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    时间:2020-09-13 08:13:37 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      政务个人年终工作总结 篇一





      全年撰写各类重要文件、综合汇报材料、领导讲话30余篇,各类文件、电函70多份。编辑撰写上报州级信息42016年来,我深深理解了作为一名秘书,特别是信息工作人员应该具备的业务素质和担负的工作责任。信息工作是政府办公室的一项重要工作,是政府研究和制定重点工作的参谋和助手。它不仅承担着服务于同级政府的任务,而且还承担着服务于上级政府,向中央和省、州政府报送信息的重要职责,同时还肩负着服务基层,指导全局的任务。我的体会是,作为一名信息工作人员就要时刻像新闻记者一样,有灵敏地嗅觉和敏锐的目光,多听 、多看、多想,勤于动手写作。因此我在读书看报、看电视、上网、阅读文件乃至休闲、与人聊天时,都时时处处注意捕捉信息。为使常规信息不落趟,我经常翻阅前几年上报的信息和区州下发的信息。









































      今年来,市政务中心在市委、市政府的正确领导和各职能部门的支持配合下,严格按照上级关于推行政务公开的要求,坚持便民利民、公开公正、依法行政的原则,以打造廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的窗口形象为目标,认真履行职责,各项工作取得了明显成效。目前,全市19个乡镇街道办事处、99个市直与省邵驻武单位,已全部实行政务公开; 126家国有公用事业单位,有115家推行了办事公开;19个乡镇办事处全面推行便民代办制度,代办面达到42%以上;湾头桥等6个镇建成了便民服务中心。中心全年共受理办结审批服务事项11900件,收取各种规费3791万元,接受群众咨询800余人次,出版政务简报5期,发放并收回对窗口单位的服务质量测评表580份,满意和基本满意率98%;为三亿电子、华宝食品、裕轮燃气等3家招商引资企业的基建工程实行了全程代办,为供销、粮食、水泥厂等18家改制企业办理各类证照717件。现将我单位工作情况具体汇报如下:




      完善功能,规范管理,充分发挥政务中心服务职能。今年,我们根据邵阳市两办《关于进一步加强县级政务服务中心建设的意见》的要求,重点加大了充实调整事项、规范窗口办件、整合审批运转流程的力度,取得了一定效果。一是进一步充实了窗口受理事项。为把政务中心真正办成能办事、办得了事的便民中心,我们就窗口建设工作积极地与有关单位进行协商,取得了一定进展。现中心21个服务窗口,除国税窗口因系统网络原因不能正常办公外,其他窗口均能按照市委、市政府要求正常运作。同时国土、文体、建设等窗口还在原来的基础上增加了受理事项 项。二是加强办件管理,规范窗口服务。实行窗口服务"一口清"制度,印发了《关于严格实行窗口告知"一口清"制度的通知》,要求窗口工作人员在受理窗口咨询、办理群众申请时,应当将本部门受理、批复该项申请而要求申请人必须具备的条件和有关准备工作具体、完整、准确地书面一次性告诉申请人,严禁资料申报超过两次。各窗口重新修订了办事指南和承诺件办理流程,对每个办件所需的申报资料格式文体、示范文本、项目办理和收费的法律、法规和政策依据复印件装订成册,摆放窗口柜台供办事群众参阅,大大方便了办事群众,降低了办事成本。同时缩短办件时限,把承诺件变成即办件,提高办事效率。如工商窗口今年把企业补照这项需7天才能办结的承诺件改成了即办件,极大方便了办事群众。三是加强全程代办,进一步提高服务效率。主动做好房产、建设、工商、发展和改革等有关窗口单位的协调工作,积极为改制企业和招商引资企业搞好全程代办服务。四是完善制度,进一步规范内部管理。今年我们以保持共产党员先进性教育为契机,制定完善了《武冈市政务服务中心管理服务制度》、《武冈市政务服务中心窗口工作考核办法》、《武冈市政务服务中心窗口工作考核办法实施细则》等一系列文件,实行了"一日四签到两查岗、一月一公布、一季一讲评、一年一总结"的窗口管理模式,开展了"红旗窗口"、"服务明星"和"警示窗口"、"不受欢迎工作人员"的评选活动。今年中心共召开窗口工作讲评会议4次,评选出红旗窗口12个次,服务明星21人次。qq大全同时注重提高窗口工作人员的业务素质,坚持每周一次的政治和业务学习制度,今年10月,我们还组织对窗口工作人员进行了一次业务知识抽考,在内部营造了一种良好的学习氛围。



     construction opportunities, inheritance and innovation, to build the cloud temple of Buddhist culture, West queen culture two name card, full integration into the national provinces and cities, scenic spots construction and "Silk Road Economic Belt" construction, all efforts to build China Fobao shrine, the international Center for research on international and National West Queen Mother Buddha relic The base of cultural studies, the * * silk road has become the key point of economic sectors. The development of fusion, to fully developed culture tourism resources, improve the cultural content of tourism, the static static cultural resources and cultural elements dispersed fully activated, concentrated has a connotation, characteristic the Cultural Park, and create a bright spot, selling the traveling scenic area, and continuously improve the regional competitiveness and the impact of the cultural tourism industry * * force, efforts will create a cultural tourism has the advantage, can support across the development of county economy and the first important supporting industry.To fully grasp the project to go, strong support, efforts to improve the economic strength of the county. The project is a powerful engine to accelerate the development of county economy. The whole county to continuously strengthen the awareness of the project, in accordance with the requirements of "33411 overall" project, find the breakthrough, hold on contact, continue to strengthen for the introduction, and construction of large projects to pull huge investment, pushing and promoting the great development. To closely guide planning planning projects, reflecting the strategic. Keen on the docking state, and the "Silk Road" economic zone construction, new urbanization, and aspects of Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation area construction planning, careful argument reserve Preparation of a number of the policy oriented, able to fight to win, come to reality, support the development of the strategic project * * years, demonstration projects more than 500 reserves, to introduce more investment to win to win the initiative. To break through the conventional introduction project, embodies the initiative. On the levels of responsibility, the county building grasping the project, grasping investment, a good atmosphere for the people of the whole county leaders and departments of all the main Township, is mainly responsible for the scratch as in the past, as an important responsibility to promote the development of exhibition, grasping investment, thinking carefully plan to break the normal procedure, the project, led the fight for the project, the full introduction of the project, especially not on ecological paper Ming County, the construction of major projects to stick, tracking, until convergence, to ensure that the annual air plant, for funding for the project exceeded 800 million yuan. To focus on the integration of the implementation of the project, reflect the real effectiveness of full financial capital "" 42 pounds ", there will be a restricted project funding package use, overall planning, focused on the people most concerned about, the most urgent problem of people's livelihood and most looking forward to the economic and social development, the most significant issue, real change" and pepper "as a" hit ", and realize the project benefit maximization. Be strict with strict standards of project management, reflect the specification conscientiously implement the project to fan. Corporate responsibility system, the bidding system, the project management system as the main content of the project management system, strict approval procedures, strengthen the supervision and management of funds, to ensure that the project project specification operation, financial management.Two to persevere grasping industry, promote and promote income, further promoting the construction of new countryside. The "three rural" work is always the priority among priorities party work. The next to the development of modern agriculture, promote agricultural income of farmers as reinforce the "three rural" work, speed up the construction of New Countryside primary task. Efforts in emerging industries, and promote income, distribution facilities, strong foundation, focus on reform, build system, and make agriculture "strong", "rich" farmers, rural "beauty" ". To focus on expanding the capacity of the quality and efficiency of brand effect, promote industry development in depth market means. To continue to expand the production scale of the industry vigorously Promote the suitable area full coverage strategy, 550 thousand acres of orchard planting year, new greenhouse 2000, and shed 1000, and more than 20 breeding areas; to cultivate the main body of the market, accelerate the development of education leading enterprises, cooperative economic organization, family farms and other new market players, focus on Building Office, a group of competitive products, a complete industrial chain of "agricultural leading enterprises" in the name of the dragon, guide a farmer to increase income in market competition; to speed up the cultivation of industrial clusters, to support the red fruit Longyuan trading company, Zhengda feed, Furun poultry industry, animal husbandry industry ruentex Enterprises, expand the business. Die, to extend the industrial chain, promoting fruit, vegetables, livestock and other characteristics and advantages of industrial cluster development. To focus on the integration of multi element, to push group concept to promote the new rural construction. Focus on the construction of beautiful countryside, the planning group, the construction of ecological function, support, community service, democratic management, new farmers into the direction of reference are jade Kang Jia Wang Cun, twenty shop experience, fully integrated into the industry, ecological, cultural, tourism and other ideas, build a high standard grip * * high cliff, jade under 5 by AO Center Demonstration Village in Zhengjiagou Rui Feng; ditch, double key point, * * sanshilipu village, Wang The village relocation and Taiping Village, Wanyan Redcliffe Bay eswva project focusing on the village, the village integrated circuit Road, financial awards complement, reconstruction and other projects, and actively improve the basic conditions, big strong regulation of village environment, promoting new rural construction level. To focus on breaking the bottleneck to promote the solution bottle, comprehensive rural reform. To create the province's rural comprehensive reform demonstration county as the goal, in efforts to improve the rural homestead system, advancing into the land circulation, the innovation of financial system in rural areas, deepen the reform of forest right system and other aspects of bold exploration and innovation, new technology, effectively solve the land, capital, talent the bottleneck of system Approximately, to stimulate the development of rural vitality.Three to take measures and grasping investment, to build the park, all the extension of the total industrial economy. The industrial economy is to boost county economy, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure into a breakthrough. The whole county to develop agricultural and sideline products processing, textile and building materials, energy sources such as the development of enterprise clusters, accelerate the construction of the construction industry the whole national economy. Venture investment. To encourage the people catch entrepreneurial success, leading to set up enterprises, Lingban park; constantly optimize the development environment, expanding multi investment attraction, let go of the development of non-public economy, and strive to force investment funds exceeded 44 billion yuan. To gather the elements Garden District . innovation park management mechanism, improve park infrastructure, accelerate the construction of Rui Rui River Customs Line Engineering; the enterprises in the park, in the project for land use approval number, support to expand financing, give full play to the park gathering effect.. to foster leading strong support. Focusing on playing to create "* * Textile City" objective to improve the grasp planning, to promote the two phase of the production line construction, into the natural fiber cotton industry, to ensure the completion of the main factory building and ancillary works before the end of the year, began the installation of equipment;; encourage Zhengda feed, poultry industry chain extension extension Furun, built office breeding base, the establishment of "enterprise + base + farmer households" business model Type of enterprise, realize mutual win-win. To develop resources increase stamina strength. To increase the pace of hair oil, development of coal resources, accelerate Gansu Gansu energy conversion and utilization of coal construction project area, * *, crude oil production exceeded 200 thousand tons, a strong industrial way relying on resources.Four to break through overall grasp, boosting up, accelerating urbanization. The city urbanization is the economic development of the important supporting, a significant symbol of social progress. The whole county to seize the central provinces, promote the urbanization opportunity, the county, the small town center, as the center of the village as an important node, accelerate the construction of urban and rural integration pattern. Scientific planning to actively integrate into the cloth layout. * * rich culture, ecological resources, historical elements and characteristics of the times, fully completed the fourth round of the overall planning and control features of the county planning, completed the "urban village", shantytowns planning and related construction details of The key point of regulation, careful revision of small towns and the center of the village planning, the formation of organic integration of urban and rural planning system. To accelerate the construction. To grasp the good city comprehensive development, city landscape change * * transformation, the old city street renovation project to start building little heavy, Jinghe River Bridge, the county to expand city scale, expand the city space; multi; broaden the financing channels, speed up urban construction, such as * * *, jade center, radiation driven urban and rural integrated development. To implement fine management. The city planning law enforcement and comprehensive law enforcement together, around the municipal facilities maintenance, health cleaning, market regulation and other key governance, sustainable development" Management to enhance the activities of "the year of the city tube, the establishment of scientific management mechanism, the implementation of sophisticated management, and effectively solve the dirty and messy problem, improve the level of city management, consolidate solid health county to create results.Fifth, to grasp unremittingly innovation, exploration, ways, efforts to build cultural tourism brand. The cultural tourism is the greatest potential for future economic and social development will be * *, is the biggest advantage. The whole county to seize the great opportunities of "Silk Road Economic Zone and the Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation area construction in accordance with" with the Dunhuang West, East * * * "of the objectives and requirements, the depth of excavation digging the regional culture resources, carefully build the brand of cultural tourism, as the adjustment of economic structure, change the mode of development into the new power. To elaborate planning. A focus to build a Chinese baby * * Buddha shrine, the queen mother of the West cultural birthplace. Gansu. Leisure and health resort, ecological livable city of cultural tourism city and the integration of urban and rural economic transformation demonstration county, complete the county cultural tourism development planning and the overall planning of high quality Dayun temple, fine crafted Wu Huanxian Martyrs Memorial Hall read detailed planning, leading the cultural tourism development. To accelerate the construction of major scenic spots. In accordance with the provinces and cities as the construction of scenic spots and "one by one with more than four points" space layout, to the cloud temple as the core, to the palace, Tianjiagou and South cave temple as nodes, and constantly improve the scenic spots, and strive to build the system, * * has become the core block of Pingliang --** scenic spot to actively docking. Market Hire experts. Scholars take the lead, set up special bodies, and carry out academic research, editing and publishing journal publications, promoting * * excellent culture; through the Internet, television and other modern media media and all kinds of festivals, to strengthen publicity and promotion, the introduction of a number of strategic investors, and intensify the construction of cultural tourism development, create new economic growth made to focus on training. To cultivate large industry. The formation of cultural tourism * * investment company, will focus on non heritage scenic spots and real estate assets under the overall return, unified planning, market operation, more diversified financing package, development; travel around the elements and health care, tourism travel real estate development as the starting point, construction investment Building office major cultural tourism projects; accelerate into the "New Zealand silver" regional tourism circle, fine lines, multi active lap, expand the market, improve the tourism comprehensive income.Six to the best to catch people's livelihood, build a harmonious, all-round push and promote social development. To guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people is a long-term strategic task, but also to build a harmonious society important content. The whole county should adhere to Chi Huimin benefiting the people oriented, and efforts to protect and improve people's livelihood, promote equal and quality public the process of service. To co-ordinate the development of social undertakings. Speeding up the city and rural social security system, constantly improve the social insurance coverage; insist to give priority to the development of education, improve school conditions do, balanced allocation of education resources, strengthen teaching management, to improve the quality of education in order to enhance the capacity of urban and rural areas; The health level of rural residents as the focus, continue to improve the basic medical service network; Gong consolidate national interest oriented system demonstration Fanxian to create results, improve the overall population and the level of planning work. Carefully handle Huimin practical. Carefully grasp the provincial, city and county listed in the practical handling of work, to ensure the good things, good things real, real issues related to the vital interests of the masses to solve. To push forward the anti poverty crucial. In accordance with the "village of a leading industry, household income opportunities", and vigorously promote the impoverished village big industry, full coverage, and strengthen the practical technical training, focus on grasping the set to build a batch of infrastructure project for poverty alleviation focus on. To solve the people traveling, eating draught, school, medical treatment and other issues, enhance the ability of independent development in impoverished rural areas. To continue to deepen the "double" action. On the sustained increase of the core, by village cadres household duties on the unit and responsible for the project, to help the poor rural credit funds, cultivate diverse enriching industry, improve the foundation the conditions, to accelerate the pace of development of; "home hand in hand, to build a small Kang dream" and other activities as the starting point, constantly enrich the "rich first help, common rushes off" theme activities to promote the connotation of "double action depth. To continue to carry out the innovation of social management. Give full play to the grass-roots level the main role In the village, the village environment, clean up the village finance, agricultural capital supervision, rural planning law enforcement focus on deepening the "11 three visit three" theme activities, the full implementation of the "five independent" three cooperation "mode of democratic management, and constantly improve the rural social governance of agricultural scientific and standardized level; attach great importance to production safety, and deepen peace building efforts to maintain social stability.The goal of any task, in the specific work process, we must firmly grasp the following six aspects: one is to deepen the reform as a fundamental motive force to break the bottleneck of the development. The mechanism is the most fundamental economic and social development, show the most effective, most lasting promotion factors. Facing a new round of the development opportunities, who liberated earlier, who mechanism innovation first, who will win the competition. The various departments at all levels must be tight tight around the central provinces, on deepening reform of the overall requirements, bold exploration, positive, push system, financial investment, livelihood security, the reform of land transfer and so on, really change Leather innovation into a powerful driving force to boost the development of the animal. The two is to put the planning guidance as to enhance the level of development. An important pre planning is leading, is the program, is the blueprint. Planning level, planning implementation level, decided to a place for the development of the quality and grade of all levels. All departments must firmly establish the "planning first" philosophy, to improve the planning as a strengthening of Cheng Cheng, top-level design as the condensation process of knowledge benefit by mutual discussion, consensus, strengthen planning, planning and implementation of the conscious and active movement, to improve and perfect the system of the Department of planning and strong. To promote and promote the To enhance the level of economic and social development. The three is to put the market guide as a powerful starting point around the change the way of development. The market economic system, do not pay attention to market forces, not to play the role of the market, it is very difficult to realize the quick development in the market competition. The various departments at all levels must fully understand the market in the allocation of resources no decisive role, good market research, and use the market, develop the market, cultivating the education market, correctly deal with the government and the market, the enterprise and the market, the relationship between farmers and market, in accordance with the "market + base + farmers" mode, set up an effective platform for flat pan wide masses to enter the market, with the hand market While promoting economic rapid economic development of society. The four is to put the key breakthrough as accelerating the pace of development of major initiatives. The implementation of key work focused on breakthrough is our important experience of tired accumulation in recent years. It is a pressing matter of the moment according to the plan, lead, park poly aggregation, project support ideas, give all the power of the county to promote the tourism industry, cultural industry achieved a major breakthrough in the short term, to accelerate the transformation of leapfrog development provides important support. At the same time, to co-ordinate and promote the economy through the major breakthrough in various fields of social development, concentrating power, promote the overall development of the quality, water level. Five is to put the typical cultivation As an effective way to explore the development path. Grasp construction typical, demonstration and guidance to help Party members and cadres at all levels to learn a direction, drive model, super target, positive polarity induced excitation at all levels of the organization undertaking. Departments at all levels should cultivate typical code, consolidate the promotion as a typical, typical an important task for the development of Li County, * * on in the country, the province, the overall development of the City Council to locate, careful planning, centralized catch built a number of distinctive connotation, scale, comprehensive, comprehensive influence in typical provinces and cities, to create a batch of bright little Engineering, and play the typical advanced comprehensive demonstration Effect of lead and drive the overall upgrade. Six is to put social governance as a basic work of the development of force force cohesion. The party's eighteen session of the three plenary meeting puts forward to promotesafe in urban rail transit passenger transportation system in all modes of transportation, urban mass transit security second only to aviation. The following table is a United States

     construction opportunities, inheritance and innovation, to build the cloud temple of Buddhist culture, West queen culture two name card, full integration into the national provinces and cities, scenic spots construction and "Silk Road Economic Belt" construction, all efforts to build China Fobao shrine, the international Center for research on international and National West Queen Mother Buddha relic The base of cultural studies, the * * silk road has become the key point of economic sectors. The development of fusion, to fully developed culture tourism resources, improve the cultural content of tourism, the static static cultural resources and cultural elements dispersed fully activated, concentrated has a connotation, characteristic the Cultural Park, and create a bright spot, selling the traveling scenic area, and continuously improve the regional competitiveness and the impact of the cultural tourism industry * * force, efforts will create a cultural tourism has the advantage, can support across the development of county economy and the first important supporting industry.To fully grasp the project to go, strong support, efforts to improve the economic strength of the county. Th

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