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    竹屋 [不丹震后竹屋重建]

    时间:2019-05-16 03:23:09 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

         1997年国际竹藤组织(INBAR)成立,这是世界上唯一一个致力于竹与藤可持续发展和利用的国际政   府间组织。自成立以来,一直在推动竹子在建造中的运用。INBAR近期最新完成的是位于不丹的项目,利
      定采用具有传统建筑特征的方式,同时将用材由木材改为竹子。项目负责人建筑师Nripal Adhikary曾
      说,这不仅仅在于竹子本身的优势和成本,更在于对传统文化的认同。最终整个竹结构为100m 2,造价
      约为$140/m 2,相当于同等木建筑造价的一半。所有竹子都采用改良的端部压注法体系,注入硼以防虫破
      Since its establishment in 1997, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), the world’s only intergovernmental organization dedicated to sustainable development and utilization of the world’s bamboo and rattan resources, has played a major role in promoting bamboo as a construction material. INBAR’s latest construction project in Bhutan provides an excellent example of how INBAR supports the transfer and adaptation of bamboo construction technologies to meet local needs. In 2009, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit Mongar District of Bhutan, about 180 km east of the capital Thimpu. The earthquake caused extensive damage to many monasteries and residential houses in the district. In response to this event, INBAR contributed to reconstruction efforts in Bhutan, an INBAR member country, by demonstrating the suitability of bamboo as a low-cost building material with earthquake resistant properties. INBAR’s support culminated in construction of a demonstration bamboo house in Tingtibi, Bhutan in September 2011. The project was implemented by INBAR in partnership with the Royal Government of Bhutan to promote local bamboo resources as an energy-efficient, renewable and earthquake-resistant building material that could blend into rich existing Bhutanese architectural practices. In Bhutan, bamboo is traditionally used as an infill material for timber-framed house. However, as the cost of timber is going up and supply is limited, people are switching over to concrete, thereby abandoning a rich architectural tradition. After an intense deliberation with local engineers, INBAR came created a design that retained traditional Bhutanese architectural features, while replacing timber with bamboo as structural element. "More than the strength and cost of the material, the most important part is the cultural acceptability; that is why we preserved the traditional architectural form," claims Nripal Adhikary, an INBAR architect and project manager. The size of the final bamboo structure is 100m2, which at a cost of approximately US$140/m2 is roughly half the price of an equivalent local timber building. For the construction, all bamboo was treated using a Modified Boucherie System, which impregnated boron compound into the bamboo as a prophylactic against pests. Modified Boucherie System offers a fairly simple but effective preservation treatment. The house was also plastered with red laterite soil, which, not only provides good thermal comfort, but also preserves bamboo by reducing moisture content to a level at which borer beetles cannot thrive. "The nearest hardware store was three hours away so we had to improvise and use local materials like rattan and wood for joinery, in the end this house is a synthesis of hard work, use of local resources and public participation" says Adhikary. Recently, there was another big earthquake in the region, with its epicenter in Sikkim, India being very close to the location of this demonstration house. The house suffered no damage, thus demonstrating bamboo"s earthquake-resistance properties. In December 2011, an inauguration for the bamboo house was conducted by the Royal Government of Bhutan, with the house now set to become the permanent residence of the Tingtibi Community Chief. Based on the success of this project, the government

    相关热词搜索: 不丹 重建 震后

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