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    时间:2019-01-08 03:24:51 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      翻译:王冰清   芬兰是圣诞之乡,当地人的过节习俗丰富多彩。每逢11月底,芬兰的大城小镇便开始张灯结彩,圣诞市集陆续登场,还有五光十色的冬日工艺品以及香气诱人的节庆食物……让我们赶快启程,一起畅游圣诞老人村吧!
      We all know that each Christmas Santa travels all over the world bearing presents and good will. And surely everyone’s dream must be making a return visit to where he lives. Well now you can!
      Santa Claus lives in Lapland, in the north of Finland. You can meet him any day of the year in Rovaniemi, in Santa Claus Village on the 1)Arctic Circle. Santa’s secret 2)getaway is in the east of Lapland, on the Korvatunturi 3)Fell, where he was first spotted in the 1920’s. The 4)secluded area of Korvatunturi, impossible to reach by anyone else, is situated on the border between Finland and Russia. The Korvatunturi Fell is 483 metres high and is the shape of an ear注. With the unique shape of the Fell, Santa can listen to all the children around the world.
      As early as in the 1950’s Santa would enjoy visiting the Arctic Circle near the town of Rovaniemi, not only on Christmas but all throughout the year. By 1985, his visits had become so regular that he founded his own village there. Santa Claus Village is easy to reach. It is located 8km north of the centre of Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland. Today, Santa Claus Village includes Santa Claus Office and Santa Claus Main Post Office as well as the 5)reindeer park and SantaPark nearby.
      In Santa’s Office, there is a Big Book in which Santa enters details of all the children in the world. In the olden days he would write with a 6)quill pen. Yet because the 7)elves are bright little folk, today Santa has the use of digital technology! The clever elves take photos of every single visitor to store in Santa’s Big File. The photos are a good reminder because many children 8)alter a lot even in a year. Besides, Santa’s friends often wonder how on earth they are going to convince their friends and relatives that they really have met Santa in person. The camera elves have a good solution to this problem in a flash they provide you with a quality photo as a 9)souvenir and proof of your visit.
      Santa Clausvery own post office is located at the Arctic Circle in Santa Claus Village. This is where children from all around the world send their wishes and letters to Lapland’s Santa Claus every year. Santa and the elves that speak different languages have an 10)enormous job in handling all the letters and making sure that the packages and letters sent from the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi are properly stamped.
      Situated 2km south of Santa Claus Village, SantaPark is the best place for you and your family to spend the Christmas with Santa Claus. Hidden in the magical underground 11)grottoes, Santa’s little helpers the elves are making Christmas presents and delicacies. Some of them are making tasty 12)gingerbread under the 13)supervision of the head baker. Restaurant Santa Claus offers you with a wonderful dinner after having great fun at SantaPark.
      Santa Claus comes to the Santa Claus Village every day of the year to listen to children’s wishes and to talk to people from all over the world. Before we leave Santa Claus Village, let’s listen to Santa’s voice from Lapland, Finland!
      Q: You have lived in Lapland for quite a long time. But how did you end up here in the first place?
      A: Well, I think maybe the most important thing is the beautiful and peaceful nature here in Lapland. And of course the reindeer. They are very important to me. And this is the homeland of the reindeer. And it has been proved that the quiet 14)wilderness on the fields are a very good place for very secret workshops. (laughs) Q: Lapland is pretty far up north. How do you deal with the long distances, especially during Christmas Eve?
      A: (laughs) How do you mean far away? Lapland is not far away. There are maybe other places that are far away but we are very centre of everything. (laughs) But of course transportation has never been a problem to me. Most important way of traveling is with the reindeer 15)sledge, (laughs) especially on Christmas night. (laughs)
      Q: Has Lapland changed a lot since the early days?
      A: Nowadays, there’re lots and lots of more people coming here. Connections are better, roads, railways; and airplane’s now flying many destinations in Lapland. But of course one very important thing which hasn’t changed is the beauty and peacefulness of the nature, the wilderness. And that is a very good thing, makes me very happy.
      Q: How do you travel in those parts of the world that doesn’t have any snow?
      A: Well, moving around all over the world is not a problem even when there isn’t any snow. Because the magical sledge led by my reindeer will always take me anywhere. (laughs)

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