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    时间:2020-09-23 08:14:25 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      “严以修身”专题学习研讨发言提纲根据公司党委“三严三实”专题教育安排部署,我结合自身实际,围绕“严以修身,加强党性修养,坚定理想信念,把牢思想和行动的‘总开关’”学习研讨主题,与大家进行交流研讨,不妥之处,肯请同志们批评指正。一、提高认识,准确把握“严以修身”深刻内涵“三严三实”是马克思主义政党建设的基本原则和内在要求,进一步丰富了管党治党的思想理论,充分彰显了共产党人的价值追求和政治品格,阐明了党员领导干部的修身之本、为政之道、成事之要,为新形势下加强党的思想政治工作和作风建设提供了重要遵循。特别是习近平总书记指出,“严以修身”就是要加强党性修养,坚定理想信念,提升道德境界,追求高尚情操,自觉远离低级趣味,自觉抵制歪风邪气。并多次强调,做人做事第一位的是崇德修身。“严以修身”作为“三严三实”之首、作风建设之基,既是对中国传统优秀文化的深刻把握,也是新时期党的作风建设的新要求。严以修身最重要的就是对党忠诚,树立坚定的政治理想信念,不断加强理论修养、政治修养和道德修养,把牢思想和行动的“总开关”。作为党员领导干部,必须要深刻领会、牢牢把握“严以修身”的精髓要义和实践要求,努力使其成为自觉的价值追求和行为规范,做“严以修身”的典范,以作风建设新成效汇聚起推动企业健康稳定科学发展的强大正能量。二、深入剖析,找准自身存在问题症结所在一是理想信念有所放松。虽然能够自觉坚持企业的社会主义发展方向,把追求企业科学稳定健康发展作为目标。然而随着年龄的增长、工作阅历的增加,自己对理想信念的要求有所放松,激情投入和勇气闯劲不如以前,孜孜以求的执着进取精神还有所欠缺。二是学习还缺乏针对性。平时比较注重学习理论,研究政策,自觉把理论学习与思想实际、工作实践结合起来,但系统学习的深度还不够,方式方法还需要加强。个别时候重专业知识、轻政策理论,对煤炭专业知识学习还不够,有些只停留在表面上。理论联系实际不够,指导实际工作还需要进一步强化。三是“一岗双责”职能有待加强。对有些工作出现的问题,研究的不够,主动创新精神不强,措施和办法不多。个人注重党委主体责任落实,能够做到履职尽责,但对矿生产经营管理等其他方面的工作关注的还不够,“一岗双责”职能有待进一步强化。四是密切联系群众上有欠缺。平时虽然在入井带班、参加基层党组织等活动时与基层干部职工有交流,但平时带着问题有针对性地解决问题较少,调研指导的深度和广度还不够,群众关注的热点、难点问题了解的还不够全面,在激发职工队伍合力上还需加强,服务职工群众在落实上还有差距。三、强化践行,树立党员领导干部良好形象(一)加强党性修养,坚定理想信念。作为党委书记,必须坚定马克思主义信念和中国特色社会主义信念,“严以修身”,完善自我。要认真学习和践行《党章》,不断加强党性修养,善于学习新知识,自觉适应新常态,主动研究新问题,自觉成为学以致用、用有所成的表率。认真贯彻落实集团公司党组和平庄煤业党委各项决策部署,坚决在思想上、政治上、行动上同公司党委及党中央保持高度一致。特别是要着眼于解决企业改革发展稳定中的实际问题,始终如一地做到解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,开拓创新,团结带领全矿广大干部职工推进企业健康稳定科学发展。(二)强化理论武装,提升综合素质。认真学习中国特色社会主义理论体系,学习煤矿专业知识以及十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,带头学习贯彻集团公司“一五五”核心战略理念的同时,认真学习《习近平谈治国理政》、《习近平关于党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争论述摘编》和《优秀领导干部先进事迹选编》,不断提升政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力,达到自我净化、自我提升的目的。要严格执行矿党委理论中心组学习制度,强化学习的针对性和实效性,把学习的重点放到研究解决实际问题上,推动工作善始善终,善做善成。在学习方法上,要认认真真学、原原本本学、联系实际学、深入思考学,通过学习真正解决好世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”问题。特别是要抓好自身学习,制定学习计划,拓宽学习内容,在学习政治理论的基础上,加强学习经营管理、煤炭生产、法律法规等专业知识,不断提高分析问题,解决问题的能力,提高自身的综合素质。要在学习和借鉴的基础上,不断总结经验,转变观念,勇于创新,用实际行动影响和带动党员领导干部为企业的发展出谋划策,努力做到在工作方式上有新改进,在工作内容上有新思路,在破解难题上有新举措。(三)履行岗位职责,落实主体责任。作为党委书记、副矿长,我在履行好“一岗双责”的同时,要认真履行好党建主体责任,要紧紧围绕企业中心工作,坚持“融入中心促发展,服务大局强保障”的党建工作总体思路,积极探索新形势下企业党建工作的方法和途径,指导各级党组织深入开展以“凝聚工程、堡垒工程、先锋工程、素质工程”为主要内容的“四项工程”创建活动,规范党建基础工作,增强党组织凝聚力。要注重抓好班子、带好队伍,加强“五好”领导班子和干部队伍、“五优”党员队伍、“五强”人才队伍和“五有”职工队伍建设,为企业发展提供人才保证和智力支撑。深化思想政治工作,强化凝心聚力,激发推动发展正能量。推进企业文化建设,增强职工群众归属感,提升六家煤矿的影响力。发挥群团组织的桥梁纽带作用,引导职工群众为企业科学发展建功立业。特别是要在提升党建工作机制、管理方式、党建品牌、活动内容、载体形式、阵地武装、制度保证、政工队伍建设等方面,采取切合实际的措施,使党建工作与矿中心工作同部署、同检查、同考核、同奖惩,实现与行政工作同频共振、相得益彰,为促进全矿各项工作地完成提供坚强政治保证。(四)践行党的宗旨,增强服务能力。要积极践行“六勤一线”工作法,严格执行领导干部入井带班制度,身先士卒,以上率下,努力为职工群众做表率,树立党员干部良好形象。要牢固树立全心全意为职工服务和“群众利益无小事”的观念,深化“双百访谈”、“双联双帮”、“三进三解三提升”活动,积极深入基层调研,加大与一线职工的沟通交流,听取、了解和掌握基层单位的实际困难和职工的所思所想所盼,切实指导帮助基层解决实际问题。积极落实“惠民工程”,落实好扶贫解困送温暖和“金秋助学”工程,让广大职工共享企业发展成果。要强化企业民主管理,组织好职工素质提升工程,加强职业技能培训和岗位练兵、技术比武。拓宽职工职业发展通道,发挥好职工群众在企业生产经营中的主力军作用。(五)提升自律意识,强化作风建设。带头落实中央八项规定、集团公司24条措施、平庄煤业14条措施和矿12项具体要求,切实承担起党委的党风廉政建设主体责任,落实好纪委的监督责任,守住信念底线、道德底线、法纪底线,做到廉洁从业、干净做事。完善党风廉政建设教育监督体系,促进党风廉政建设责任制的落实。坚持民主集中制,执行好“三重一大”决策制度,完善分工负责制,发挥好副职的专业特长和优势,做到各司其职,各负其责,作用充分发挥。坚持原则,艰苦朴素,勤俭节约,必须牢记“两个务必”,发扬谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗的作风;必须进一步增强法制纪律和廉洁自律意识,筑牢拒腐防变的思想道德防线;必须遵守和执行各项廉政规定,管好家属、子女和身边工作人员;必须加强道德品格修养,正确行使手中的权力,始终做到清正廉洁、无私奉献,坚决同各种腐败现象作斗争,以勤政廉政的标准要求自己,自觉做到为民务实清廉,时刻接受职工群众监督。(六)抵制歪风邪气,树立良好形象。作为党员领导干部要把心思用在“干事业”上,把能力用在“能干事”上,把风格体现在“会干事”上,把目标定位在“干成事”上,把底线坚守在“不出事”上。要锤炼品德,把立德作为立身之本,带头弘扬社会主义核心价值观,带头弘扬中华民族传统美德,坚持高尚追求、健康情趣,反对道德失范、生活失节,保持高尚道德情操和健康生活情趣。要讲政治,顾大局,真正做到对上负责与对下负责的统一,在本职岗位上爱岗敬业,在急、难、险、重任务中勇挑重担,砥砺思想品格,在推动企业发展上主动作为。带头强化执行,强化监督问责,执行严肃考核,推动工作有效落实、制度严格执行;带头攻坚克难,把干部职工的精力、智慧和力量进一步凝聚到管理、效益、惠民上来,心往一处想,劲往一处使,拧成一股绳,一个步调抓工作,同心协力干事业,成为增进团结的表率,维护团结的模范,在全面推进企业发展中践行自己的价值。党性修养是共产党人的立身之本,理想信念是共产党人的精神支柱。作为党员领导干部,要时刻以“君子检身,常若有过”的谦诚态度,聚焦对党忠诚、个人干净、敢于担当,严以修身,履职尽责,爱岗敬业,为推进企业发展贡献自己的一份力量。Opinions and suggestions on the party's mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party committee "about carrying out the party's mass line educational practice activity in the city's implementation opinions, the spirit of the party's mass line educational practice activities from 20** in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations. According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central Committee really, opinions and advice > < < >, < party implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements, step method, in accordance with the "" look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "for the people pragmatic honest people as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and < The opposition party and government austerity waste regulations "," double section "provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the" twelve "plan and the implementation measures for < on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful extravagance to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further change the style of the wind, the masses to close, honest and pragmatic people honest image to further establish the foundation to further reinforce the basic level. Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the unit is mainly: the county and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and community, village, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations. Agencies and branches, each single unit, follow the rules on internal institutions. Educational practice with step by step.To adhere to the county leadership, leadership and leading cadres to focus on outstanding catch to directly contact the service of the masses of law supervision departments and window units, service industry, educational practice, pay attention to grasp the heavy towns, streets and villages, community education activities and the masses of grassroots groups in close contact to strengthen, and the majority of Party members, cadres and the mass line line Marx doctrine view of the masses and the party's education.Always speak seriously as a basic attitude, adhere to positive education, to carry out criticism and self criticism group, adhere to the pragmatic, more emphasis on leadership, pay more attention to the layers of the demonstration, more focus on the four winds, solve the problem, pay more attention to open the door, the participation of the masses, pay more attention to the classification guidance. Orderly, pay more attention to the cooperation and cohesion driven, more strict requirements on injection, really supervision practice, ensure education practice is not empty is not empty is not partial, not as a mere formality.Two, the key point of the taskThe main task of the county's education practice is to seize against "four wind" this focus on centralized solve outstanding problems asked County, township leadership and leading cadres of the four winds, the disadvantages of the style, scale behavior to a large scale investigation, overhaul, cleaning greatly. At the same time, respond to the concerns of the masses, safeguard the interests of the masses, pay attention to solve practical problems, solve the people around the unwholesome tendencies especially on eat, take the card, Yong lazy luxury, extravagance and waste fees, privileges and other issues, timely and effective, without any discount to solve, to improve the style of real implementation of the requirements of real to the grassroots, real let group Benefit the public.(a) focus on solving the "four winds" outstanding issuesThe central and provincial requirements, the county leadership and leading cadres of key performance concept is not correct, do not dare to play, to engage in "image project", "political project", a leadership guide, a set of ideas, orders and prohibitions, and a policy, there are countermeasures county. The units directly under the heavy focus on solving Yung lazy drag, buck passing skin, work is not implemented, the service is not active. The dynamic problem of law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry mainly solve the door hard, ugly face, something difficult, and arbitrary charges, fines, levies, and breach of privilege, chinakayao, not the problem of law. The township, street The collar of leading bodies and leading cadres to solve key does not care about the well-being of the masses, the sense of responsibility is not strong, go to implement the policy of benefiting shrink, work style is simple and crude, falsifying false fraud and other issues. The village, community based organizations at the grass-roots level is mainly to solve the weak and feeble, and awareness and ability to serve the people is not strong, unjustly and other issues.Municipal Party committee, county leadership and leadership cadres targeted solution to stem from generation to generation theory of learning and learning, thinking and understanding of low low, non boundary is not clear, father-in-law private is not divided, the inner world of emptiness, ginseng in feudal superstition, values dislocation, justice back; keen to on the run, do not pay attention to down and down to earth, and improve the people's livelihood and not enough attention; the use of policy research, promote the development plan of thought is not clear, do not respect the objective laws of law, not to contact the local reality, to work on, Dianmianjiege, solve complex problems, a lot of ways; organization sense lax discipline Chi, eat Eat and drink, or hold, as the style is not enough to listen to the views of democracy, is not sufficient. The problems in county units directly under the needle to solve all departments, regardless of the immediate, regardless of the overall care, long far, problems encountered around, interests struggle, work obstruction, objective reasons to find on the level assigned by the office the task of top do not do, for people to do things for various reasons do not drag on the business policy; eat out, are not allowed to grasp the situation of grass-roots work, the standard is not high, but had to go, not for the hard life, I wish you work; accustomed to when the second pass hand, to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents, Mechanically, and mechanical operation, inspection and assessment of excessive and indiscriminate procedures too cumbersome, the service efficiency is not high; back to work late and leave early, off-site their labor does not contribute, work, play games, go to Taobao, do private affairs. Law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry for the solution of departmental interests first, set up the trap of consumption, and increase their cost, making things difficult for the masses, yuminzhengli; engage in selective enforcement, arbitrary enforcement, and does not give the benefits do not work, give the benefits of out of work, do human case, relations case, money case. Township. Street leadership and leading cadres have needle To solve the service consciousness is not strong, and waiting for the door, need to take the initiative to ask less, "day" phenomenon is serious, the masses who can not find work; don't respect people meaning will not pay attention to do ideological work, administrative work force, attitude toward the masses evil bad rebuked; awareness of the law and policy ideas is not strong, not in accordance with the law and legal procedures, arbitrary misappropriate by taking of project funds, to deceive the masses, and fool superior; the masses deduction of property, and the masses of money owed, on account, a bunch of problems depend, against the interests of the masses. The village, community organizations and so on have a needle to solve the ability to lead the masses out of poverty to get rich The policy is not strong, and is not in place, excellent affectionate friends and other issues.According to our actual County, county led the leadership and leading cadres to solve outstanding neglect of theoretical study, relaxed ideological uplifting, the transformation of the subjective world is not enough; the development of consciousness is not strong, the lack of a pioneering spirit of innovation and development of extension and planning work style, the starting point is not high; the work style of the wind drift, work strength is insufficient promote the working poor, pointing problem. Agatanoatae departments (units) to solve the conflict outstanding overall awareness is not strong, a unit of interests, to push and push, can avoid to be avoided, "buck" style of play; the wind is not practical, formalism, take office remote command, issue orders left and right; the development of service ability; On the higher level policy is not strong, don't eat thoroughly, grasp the information held to get large projects, good projects, not many democratic consciousness; indifferent Bo, autocratic, project implementation and financial management policy is not strict, not according to the provisions of the compression three funds, private, a "small exchequer" work, reception and public service vehicles to exceed the standard, Gongjusiyong, gongsibufen; discipline loose, fine depressed, apathetic, baggy collapse. Problems of law enforcement and supervision departments and window units, service industry to solve the standard process prominent light weight rights bureau, light duty, light service charge, regardless of weight, the global and the interests of the masses, not As slow as, as the chaos; are keen to shout slogans, slogans, really not good in service, and do practical things. Problems of Rural Township, street leading bodies and leading cadres to solve outstanding stem development consciousness is not strong, unclear thinking, with the current situation, progress, innovation consciousness is not strong. The work did not pick up, appearance change is the sense of purpose; desalination, not understanding of public opinion, not good at doing all the work of the masses, reflect some problems of setting aside, long failed; style is not democracy, serious paternalism, listen to different views, "What I say goes. Tang; hhrrc idle away in seeking pleasure and so on village. Community organizations and so on, but also highlight the fabric to solve the ideological concept of old concept, weak, lazy, too and, fighting force is not enough to play enough; lack of respect for the masses, work without principles, they enforced the policy breach of privilege, engage in "shrink aliasing," local policies, damage the interests of the masses;; the lack of sense of responsibility, avoid everything to hide things timid, occupied the position of secretary, shape useless work method; rough simple, engage in coercion, resort to deceit, and abuse of power, lawlessness and other issues. The school to highlight the occupation belief to solve read shake, the spirit of dedication is not enough, the lack of a noble. Desalination, realm, the status of the student body, the spirit of unremitting slack, satisfied with the existing level and achievement; school administrative management, value orientation of utilitarianism, than the performance to be better than the treatment, than fame, accepted by the parents a gift, education and teaching quality is not high, the reform of teaching and research ability is not strong; school behavior is not standardized, weight should try, light quality, disorderly enrollment, charges fees, arbitrary subscription supplementary information, not before class preparation, classroom lecture class disorderly mess, makeup, do not read homework, "" day "phenomenon. The problems in medical and health institutions to solve the outstanding health ethics is not high Yifeng is, dedication is not enough, The lack of a sense of responsibility, minor illnesses Dazhi, prescription; service, cumbersome procedures, registration fees, and the time of taking the medicine, long treatment time is short, efficiency is not high; treat patients face cold tone, gas blunt, arrogant, buck passing skin, the doctor-patient relationship is not harmonious; professional ability is not strong, service quality is not high, climbing competition prevailed; the spirit of low-spirited vibration, lax discipline, and post their income by kickbacks and envelopes, patients receiving home family banquets and other issues. The non-public economic group organization to resolve outstanding overall concept, social responsibility is not strong, law-abiding integrity consciousness about the production and operation, and service quality is not high; reform Development and upgrading of the reform is not active, internal management institutions are not scientific, major issues in decision-making democracy is not high degree of democracy, disregard of the interests of workers, job consumption is not standardized and other issues.Authorities at all levels and their subordinate units and grassroots organizations should focus on solving it organization slack, slack discipline problems. To deepen and expand the effectiveness of the storm action as an important content of various organs to carry out educational practice activities, continue to play well to improve the style of work, the transformation of government functions, optimizing the administrative environment, standardize administrative law enforcement act, the implementation of major responsibility "55 big battle" to further improve the service quality and administrative efficiency, establish a good image of good.(two) focus on solving the problem of the vital interests of the massesAdhere to the people convenience, in trying to force, according to the principle of cutting to protect and improve people's livelihood work, perfecting the social security system, and strive to improve the level of basic public service equalization etc., so that the people share more to enjoy the fruits of reform and development. The group to meet the needs of the masses, increase investment, product positive measures to do a number of large audience, benefit benefit deep practical good, strive to solve the masses of medical school, medical treatment, road, housing, employment and other aspects. On the surface, safeguard the interests of the masses, improve the implementation of the constraint system, and improve the cost of illegal, increase accountability accountability force Degree, efforts to solve the ecological environment, food and drug safety, production safety, social security, law enforcement and judicial law, land acquisition and other aspects of public interests. The damage to people around the urban and rural integration, and accelerate the pace of construction of small towns, counties and small towns to improve the road, water, electricity, heating, gas, housing etc. infrastructure, continue to do a good job of urban management, focusing on remediation litter, chaotic pendulum stalls, the vehicle vehicle parked. Around the help do poverty alleviation, push the "double" action "and" 1236 "anti poverty crucial action, with Gai Shanji and infrastructure to increase the income of the farmers as the focus, vigorously implement the whole force village and easily Poverty alleviation moving relocation project, cultivation of fruit, potatoes, livestock, vegetables, and other special industries, grasp the dynamic training of rural social assistance work in labour, and efforts to solve the problem of production and life of the poor vulnerable groups. Around the body construction of harmonious society, strengthen the communication with the masses sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui's people's livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class, public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang" star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2,of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Mulberry Grove, remains nowhere. Shen Wenchao, shengze town and Communist Party members. Intelligence efforts of the County Government, were buried alive at the age of 26 years old. Yu Ren Qian, jiaxing xincheng, and CommunistOpinions and suggestions on the party's mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party committee "about carrying out the party's mass line educational practice activity in the city's implementation opinions, the spirit of the party's mass line educational practice activities from 20** in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations. According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central Committee really, opinions and advice > < < >, < party implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements, step method, in accordance with the "" look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "for the people pragmatic honest people as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and < The opposition party and government austerity waste regulations "," double section "provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the" twelve "plan and the implementation measures for < on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful extravagance to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further change the style of the wind, the masses to close, honest and pragmatic people honest image to further establish the foundation to further reinforce the basic level. Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the unit is mainly: the county and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and community, village, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations. Agencies and branches, each single unit, follow the rules on internal institutions. Educational practice with step by step.To adhere to the county leadership, leadership and leading cadres to focus on outstanding catch to directly contact the service of the masses of law supervision departments and window units, service industry, educational practice, pay attention to grasp the heavy towns, streets and villages, community education activities and the masses of grassroots groups in close contact to strengthen, and the majority of Party members, cadres and the mass line line Marx doctrine view of the masses and the party's education.Always speak seriously as a basic attitude, adhere to positive education, to carry out criticism and self criticism group, adhere to the pragmatic, more emphasis on leadership, pay more attention to the layers of the demonstration, more focus on the four winds, solve the problem, pay more attention to open the door, the participation of the masses, pay more attention to the classification guidance. Orderly, pay more attention to the cooperation and cohesion driven, more strict requirements on injection, really supervision practice, ensure education practice is not empty is not empty is not partial, not as a mere formality.Two, the key point of the taskThe main task of the county's education practice is to seize against "four wind" this focus on centralized solve outstanding problems asked County, township leadership and leading cadres of the four winds, the disadvantages of the style, scale behavior to a large scale investigation, overhaul, cleaning greatly. At the same time, respond to the concerns of the masses, safeguard the interests of the masses, pay attention to solve practical problems, solve the people around the unwholesome tendencies especially on eat, take the card, Yong lazy luxury, extravagance and waste fees, privileges and other issues, timely and effective, without any discount to solve, to improve the style of real implementation of the requirements of real to the grassroots, real let group B

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