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    [《北京爱情故事》第五集:迷路的美国小男孩Ⅲ] 北京爱情故事 在线观看

    时间:2019-02-16 03:34:11 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      【剧情简介】   星期天,小强、Sabrina、Lily决定带凯文到游乐场去游玩,当然酷保镖Ben也紧随其后,履行他的保护职责。游乐场里,凯文兴奋不已,什么冒险的游乐项目都想尝试一下,可害苦了一行的大人们。在玩“高空浏览”的过程中,Lily 吓得紧紧抓住了小强的手,使小强感到惬意无比。而一直表情严肃的保镖也在射击游戏中大显身手,为大家赢得了很多礼物,使众人满载而归�(见对话一)
      Language Focus / 语言点:
      1. 语言背后的文化知识
      2. 固定英语表达法
      3. 阅读难点解析
      Situation Dialogues 情景对话
      Part One: At the Amusement Park 玩转游乐园
      Kevin: This is the first time I"ve been to an amusement park in China! It"s Gggggreat!
      Xiao Qiang: Strange, how long have you been in China?
      Kevin: I don"t wanna talk to you, I wanna talk to these two beautiful ladies!
      Lily: No, no, no, don"t talk to me, there"s no telling what you will say next...
      Kevin: From now on, I will ignore all three of you... wow, I wanna play Top Buzz, come on!
      Sabrina: You forget, you just said you would ignore us. I"m confused.
      Kevin: Come on! I won"t ignore you until after we play Top Buzz, OK?
      Xiao Qiang: OK, but don"t forget.
      (They walk over to the ride.)
      Kevin: 5 tickets please.
      Man: I am sorry, you"re not tall enough to ride this one, little fella.
      Kevin: No way!You"re trying to ruin my life, aren"t you!
      Man: I"m sorry, rules are rules.
      Kevin: Man, that is so unfair. OK then, you can all go on the ride and I will wait for you here.
      Lily: What? No way! I don"t want to ride on that thing anyway.
      Xiao Qiang: Don"t worry, I"ll sit with you and keep you safe.
      Sabrina: Lily, listen to Xiaoqiang, he can take care of you, and the Top Buzz is not really dangerous at all. It"s all in your head. I will sit behind you with Ben (the bodyguard).
      Lily: OK...I"ll try anything once.
      (在玩“高空浏览”过程中,Lily 吓得紧紧抓住了小强的手,心里美滋滋的小强也紧紧握住了Lily。下来后,凯文开起了他们的玩笑,说小强喜欢握Lily的手,弄得小强一时不知所措,一个劲儿地跟Lily解释......)
      Lily: AAAaa..... I can"t open my eyes. Make it stop! I"m gonna die!! Can I hold your hand?
      Xiao Qiang: Sure sure sure! Don"t worry, I"ll be with you through it all, if you fall out of the car, I will go with you!
      (Lilly is absolutely terrified because Xiaoqiang mentions that they might fall out of their seats. She clings to Xiaoqiang"s arm in a death grip.)
      Lily: Oh my God, oh my God. Please don"t fall.
      Kevin: Yea haha, how was it?
      Lily: Don"t talk to me, it is all you and Xiaoqiang"s fault.
      Kevin: Hehe, Xiaoqiang just wanted to hold your hand, so I told you to go on the ride.
      Lily: What!?
      Xiao Qiang: That"s ridiculous! Why would you say that? I did not want to...hold...
      Kevin: You DON"T want to hold her hand?
      Xiao Qiang: No! I mean...
      Lily: Well, I"m sorry for making you so uncomfortable. I will make a point of not holding your hand in the future!
      Xiao Qiang: Kevin. Stop making things up, or else!
      Kevin: OK then, let"s go play the target shooting game, Ben is very good at it.
      Ben: Do you still remember who taught you how to shoot?
      Kevin: Of course, let"s have a competition!
      Ben: OK!
      Sabrina: Wow, Ben, you are such a stud, you"ve won so many gifts for us. If everyone knew their way around a shooting booth like you, the park would have to close!
      Ben: Yes, I have to, this is my job.
      Part Two: Unexpected Calls 意外来电
      Kevin: McDonald"s in China is a little bit different, I like it in America more.
      Sabrina: Since we are in China, the McDonald"s here is made to match local tastes, not yours.
      (Mobile phone rings.)
      Xiao Qiang: Hello, this is Xiaoqiang.
      Paul: This is Paul.
      Xiao Qiang: Oh, hi, how are you?
      Paul: I"m gonna tell you something that is going to surprise you, so just promise that you won"t get upset, OK?
      Xiao Qiang: OK... what"s up?
      Paul: Kevin"s grandfather is in Beijing, and he is in the hospital right now.
      Xiao Qiang: What?! How do you know that?
      Lily and Sabrina and Kevin: What"s up?
      Xiao Qiang: They found your grandfather.
      Paul: This is a long story, so bear with me. Kevin"s father is the CEO of Ogilvy Advertising, he came to China to meet with me to go over some new ventures here in China. He figured that this was a good chance to teach his grandson some self-reliance and maybe even learn about the way Chinese treat foreigners...so he left Kevin in Wangfujing on purpose. He has been watching everything the whole time and he was very impressed and happy. He wanted to let everyone in on the secret today but on the way out this morning he had a heart attack and is in the hospital now.
      Xiao Qiang: Unbelievable!
      (Another mobile phone rings.)
      Ben: Hello, this is Ben... OK, OK, OK, I know.
      Sabrina: What is it?
      Ben: That was the American embassy, Kevin"s parents are already here.
      Sabrina: What a day! I guess everyone is finally here.
      【Language Focus / 语言点】
      1. It"s Gggggreat!
      在西方,人们经常把各种谷类食品(如麦片粥)当作早餐。其中,最著名的谷类食物品牌之一就是“Frosted Flakes”。虽然这个品牌的食品没有什么特别之处,但许多小孩子都非常喜欢这个品牌的卡通形象――一只名为“Tony the Tiger”、会说话的老虎。在这个食品的广告末尾处,这只老虎会在吃着麦片大叫一声“They"re Ggggggreat!”因而这句话就成为了小孩子喜欢模仿的一句话。现在,人们在表示赞同时,也经常会以开玩笑的方式用到这句话。
      2. ...there"s no telling what you will say next...
      这是一个比较常用的语句,用来形容那些说起话来让人摸不着头脑、怪言怪语或是往往蹦出伤人话语的人。而文中的用法是指凯问说起话来不着边际,谁也猜不出他下一句又会蹦出什么惊人的话来。相似的例子如,“Don"t ask Mr. Wang to comment on the game, there"s no telling what he"ll say.”
      3. Man, that is so unfair.
      4. It"s all in your head.
      这个句子是一个惯用语句,意思是“某人对事物的想法、恐惧或印象是不对的,只是自己的一种成见或幻觉”。如,“Spiders are not very dangerous at all, it"s just in your head”或“Nobody is trying to follow you, it"s just in your head.”而在文中的语境里,Lily认为玩“高空浏览”太危险,所以Sabrina就用此话来向Lily指出她的这个想法是一种误解,是不对的。
      5. I"ll try anything once.
      6. She clings to Xiaoqiang"s arm in a death grip.
      “death grip”在这里是指Lily由于过分害怕而紧紧抓住了小强的胳膊。
      7. I will make a point of not holding your hand in the future!
      在这句话中,“make a point of”是一个固定词组,意思是说某人“打定主意做某事”。文中是指Lily清楚地表明自己在以后绝不会再去握小强的手。
      8. Stop making things up, or else!
      “make up”是一个固定词组,有“编造”的意思。文中用的就是这层含义,跟“things”结合起来后,指“说瞎话”、“编造谎言”、“搬弄是非”。
      9. ...you are such a stud...
      “such a stud”在这里的意思是指Sabrina认为Ben非常性感、有魅力。
      10. If everyone knew their way around a shooting booth like you...
      在这个句子中,“know one"s way around”是一个固定搭配,后面一般是跟具体的事物,意为“对�非常熟悉或在行”。如,“He knew his way around a canoe”以及“She knew her way around the dance floor”。
      11. This is a long story, so bear with me.
      “bear”在这里的意思是“忍耐”,所以“bear with me”的意思就相当于“be patient with me”,因为Paul说关于凯文爷爷的事情说起来话长,所以就让小强不要着急,慢慢听他道出原委。
      12. He wanted to let everyone in on the secret today...
      “let sb in on”是一个固定词组,意思是“让某人参与某事或了解某事”。由于之前小强等人一直不知道凯文的走失是他爷爷一手安排的,所以整件事相对于他们来说就是“the secret”。而最后,凯文的爷爷决定揭开这个秘密――“let everyone in on the secret”。
      13. What a day!
      这是一个常用的感叹语句,本身是一个语意中性的句子,表达“某天对某人来说是非比寻常的”。在文中的语境里,由于陪凯文到游乐园来玩、得知凯文走失的真正原因以及凯文父母来到了北京的消息都是在那天发生的,事情非常多,所以对Sabrina来说,那一天因此而变得不同寻常。当然,如果某一天让你觉得特别美好或特别幸运,也可以用“What a day!”来进行感叹。
      【Links / 相关链接】
      1. 关于西方的儿童教育
      2. 玩转游乐园
      游乐园是孩子们的最爱,这个从凯文执意让小强他们带他去那里玩中就可以看得出来。而随着近几年“环球嘉年华”的火爆,有更多的成年人开始享受起游乐园的乐趣来了。今年, “2006 北京富尔杰环球嘉年华”已经拉开了序幕,必将掀起新的一轮游乐园热。34台来自欧洲的顶级设备以崭新的姿态来到世人面前;近40 个风格不同的竞技游戏摊位,与广大游客一起共同创造激情与狂欢。以下就是本次游乐园盛会中的一些游戏和游乐项目的名称,让我们来先睹为快吧。
      A. 小游戏的名称
      Break a Plate - 幸运之球
      Throw Ball Game - 投球游戏
      Bowl-R-rama - 保龄球
      Ping Pong - 乒乒乓乓
      Goblets - 投掷高脚杯
      Luck Bag - 幸运之袋
      In the Hole - 投球神手
      Hoopla - 圈内明星
      Ring Toss - 无极环
      Plates - 盘中币
      Blockbuster - 砸木块
      Basketball - 灌篮高手
      USA Football - 美式足球
      B. 大型游乐项目的名称
      Frisbee - 天外飞仙
      Evolution - 乾坤日月转
      Pirate Ship - 海盗船
      Crazy Surf - 疯狂浪潮
      Booster - 惊呼狂叫
      Mini Scooter - 迷你碰碰车
      Typhoon - 龙卷风
      Dark Ride - 黑暗之旅
      Movie Star - 明星摩天轮
      Sky Rider - 天空骑士

    相关热词搜索: 美国 小男孩 北京 迷路

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