgent need to expand my humanitarian program. A cash injection in the tens of millions of dollars would relieve the entire Caribbean. What I"m suggesting is a partnership, Mr. Burdett. You are a stranger to this island. I can give you what you don"t have: access to the marina, a cruise, rotation schedules. Whatever you need.
      1. State your business. 意思相当于“有何贵干”。
      2. bug 影片中的的意思不是“虫子”,而是“窃听器”的意思。
      3. setup 影片中的意思是“计划”。
      4. kiss-ass “马屁精”、“谄媚者”的意思。
      5. bait影片中不是“鱼饵”的意思,而是“逗弄,侮弄”。
      6. velvety slippers 字面意思是“天鹅绒制的拖鞋”,在影片中是用作一种比喻手法,指享受迈克斯那样的奢华生活。
      7. touch 指的是一种显而易见的作用或影响力。
      8. extend the FBI courtesy 影片中指得是索菲将使斯坦的行动在当地合法化。
      9. ride shotgun 这是一个美国俚语,原指作为乘客搭车陪伴司机,影片中是说索菲作为迈克斯的“同伴”的意思。
      10. buy a table 影片中的意思是“捐献一笔钱”。
      Stan: Tell me this isn"t better than standing in some lineup.
      Max: Never been in a lineup.
      Stan: Ooh, that"s a hell of a watch. What"s that kind of thing run you?
      Max: Coupla grand. Why don"t you pick one up on the Bureau"s expense account?
      Stan: Oh, they keep me on a real tight leash. I got you to thank for that. Woo, it"s cooking out here. So if I didn"t shoot you, where"d you get the screen door?
      Max: Knitting accident.
      Stan: Dab some of this on my back, will you?
      Max: You serious?
      Stan: Yeah, I"ve got delicate skin. I don"t wanna burn.
      Max: I bet you were the best kid in the neighborhood at hide-and-seek, huh? So you joined the Bureau.
      Stan: Yeah, you know I found them all.
      Max: Well, no one ever found me. Once I found a good spot, I"d stay there for days. There you go.
      Stan: Ah, turn around. I"ll do you.
      Max: I"ll handle it.
      Stan: Oh, come on. You"re gonna burn.
      Max: Good, ok. Yeah, that"s good. That"s good.
      Stan: Don"t you want me to coat everything?
      Max: My pole.
      Stan: No way, man. I"m only doing your back.
      Max: My pole. We got something. Come on. Oh! Look at this. Oh, we got something here, Stanley. Come on. Help, help me pull it up. Don"t lose him, don"t lose him. This is big, ok, come on, pull.
      Stan: It"s huge.
      Max: Are you pulling?
      Stan: I"m pulling, man. I"m...
      Max: Jesus Christ. Stanley, one, two! Three! Ah!
      Stan: Jesus Christ! It"s a shark!
      Max: It"s a shark.
      Stan: Why is it not moving?
      Max: Maybe it"s in shock.
      Stan: Well, what do you wanna do?
      Max: Maybe it"s dead. I mean, it looks dead. Go over and shake it.
      Stan: Why me?
      Max: Well, you"re FBI.
      Stan: What"s that have to do with anything?
      Max: Well, if it bites your arms off, you get disability for the rest of your life. Go.
      Stan: You hooked it. You go see if it"s alive.
      Max: Yeah, I hooked it, so you go see if it"s alive. Go.
      Stan: Hey, hey. Ok, alright. Here I go. I"m just gonna sneak up on it.
      Max: Why you whispering?
      Stan: So it won"t know the plan. Hey. Shit!
      Max: Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
      Stan: You have the right to remain silent!
      Max: Now it"s dead. Yeah.
      Stan: Oh.
      Max: Lola!
      Lola: It"s locked. And don"t try to break in. You"re not welcome. I finished the deck. You promised to spend the first sunset on it together.
      Max: Lola.
      Lola: That"s not all. I found your notebook.
      Max: Lola. I"ll sit down right now and write my vows, ok?
      Lola: The vows are not for me, they"re for you. You have to figure out if what we have means anything to you. Come on, Max. Do you really think the third one"s gonna make you whole?
      Max: I don"t know.
      Lola: Well, don"t come back until you do.
      Max: Where am I supposed to go?
      (Stan opens the door)
      Max: She threw me out.
      Stan: Why is it my problem?
      Max: "Cause every hotel on the island is booked. Can I move this surveillance stuff?
      Stan: Don"t mess with it. It"s very expensive.
      Max: Listen, I"m not gonna sleep on the floor.
      Stan: Well, I guess you"re out of luck.
      Max: We both are. Move over. Hey. Shit.
      Stan: So what did you do?
      Max: I missed our first sunset on her new deck.
      Stan: That"s it?
      Max: I"m no good at sunset.
      Stan: Of course you"re not. The world is divided up between people who like to watch the sunset and those who don"t. People like you are never happy. You"re anxious, type A, egocentric perfectionists who can"t sit still and die alone with a million bucks and a thousand regrets. But people who can relax and enjoy the sunset, hold the hands at the end of the day, they"re the happy ones.
      Max: So why can"t you do that?
      Stan: Because of you. Don"t hog the blanket. Night, Max.
      Max: Night.
      Max: Lola, wait. Hear me out.
      Lola: It"s not gonna work, Max. Not this time.
      Max: I know it"s too late, but I finally wrote them. See? Lots of words. But I don"t need to read them because I know it by heart. I"ve spend my whole life chasing things which I thought were valuable when the only thing I really care for was right in front of me all along. You are my heart, Lola. From this moment on you are my only jewel. I want a life filled with sunsets. And I never wanna watch one of them without you, not ever. The first diamond I"ve ever bought. I love you, Lola Cirillo, marry me.
      Lola: On one condition.
      Max: Anything.
      Lola: I want the receipt.
      11. lineup 本意是“队列”,因为在警察局辨认罪犯时,所有嫌犯都要排成一列,所以用此来代指“警察局”。
      12. Coupla grand 原形是“couple of grand”,其中“grand”是俚语,意思是“一千美元”。
      13. cook 本意是“烹调”,影片中用这个词暗指天气很热,都可以把人给煮熟了。
      14. screen door 影片中指的是“迈克斯肩膀上的弹孔”。
      15. sneak up on “偷偷摸摸做某事”的意思。
      16. type A 指的是行为类型为A类的人,特征是有进取心、竞争心,易紧张,病发心脏病。
      17. buck 俚语,是“钱”的意思。
      18. hog原意是“公猪、贪婪者”的意思,引申为“贪心攫取,独占”的意思。
      19. hear out 意思是“听某人把话讲完”。
      Max: Here you go, Luc.
      Luc: Thank you.
      Max: Thank you. Jack on the rocks with an umbrella. What the hell, I"m celebrating.
      Stan: Forget the Jack on the rocks. Let"s have Remoras all around.
      Luc: Remoras all around.
      Max: Stanley, what the hell are you doing here?
      Stan: Well, I thought I"d stick around.
      Max: Oh.
      Stan: Oh, yeah, look familiar. Treated myself. Maxed out the credit card, but suits me, don"t you think?
      Max: Must take a bite out of a government salary?
      Stan: Ah, I can afford it all right. Come on, let"s sip our Remoras and talk about it, shall we?
      Max: I thought you said these things have a kick. Luc, what"s in this?
      Luc: Orange juice, mango juice, grenadine and coconut milk.
      Max: No liquor?
      Stan: Nada.
      (Max starts to memorize all things and knows Stan set him up)
      Stan: I love these Remoras. Bartender, give me another.
      Max: You tell anyone I tucked him in, I"ll kill you.
      Luc: Sure thing, Mr. Burdett.
      Max: Call me Max.
      Luc: Max.
      Stan: You know I really like that cove. Are you ok? Cause you don"t look too good. As an underwater enthusiast you should know what a remora really is, Max. The remora is kind of a stowaway. A suck fish that sticks to the shark"s body and feeds off it. The shark does all the work, but the remora gets all the spoils.
      Max: You did it, Stan. Right from the start.
      Stan: It"s the only one you two haven"t stolen.
      Max: You set me up.
      Stan: I revel in it! I revel in it! Could it be that the great Max Burdett has finally lost?
      Max: No, I didn"t. I got Lola.
      Stan: Aww.
      Max: Congratulations, Stan.
      (Stan is calling someone to deal with the diamond)
      Stan: I"m looking at it right now. My plane takes off in ten minutes. Tomorrow morning the bidding will start at thirty million dollars and if I were you, I"d bring cash.
      Max: You win some, you lose some.
      Lola: We still have the sunsets.
      Max: Yeah.
      Lola: Don"t worry, one day you"ll find a hobby.
      Max: You know, I think I already have.
      Stan: Bye-bye, paradise. No, no! Max, no, you bastard!
      Lola: Last time, alright, Max?
      Max: Oh, last time. Mm.
      Stan: You son of bitch, Max!
      20. Jack on the rocks “Jack”是一种威士忌的名称,“on the rocks”是指加冰块。
      21. Nada 西班牙语,相当于英文中的“nothing”。
      22. stowaway 影片中指寄生鲨鱼身上的寄生鱼。
      23. feed off 固定搭配,“依靠……维持生命”。
      24. spoil 意思是“掠夺物,战利品”。
      Things to Look for 五大看点
      看点1: DIRECTOR
      Classic Bond 流金岁月
      The Bond Dossier 邦德档案
      Name:James Bond
      Eye Colour:蓝色
      Hair Colour:黑色
      Physical characteristics:
      The Fifth Bond:Pierce Brosnan:
      Weapons and Equipment in the 007 Films007影片的武器装备
      Walther P99手枪
      配有16发9mm子弹的名枪Walther P99,在未装弹时只有0.5公斤重,枪柄位及3个保险闸是依照人体手形而进行设计的。P99可以说是邦德的最佳拍挡。

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