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      领导讲话稿依据不同的场合、对象和用途,可以分为 3 类 22 种。



      1. 党代会、人代会等代表大会的报告。内容一般是对上一届或上一次会议以来工作情况的回顾总结和对今后工作的部署。要求内容全面,表述严谨、庄重。

      2. 会议开幕词。一般在比较隆重的大型会议上使用。内容主要是讲明会议的目的、意义及用法,要富有启示性、鼓舞性。

      3. 会议闭幕词或会议总结讲话稿。主要是总结会议的收获,要求贯彻落实会议精神,要富有号召性。

      4. 工作会议讲话稿。根据既定的会议内容讲对某一项或几项工作的要求。要讲得鲜明、透彻、实在。

      5. 动员会议讲话稿。主要讲进行某项工作的意义和方法。要讲得入情入理,振奋人心,鼓舞斗志。

      . 庆功会、表彰会讲话稿。主要是概括、总结、肯定受表彰单位或个人的成绩和经验,对其进行表彰、鼓励,对面上提出学习、推广的要求。要富有激情和感召力。

      7. 庆祝会、纪念会讲话稿。根据庆祝、纪念的主题,立足现实,回顾历史,展望未来。要讲得客观、准确、实际。

      8. 专题报告会的报告。如学习理论心得报告,外出考察报告等。内容要有厚度、深度,给人以启示和借鉴。

      9. 碰头会、汇报会讲话稿。根据碰头、汇报的情况,肯定成绩,针对存在的问题或薄弱环节,有针对性地强调一方面或几方面的工作。要有具体要求,有力度。

      10. 现场会、经验交流会讲话稿。充分运用与会人员看到和听到的先进事迹和经验,进行深入分析和总结,要求学习、推广,促进工作。要有较强的说服力、号召力。

      11. 研讨会、座谈会总结讲话稿。根据与会人员发言情况进行总结,并提出改进工作或进一步研讨的意见、要求。要有较强的概括力和条理性。

      12. 综合性会议上的专题发言稿。主要是分管某一条战线、某一方面工作的领导同志在综合性会议上就自己分管的战线或工作讲情况和意见。要主题突出,富有资料性、参考性,并注意不过分强调自己分管工作的重要。要讲“实”,不要讲“虚”;要讲“适”,不要讲“过”。

      13. 在新旧领导工作交接会议上的讲话稿。这是一种很特殊的会议讲话稿。在这种会议上往往有三个讲话,一是卸任领导的讲话,一是接任领导的讲话,一是上级领导的讲话。卸任和接任领导的讲话,都要讲得谦虚、诚恳,并有表态的意思。上级领导讲话,则要对双方都给予肯定,并对该级领导班子及下属提出一些要求和希望。

      14. 在各种邀请会、协作会、联席会上的讲话稿。这也是一种比较特殊的会议,这种会议面对的不是下级,而是外地、外部门的客人。作为东道主发表讲话,要对客人表示欢迎,对本地、本部门的情况作一简介,还要讲会议的目的和议程。要讲得诚挚、热情、实在。



      1. 通过广播发表讲话。这种讲话形式在战争时期经常运用,毛泽东、朱德等都曾通过延安新华广播电台对解放区军民,对全国同胞,也对敌军发表过多次广播讲话。新中国建立以来,中央和地方的领导同志也经常采用这种讲话方式。广播讲话要求简明扼要,通俗易懂。

      2. 通过电视发表讲话。这是电视普及以来不少领导同志经常采用的一种讲话方式,主要是用于纪念和庆祝某个节日。有时也由领导同志搞电视讲座,讲授某一方面的知识。除讲座可以稍长一些外,电视讲话也要求简短、通俗。

      3. 通过报纸发表书面讲话。这也往往是为了纪念和庆祝某个节日而发表。要篇幅简短,措词严谨,富有文采。

      4. 通过现场散发书面讲话。如国家领导人出国访问,在机场散发书面讲




      1. 签约仪式上的讲话稿。这种讲话主要是对所签合作契约予以积极评价,对合作方表示感谢,对合作事项充满信心、寄予厚望。要简短、礼貌。

      2. 接见、会见讲话稿。接见下级单位的代表并发表讲话,主要是表示某种褒奖、慰问和鼓励;会见客人,主要是表示友好和友谊。要简短、亲切。

      3. 文艺演出、文艺界联欢前的讲话稿。主要是为了庆祝节日和表示友谊。要简短、富于激情。

      4. 致辞。包括欢迎词、感谢词、答谢词、慰问词、祝贺词等,用于专门的仪式或宴会等场合。作为“致辞”,必须有别于一般的讲话,要措词严谨,具有文采,形成书面。





      1. 宣传真理。在当前主要就是宣传党的十六大精神,宣讲邓**理论和“三个代表”重要思想,宣传党的基本路线和大政方针、重要政策。领导同志所作的理论辅导性讲话稿要专门发挥这一作用,其他讲话稿也要体现这一作用。如,江** 1998 年 11 月 2 日《在学习〈邓**文选〉第三卷报告会上的讲话》,高度概括了《邓选》三卷的主要内容和重要意义,起到了最权威、最有力的宣传作用。

      2. 部署工作。即对某一方面或几方面的工作进行部署,讲清工作目标、任务、要求和方法,讲话成为该项工作开展的起点。如邓** 1975 年 7 月 14 日在中央军委扩大会议上所作的题为《军队整顿的任务》的讲话,非常明确地指出了军队整顿的内容和方法。

      3. 提高认识。对同一件事情、同一个事物,因高层次的领导同志站得高、看得远,进行深刻阐述和分析后,能使下级提高认识。如邓** 1992 年初南巡讲话中讲到,“革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力”,判断的标准是“三个有利于”,“计划多一点还是市场多一点,不是社会主义与资本主义的本质区别”,“发展才是硬道理”,“形式主义也是官僚主义”(《邓**文选》第三卷第370-383页)等,这些十分重要而深刻的论断,提高了全党对改革开放和经济发展重大问题的认识。

      4. 解放思想。如邓**1977年5月24日关于《“两个凡是”不符合马克思主义》的谈话,同年 7 月 1 日关于《完整地准确地理解毛泽东思想》的讲话,指导和推动全党从“两个凡是”的桎梏中解放出来,重新恢复、确定了“实事求是”的马克思主义思想路线,跨入了改革开放的新时期。

      5. 鼓舞士气。如邓** 1978 年 3 月 8 日《在全国科学大会开幕式上的讲话》,首先讲:“今天能够举行这样一个在我国科学史上空前的盛会,就清楚地表明:王洪文、张春桥、江青、姚文元‘四人帮’ 肆意摧残科学事业、迫害知识分子的那种情景,一去不复还了。”(《邓**文选》第二卷82页)并在讲话中强调了“科学技术是生产力”的真理,对建国28年来的科技工作给予了充分肯定,给广大科技工作者以极大的鼓舞。这篇讲话稿宣告了“科学的春天”的到来。


     do a good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party's glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Marx's view of masses and the party's mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of the building, the party's mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party's fundamental purpose to become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five" activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and" collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the people's congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party and government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party committee of To improve the work style of wind close ties with the masses of the implementation measures, the township, village to control rural village cadres at the grassroots level "provisions of self-discipline to perform their duties of accountability (Trial) > check. On this basis, to solicit opinions and suggestions to the comprehensive and individual team, the thought of the actual work, held a special meeting called by the collective consultation," etc., sorted out the township town of all units of the "local disease", "single unit", the team and individual performance out of "outstanding disease", "individual" disease ". We should always focus on the four winds can not deviate from the partial, not to work for the problem instead of style no problem, the problem with the team Instead of personal problems, can not be replaced with general questions specific issues.2, to check the control section. Authorities at the county level, township streets, agatanoatae units and leadership, guide team, team members should be written carefully written examination in the material, is mainly responsible for the leadership of Comrade presided over the drafting of control material checking, and in a certain range with advice; team members to personally written written personal control inspection materials according to the material control inspection. Specific performance itemized "four winds", typical examples of three expenditures, post consumption, human consumption, public service vehicles, housing and housing office, family practitioners children and so on to make said that from the ideals and beliefs, sense of purpose, The party spirit, political discipline and other aspects of analysis of the root causes, to clear the direction and corrective measures. The township, check material to the review team members of each party organization single unit responsible comrades; a party organization responsible comrades should go through the next level of leadership is mainly to check the material control and leadership the material control inspection; supervision group to guide the leadership review and supervision unit team members; four groups of leading cadres of the party should review the contact Township, the unit leadership team and the leadership of the main guide control check check material; county education practice leading group office to review the township by various units of the party and government leadership Team and leading leaders, as well as subordinate departments of the leadership of the leading group and the main leader of the control inspection materials.3, carry out criticism before asking questions. Authorities at the county level, agatanoatae units and towns, streets leadership to convene a special democratic life. Before the meeting, the party responsible comrades of the party organizations and members of the team, the steering group and team members, the class members of the team and the lower Party organizations responsible for the same records, team members generally through in-depth talk heart to heart, unity of thought, promote consensus. At the meeting, the party responsible comrades of the party organizations should take the lead in open criticism and self-criticism, members of the sub group is not only to develop profound self criticized, should also carry out sincere mutual criticism should not only group, Jieduan ugly, really try hard face the problem, but also. Please keep the public interest in mind, is practical, has said, there are two, two, what is the question what do, say what you mention what opinion, really red face, sweating out, so that the soul is touched by the idea of education, to achieve unity - Criticism -- Unity ". After the meeting, to to be informed of democratic life will be in a certain range. Layered batches organized open topics of democratic life, the county Party committee, people, government, CPPCC team called first held, leading cadres contact unit, window units, other units has ordered the county four team members. A member of leading cadres to participate in the contact Township and county Straight unit leadership topics of democratic life. People of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Ministry of organs and organizations to send people to participate in the thematic democratic life. The steering group to all Cheng Cheng in the team feature of democratic life, and comments and other grassroots units. The party organization should hold a special organizational life will carry out the party. The members of the organization control inspection and the Democratic Party appraisal work, aiming at the existing problems put forward rectification measures and measures. Both leading cadres are organizers and participants, to participate as an ordinary Party organization life.4, the masses to participate in the evaluation problem. The township, all units should organize the party members and cadres, subordinate units responsible person, invite two representatives of a committee, "the service object and representatives of the masses, of revealing problems, carry out criticism in form for review, review reports, and timely disclosure of evaluation results.(three) the implementation of the rectification, establish a system1, to know that change. From the beginning of open activities, is a specific thing from the start, start from around things from the body, most people are not satisfied with the meaning of what has changed, that is to know that change, legislation enact change, to the central and provincial, municipal, county Party Committee clearly pointed out that the masses strong, now highlighted the problem of the unit, the current can be rectified, when one can not solve the rectification to create conditions change, the need for comprehensive management of joint rectification. Law enforcement and supervision departments, window units and service industries should take the lead position that is known to change, let people see the real effect.2, focus on promoting the rectification. County authorities, agatanoatae units and township town streets leadership to seriously set rectification plan, rectification plan to do the rectification task, the rectification rectification measures, change the time limit, the responsibility for rectification, the rectification requirements for the "five clear". The leadership team members to develop personal corrective measures. The village. Community and non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations can list a list of questions, clear rectification measures. Corrective action report of the steering group audit to ensure the implementation of the rectification work. After the implementation of "number one responsibility, ensure on real responsibility, account pin number, implemented one by one. Adhere to the door rectification, As promised to make rectification to the masses, timely publication of the rectification reform, evaluation and supervision and accept the masses. To make their rectification problems and requires a higher level to help solve problems in linking together, more vaginal discharge, on the following promotion, moving really tough action to tackle tough, with sustained effort, to ensure the rectification tasks are implemented.3, pay close attention to special treatment. Hundred-percent to implement the central and provincial, city, county to determine the special rectification task of governance, "four winds" chug problems, illness, punch, and bright sword. Focus on remediation inspection and assessment of the flooding problem of sea and mountain of the sea, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult business and service problems, low efficiency, the problem of unfair breach of privilege, law enforcement, violation of financial discipline discipline and three expenditure too greatly, much of the office space, exceed the standard standard equipped with bus and Gongjusiyong problems, the administrative examination and approval system reform is not in place, party and government organs and institutions overstaffing and super series positions with problems, Hui District policy implement shrink aliasing problem, the masses of money owed in arrears, and the masses deduction of property occupy the interests of the masses, food drug safety and transportation, engineering construction, production and other aspects of safety was suffering from the investigation is not in place, the rural environment ring dirty, chaotic, poor comprehensive governance is not complete and other issues, with a focus on the breakthrough in better overall style. Focus on project funds management approval, special rectification of law enforcement supervision departments, formulate specific treatment plan, clear management responsibilities, schedule time and standard requirements, the gas strength lay special rectification battle. Each township, units with a performance function Responsibility and style construction of the actual, to determine the focus of special rectification, in particular, to the remediation of the interests of the masses as a priority, the formation of long-term rectification work mechanism.4, strict Su is the wind Su Ji. We must resolutely investigate and corruption occurs in masses around the unwholesome tendencies of the problem, effective regulation of privilege of disease, indifferent disease, indolent disease, pleasure disease, disease waste, rectification of the problem is not big, small problems rectification, rectification side again, and to be serious criticism and education, when necessary, by adopting the organizational measures and disciplinary measures. To effectively solve the construction of leadership and stem of cadre education management problems, and the soft, lazy, scattered into the leadership of rectification; general style wind of cadres, foot high education to improve, promote its improvement; the opinions of the masses is not serious, revealing problems, There is no obvious improvement of the cadres, should be organized to adjust; a major violation of discipline problems, to timely transfer of the discipline inspection organs or relevant check serious investigation. To strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organization construction and the management of Party member education, the weak scattered Huan Huan of grass-roots party organizations, to focus on long-term in rectification; not even play a role to play a negative role in the party, strictly serious education, to unqualified to serious Su discipline, to give organizations. To catch the typical case to carry out the warning education, punishment, a piece of education, the more weak and lax, the prominent problems of the leadership to organize rectification open meal Exhibition activities.5, perfect and real system. In accordance with the law comprehensive, to do simple principle, to solve the "" four winds ", grasp the system" "waste, change, legislation, promote the improvement of work style of long-term normalization. Focusing on summary of good practices. In practice, the heavy focus on the establishment of resolve the people's livelihood difficulties, poverty alleviation in poor condition, industrial development, medical school of medicine, fair employment and other federal responsibility mechanism system and solve social security, petitioners visit, office and other people working mechanism, improve the system of Party cadres direct contact with the masses group, smooth channels to reflect the demands of the masses reflect system and reflect the wishes of the masses of scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism Department of cadres, The performance evaluation of scientific development and the construction of the style of the wind assessment mechanism, the responsibility mechanism of party responsibility, "full coverage of villages and households to cover" cadres contact point system, enforce the section saving against waste system, improve public service reception management regulations and official vehicles equipped with the use of management, office management, meeting, training, funding management other measures. Strengthen the implementation of the system, improve Party members, cadres to do work according to the system consciousness, strengthen the implementation of the situation of the supervision and inspection system, resolutely rectify the orders and prohibitions, ignoring the system of problem.6, grasp the summary node appraisal. The township in the educational practice, end beam, all units to conduct a "turn head to see" the living activities, held a summary of the general assembly, the organization of Party members and cadres and subordinate units responsible for everyone, invite two representatives of a committee member, service object and representatives of the masses and, to the leadership and members to carry out educational practice activity to the satisfaction of the masses satisfaction evaluation, evaluation of the situation by the steering group responsible for the summary of feedback to the party organization. The Council to report, the newspaper reported that the higher education practice leading group office.,According to the actual situation, according to different level, different areas, different objects are put forward different requirements, what problems will highlight what the problem is solved, a needle to strengthen guidance, both to prevent the "one pot", "across the board", but also to prevent the poor organization, allowing self gravity, the provisions should not only action to do a bit, but also make the freestyle unique, real, and enhance the effectiveness of educational practice.(a) promote the orderly crop pressure. Educational practice generally arrange 8 months time, specific to each single unit, centralized education practice time is generally not less than 3 months. All take a deployment echelon started into the pressure stubble, county leading organs and agatanoatae units and one step ahead as a demonstration, show, towns, streets and villages, communities and other grassroots organizations in advance. The time to insist on quality, the Township Town, all units should combine their actual, overall coordination, reasonable arrangement of time into the schedule.(two) classification organization. According to different characteristics of the county's education practice in single units, reflecting the differentiation requirements, hierarchical classification scheme, and to carry out the activities, classification don't implement the field. To promote leadership and leading cadres at the county level for executive organs, centralized law enforcement supervision and public power Department to the door adhere to high standards, in strict accordance with the regulations of the steps, firmly grasp the solution to solve the four winds problem not absent-minded, no astigmatism, and effectively solve the problems occurred in the masses around the unwholesome tendencies. The township town to highlight the service of the masses to the little, in enhancing the service consciousness of the masses, improve the ability to serve the masses. Work, using the village households, the effectiveness of the storm, leading the vanguard of action, effective carrier, to contact the service of the masses to do solid work, in direct contact with the masses by the education service, turn style. According to the school teaching work, in accordance with the various aspects of task requirements, grasp the work of educational practice. Do the work of teaching and education practice. There are two not mistake tissue in economic and social organizations, members of the party organizations and Party members to flow from the father, retired party members and other special groups to take from the small from reality, scattered scattered and nearby, sent to school site and other ways to carry out activities to do there is a characteristic Highlights, full mobilization of full coverage. The leadership guide team in China non Communist Party members and leading cadres, welcome to participate in education practice activities, invited to participate in the collective learning, attend leadership topics of democratic life, can not control checks written materials, to write a learning experience.(three) to strengthen the industry guidance. The unit vertical management and its branches, and improve the education practice by industry authority requirements, contact with the local development and the masses of vertical management single units closely, but also actively participate in the county special rectification activities, so that the upper and lower linkage, about Health Bureauactivities, searching for Communists. Meanwhile, the Japanese army combs in partitioned repeatedly and systematically "cleaning up", built the town line and survey

     do a good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party's glorious history and fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Marx's view of masses and the party's mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of the building, the party's mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party's fundamental purpose to become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five" activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and" collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the people's congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party and government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party committee of To improve the work style of wind close ties with the masses of the implementation measures, the township, village to control rural village cadres at the grassroots level "provisions of self-discipline to perform their duties of accountability (Trial) > check. On this basis, to solicit opinions and suggestions to the

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