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    时间:2019-01-08 03:18:13 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      为纪念伽利略首次使用望远镜进行天文观测400周年,在国际天文学联合会和联合国教科文组织的共同倡议下,联合国大会将2009年正式定为国际天文年,并将其主题定为“探索我们的宇宙”。终于迎来最后三个发现了!小编们松了一口气,估计同学们也大呼“解脱”了吧?持续三期的专题内容,啃下来虽然有点吃力,但本次专题确实是不错的语音和写作学习材料―把这上、中、下三期文章的声音连着脱稿听一遍,学习主持人如何将13个天文发现完美无瑕、环环相扣地娓娓道来。同学们也不妨边听边做记录,试着根据笔记将发现者及发现内容按照时间顺序简要复述出来。前两期发现内容请查阅CE: Teens 2009年7、8月号。
      Gamma Ray Bursts
      Discoverer: U.S. scientists
      The coming of the “space age” ushered[引领] in a golden age of astronomy that is still going on today. That golden age began, strangely enough, not in space but with the turning point in cold war relations, that also contributed to our next great discovery.
      In the 1960s, despite a nuclear test ban treaty, The Soviet Union refused to allow on-site[现场的] inspectors at its nuclear facilities. As a result, the U.S. opted[选择]
      to monitor the Soviets by developing an orbital satellite
      system, capable of detecting gamma ray bursts
      produced by nuclear explosions. Because the satellite’s detectors looked up as well as down, scientists decided to use them to see if supernovae[超新星] produced gamma rays when they exploded. Between 1969 and 1972, they detected evidence of 16 short gamma ray bursts scattered across the sky. There was just one problem. None of the bursts correlated[相互关联] with any of the known supernova events. And the mystery deepened.
      Over the next two decades, astronomers detected an average of one gamma ray burst a day, but each burst happened so quickly that it was over before astronomers could get a telescope aimed at it. Finally, astronomers
      began to solve the puzzle with the help of the BeppoSAX注1
      space telescope, which was designed specifically to
      detect short bursts of gamma and X-rays and precisely pinpoint[精确定位] their locations.
      On December 14th, 1997, BeppoSAX located a gamma ray burst, leading to the first photographs ever taken of a burst in wavelengths other than gamma. To their astonishment, astronomers discovered that the burst took place in a galaxy 12 billion light years away, making
      it one of the universe’s most powerful explosions. Since then, dozens of other gamma ray bursts have been
      similarly documented, all just as powerful and far away. As for what it all means, the discovery of gamma ray bursts have once again shown us that, hidden out there behind the veil of the earth’s atmosphere are objects that are not only strange and hard to fathom[进行探测] � black holes, pulsars[脉冲星], quasars[类星体] � but they’re lethal[致命的], too. Gamma ray bursts are now considered a possible cause of past extinction events on earth.
      The scientist Sir Arthur Eddington once noted, “Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.” He could have been
      talking about gamma ray bursts, the expanding universe or the theory of general relativity. It also happens to be a perfect description of our next discovery.
      Planets Orbiting Other Stars
      Discoverer: Alexander Wolszczan, Geoffrey Marcy and other scientists
      Once, it would have been impossible for
      astronomers to imagine discovering other solar systems with planets like our own. But today, astronomers can imagine, thanks to powerful space- and ground-based telescopes like the one here at the Lick Observatory in Mount Hamilton, California, where Jeff Marcy is hunting for new planets.
      Nye: How do you go about finding a planet around a star?
      Marcy: Well, it’s very easy. We watch the star to see if it wobbles[摇摆] in response to the planet yanking[猛拉] on it gravitationally.
      Nye: Oh, you just need one of these.
      Marcy: That’s right. This is the three-meter Lick
      Observatory telescope.
      The search for extra-terrestrial[地球的] planetary systems gained momentum[气势] in the early 1990s, when a Polish astronomer made a surprising discovery.
      Marcy: There’s a wonderful discovery by Alex Wolszczan of a system of three planets orbiting a pulsar, and the way he found them was quite
      exciting. He watches the pulses coming from the
      pulsar, and the arrival of those pulses changes as the pulsar approaches and recedes[后退] us. These are hideous[可怕的] stars. Pulsars
      have ultraviolet[紫外线辐射],
      X-rays and gamma rays coming off them. They’re the bizarre[奇异的] end products of a supernova explosion, and despite that bizarre
      environment, here we have earth-sized planets going around it. If there’re earth-size planets around pulsars, you can bet there are earth-size planets around other stars.
      Since Wolszczan’s discovery, Marcy and other astronomers have found more than 130 extra-solar planets.
      Marcy: We thought we would never find even one planet, and we have found the world’s only
      triple[由三个部分组成的] planet system and quad-
      ruple[由四个部分组成的] planet system with this telescope. These are planets the size of our Jupiter, Saturn, and the smallest are Neptune-sized, so it’s quite exciting. We’re finding planets of Jupiter size, but even those a few times bigger than the earth.
      While no earth-like planets have yet been found, the search continues.
      The Universe Is Accelerating
      Discoverer: Saul Perlmutter and other scientists
      As the universe expanded following the Big Bang, logic dictated that the gravitational attraction of all matter should pull at that expanding material and cause the expansion to slow. But how much was the universe slowing down? In the 1990s the Hubble space telescope made it possible
      for teams of scientists to answer the question by studying the brightness of light from a special type of exploding star called a Type 1-A supernova.
      I paid a visit to the
      Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory in San Francisco,
      and met with astrophysicist Saul Perlmutter, who
      headed-up the Supernova Cosmology Project.
      Nye: So what did you find out?
      Perlmutter: So we started to make a measurement to try to find out how much the universe, in its extension, is slowing down. When we first saw the data, you…you say, “Well, that’s kind of funny. It kinda looks as if the universe isn’t…isn’t slowing down.” You check each step of the process, and little by little, it really looks like the universe is actually speeding up. This acceleration of the universe doesn’t fit at all. We understand pretty well what all the forces are in the universe and what all the objects are in the universe, and this is one of the first times that we’ve come across something that we wouldn’t have predicted.
      Nye: Why is it accelerating?
      Perlmutter: Well, that’s the question that has us all dying to know the answer, and, I mean, one way to think about it is that if you have a[n] energy, of this odd sort that would pervade[遍及] all of space, it can actually speed up [the] universe where gravity’s trying to slow it down. And we’re calling that “dark energy,” just to
      reflect the fact that we don’t know what it is.
      Here we have SNAP注2 that we’re hoping to be able to launch in the not-too-distant future. This one goes out to a location out past the moon. From that vantage point[有利位置]
      you can measure the expansion history with such detail that we could actually see the little changes, when it goes from
      deceleration[减速] to acceleration. Back when the universe was
      really dense and close together, gravity was more important and it slowed the expansion down. As it kept expanding, though, even slower and slower, it lost out and gravity became less important than the dark energy, which took over and started to accelerate
      the expansion. And we’re after exactly how that changeover
      occurred, and that will tell us about what different possible
      theories could be right, to explain the dark energy.
      Nye: Always expanding…
      Perlmutter: Exactly.
      Nye: …but slowly then speeding up.
      Perlmutter: Exactly.
      Nye: And that’s where we are now.
      Perlmutter: Exactly. So it’s this issue of… “Did it slow down and then suddenly spurt[突然急速行进]? Or did it slow and come to a
      wobble and then take off?” You know, what…what was that
      transition like?
      Just like the ancient astronomers, modern scientists have discovered something about the cosmos that we can not yet
      explain. It’ll be up to observers and theorists to figure out what’s
      going on in our expanding universe. For this, they’ll need new ideas and better instruments. Now, whether this mystery is solved soon or far in the future, you can be certain of one thing �
      we will keep watching the skies to understand our place in the cosmos. We will continue to explore, understand and discover.
      注1:比普卫星(BeppoSAX)是一颗由多间意大利与荷兰公司合作研制出的、用于X射线研究的卫星,于1996年4月30日发射升空,原定两年的服务年限被延长至6年,2003年4月29日脱离轨道跌落太平洋。其名字中的“Beppo”以意大利天体物理学家吉斯珀・比普・奥克利尼(Giuseppe Beppo Occhialini)命名,而“SAX”是意大利语“Satellite per Astronomia a raggi X”,即“Satellite for X-ray astronomy”。
      注2:超新星加速探测器(Supernova Acceleration Probe)的缩写。

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