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    时间:2022-12-08 16:15:04 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

    吉林 孙大有


    ?主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:328词 建议用时:6分钟

    1Every young person deserves a complete and competitive education that includes art.Sufficient data supports the belief that study and participation in the arts are key components in improving learning throughout all academic areas.

    2Art education increases student engagement. Art is hands-on, has immediate rewards, focuses on positive achievements,develops concrete products and fosters teamwork. Art provides many opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills through real performances.

    3Learning a musical instrument, creating a painting, learning to dance, or singing in a chorus shows that taking small steps, practicing to improve, being persistent, and being patient are important for children"s growth and improvement. Students gain confidence as they try to accomplish things that do not come easily. Learning an artistic discipline helps young people develop character. Students learn habits, behaviors and attitudes that are necessary for success in any field of endeavor.

    4Art enhances creativity. Art education develops creativity, one of the top five skills employers prize for the 21st century. Students receiving an arts-rich education perform better on assessments of creativity than do students receiving little or no art education.

    5Students can sharpen critical intellectual skills by art education. Art develops higher levels of thinking that carry over to learning other academic subjects as well as to life outside of school. Through art, children learn to observe, interpret, see different perspectives and analyse.

    6Art expands on and enriches learning in other subjects. Works of art provide a visual context for learning about historical periods. Music, painting, drama, and dance help literature come alive.

    7Students practice teamwork. Artmaking allows students to experience what it feels like to be active members of a community and to work as a team to determine and achieve common goals. In developing a theatrical production, group performance, or any type of collaborative artistic endeavor, students practice the fine art of teamwork.

    8In sum, art can be considered a great power because of the above reasons. All students should be required to study art and music at school.

    Ⅰ. Complete the following mind map with only one word for each blank.

    Ⅱ. Discussion

    What are some of the benefits of art education that you have noticed with your friends?


    Ⅰ. 主题词汇


    drawing/painting 绘画

    figure painting 人物画

    watercolour (painting) 水彩画

    classical painting 古典画

    ancient painting 古画

    (traditional) Chinese painting 国画

    easel painting 架上画

    decorative painting 装饰画

    landscape (painting) 风景画

    modern painting 现代绘画

    wall painting/fresco 壁画

    ink painting/wash drawing 水墨画

    brush drawing 毛笔画

    genuine painting 真品

    fake drawing 赝品

    sketch 素描

    character sketch 人物素描

    huge portrait 巨幅肖像画

    self-portrait 自画像

    portrait/portraiture 肖像

    realistic portrait 人物写实

    print 版画

    fine brushwork 工笔画

    wood-block print 木版画

    woodcut/wood engraving 木刻画

    collage 拼贴画

    pencil drawing 铅笔画

    freehand brushwork 写意画

    illustration 插画

    caricature/cartoon 漫画

    still life sketch 静物写生

    poster 海报

    cityscape 城市风光画

    picture-story book 连环画

    still life 静物画

    landscape scenery 山水风景

    flower-and-plant painting/flower piece 花卉画

    flower-and-bird painting 花鸟画

    doodle 乱涂;

    few swift strokes 草草几笔

    paper mounting 纸裱

    section 局部

    schools of painting 画派

    schools of (traditional) Chinese painting国画派别

    (traditional) Chinese painting technique 国画技法

    Western painting method 西画画法

    subject 主题;

    dull colour 暗色

    gay colour 亮色

    pattern 图案

    drawing board 绘画板

    drawing easel 画架

    picture frame 画框

    model 模特儿

    palette 调色板

    critic 批评家

    art criticism 艺术批评

    impressionism 印象派

    naturalism 自然主义

    expressionism 表现主义

    modernism 现代主义

    Fauvism 野兽派

    surrealism 超现实主义

    realist school 写实派

    academicism 学院派

    pointillism 点彩画法

    painting method 绘画方法


    wrought iron 锻铁

    bust 半身像

    stele 石碑

    high relief 高浮雕

    low relief/bas-relief 浅浮雕

    sculptor 雕塑家

    carving 雕刻品

    statue 雕像;

    figure 塑像

    bronze 青铜艺术品

    mold 模子

    cast 铸件;

    workshop 工场


    hip hop 嘻哈文化

    breaking 霹雳舞

    locking 锁舞

    popping 震感舞

    waacking 甩手舞

    krump 狂派舞


    jazz 爵士乐

    pop music 流行音乐

    rock music 摇滚乐

    folk music 民乐

    tune 曲调

    chorus 合唱曲;

    symphony 交响乐;

    concerto 协奏曲

    opera 歌剧


    candid photograph 快拍摄影

    colour photo 彩色照片

    family photograph 家庭照片

    full-length portrait 全身照

    group photograph 集体照

    half-length portrait 半身照

    movie photographer 电影摄影师

    passport photo 护照照片

    photographic portrait 人像照片

    photographic record of a trip 旅行的摄影记录

    portrait from life 生活肖像

    professional photographer 职业摄影师

    profile portrait 侧面像

    still photograph 静态照片

    aerial photograph 空中照片

    amateur photographer 业余摄影师

    autographed photograph 亲笔签名照

    enlarged photograph 放大的照片

    expert in photography 摄影专家

    adopt various poses for the photographer


    assume/strike a pose 摆姿势

    Ⅱ. 主题美句

    1. The mysteries of life exist in art;art is the shadow of life. 生活的奥秘存在于艺术之中,艺术是生活的影子。

    2. The essence of art is to make people happy, to inspire people and to make people powerful. 艺术的真谛在于让人快乐、让人振奋、让人强大。

    3. When you master the whole song,you will get the greatest sense of accomplishment, and it"s a perfect feeling. 当你掌握了整首歌,你会获得最大的成就感,那是一种绝妙的感觉。

    4. Art, a sacred and honorable word,probably most people think that only the most famous people have such temperament. But if you are careful, you will find that there is art everywhere. 艺术,一个神圣、令人崇敬的词。可能大多数人都认为只有那些名流泰斗级人物才具有这样的气质(艺术气质)。但如果你留心观察,你会发现艺术无处不在。

    5. Art opens the heart and mind to possibilities and fuels the imagination. Art is a process of learning to create ourselves and experience the world in new ways. It supports the bigger view of life—beauty,symbols, spirituality, storytelling, and allows us to be present in the moment. 艺术为心灵和思维开放了多种可能性,激发想象力。



    6. Making art teaches that there is more than one solution to the same problem. Art challenges our beliefs and encourages open-ended thinking that creates an environment of creative thinking in problem solving. 艺术创作告诉我们,同样的问题不止一种解决方案。


    7. Art plays a more important role in child development than you might think.Artistic activities help children learn other subjects, such as reading and math. It also promotes visual, motor and social development. 艺术在儿童的成长中扮演的角色比你想象的重要。

    艺术活动帮助孩子们学习其他科目,例如阅读和数学。它还能促进视觉、运动和社交等方面的发展。Ⅲ. 主题写作

    假定你是李华,你校最近举办了一场主题为“My motherland and I”的学生美术作品展。



    1. 活动的基本情况;

    2. 你印象最深刻的作品;

    3. 你对这类活动的看法。


    1. 词数80左右;

    2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数;


    Dear Isabella,


    Li Hua

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