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    时间:2020-10-15 08:51:00 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站



     1. David Boone 201届 David Boone克服了无家可归和帮派暴力,以全奖进入哈佛。?

     为了进入哈佛,Boone克服了包括无家可归和帮派暴力等在内的诸多困难。这个来自克利夫兰的大一学生说当初自己拒绝加入这个帮派,帮派成员就把他的家烧了。无家可归的Bonne便一心努力学习并且参加了各种富有成效的课外活动,这些努力帮助他最终成为了哈佛的一员。Boone是以Gates Millennial全奖进入哈佛的。?


     2. Shree Bose 2016届 Shree Bose在癌症研究领域不断突破。?



     3. Sitan Chen 2016届 Sitan Chen是一个明星数学家,同时也是卡耐基音乐厅的钢琴演奏者。?

     在进哈佛以前,Chen就已经凭借自己在改进计算机多任务数据处理方面的研究获得了2011西门子数学和科技竞赛三等奖。他的研究项目叫做“On the Rank Number of Grid Graphs”,该项目可以促进数学图像研究领域的发展。Chen还是一个非常有天赋的钢琴和小提琴演奏者,曾在卡耐基音乐厅演奏过六次。


     4. Matthew Chuchul 2013届 Matthew Chuchul是发现哈佛重要历史的领导者。?



     Chuchul曾获过Aloian Memorial奖学金。现在正在上大四的他还是他自己所在的学校住宿委员会的副主席。

     5. Aiden C. de B. Daly 2013届 Aiden C. de B. Daly在图书插画和科学研究方面非常出色。



     6. Julian B. Gewirtz 2013届

     Julian B. Gewirtz是《The Huffington Post》的专栏作者,在写作方面很有天赋。?

     Julian Gewirtz是一个酷爱中国文化和汉语的大四学生。他的汉语说得非常流利,现在正在哈佛学习中国现代史。他还是一个专栏作家,经常为《the Harvard Crimson》和《The Huffington Post》写一些关于中国的文章。他在写作方面很有天赋,他的诗歌曾获过多个奖项,他还是美国历史最悠久的大学文学杂志《the Harvard Advocate》的发行人。


     7. Laura Hinton 2013届 Laura Hinton在哈佛创建了安全的社交空间。?

     大四学生Laura Hinton在哈佛校园里表现出了强大的领导力。她想尽一切办法来增强大家的集体感,并帮助开办了Cabot咖啡屋,在这间咖啡屋里,学生和教师们可以彼此进行学术讨论或者参与社交活动。?

     Hinton的顾问评价说:“这间咖啡馆为其他哈佛住宿集体树立了一个榜样,告诉大家如何用为学生提供领导力提升和学习机会的创新方式创建社交空间。”由于对集体所作出的贡献,Hinton获得了哈佛校友协会颁发的David and Mimi Aloian Memorial奖学金。

     8. Allan J. Hsiao 2013届 Allan J. Hsiao是一个致力于亚洲研究的年轻领导者。?

     Hsiao是经济学和东亚研究双专业的大四学生,是学术期刊《the Harvard Asia Quarterly》的主编,同时也是该编委会中唯一的一名本科生。?

     Hsiao担任the Identity Fashion Show的执行制片和主管工作、和他人联合创立了哈佛精算协会并担任主席。Hsiao在东亚研究方面非常努力,他曾在中国出席了一场年轻领导者峰会。明年秋天,Hsiao将作为罗德学者开始在牛津的学习。

     9. Adam Kern 2013届 Adam Kern在一个波士顿监狱教授囚犯们哲学。?



     10. Dawn Loggins 2016届 Dawn Loggins面对被抛弃和无家可归的困境,依旧保持了全A的成绩。?




     11. Dalumuzi Mhlanga 2013届 Dalumuzi Mhlanga在津巴布韦创立了一个非盈利组织,培养年轻的企业领导人。?

     这个在津巴布韦出生的哈佛学生在大一暑假回到了家乡,创立了他的非盈利组织Lead Us Today,该组织旨在激励津巴布韦的高中生们通过发挥自身的领导力及创业精神,为社区和世界带来改变。?


     12. Rebecca Nadler 2014届 Rebecca Nadler是首个获得全国滑雪冠军的哈佛滑雪队员。?


     在全国大学生体育协会锦标赛的障碍滑雪赛中,Nadler以0.38秒的优势击败了来自福蒙特大学的对手,锁定了第一名的位置。Nadler被誉为是哈佛体育队历史上最优秀的滑雪选手,她也在另一场大型高山障碍滑雪赛中为哈佛赢得了首个EISA 狂欢节的胜利。

     13. Carolina Ragolta 2013届 Carolina Ragolta是一个科学奇才,正在努力实现自己儿时做宇航员的梦想。


     此外,Ragolta还担任着Delta Gamma姐妹会的主席,同时也是Sablière社团和古巴学生组织的成员。

     14. Treavor Scales 2013届 Treavor Scales是橄榄球明星球员,还曾经出演过一出德语剧。?



     15. Meghan Joy Smith 2013届 Meghan Joy Smith正在消除人们对精神疾病的歧视和误解。?

     Meghan Joy Smith在他整个大学期间都在为提升哈佛校园内的身体和心理健康而努力。这个来自加拿大的大四学生和学生心理健康联络人组织相互合作,致力于提高对精神疾病的关注度并消除精神疾病歧视和误解,让学生能轻松辨别相关征兆,并及时寻求对于压力或其他精神健康问题的援助。?


     16. Abby Sun 2013届 Abby Sun是一位有力的性健康倡导者。?



     17. Nithin Tumma 2016届 Nithin Tumma开展了乳腺癌治疗领域颇具影响力的研究。?

     Nithin Tumma在乳腺癌研究领域取得了惊人的突破。他关于乳腺癌中分子通道作用的研究将可能催生出更有效的乳腺癌疗法。该项研究为他赢得了去年“英特尔科学奖”第一名以及10万美元奖金。?


     18. Nina M. Yancy,2013届 Nina M. Yancy以实际行动给贫困年轻人以支持。?




     19. Phillip Z. Yao 2013届 Phillip Z. Yao努力确保让世界各地的孩子们都能接受到优质教育。?

     Yao对教育充满热情。他是纽约Prep for Prep项目的指导员。Prep for Prep项目帮助优秀的非白人学生进入享有声望的私立学校学习。他还曾在市长办公室为纽约学校新计算机课程项目工作过。Yao和Pratham一起在印度为一百多万学生建立了虚拟图书馆。Pratham是为印度贫困儿童提供优质教育的最大的非政府组织。Yao还是哈佛本科生委员会教育政策主席。


     20. Jenny Ye 2013届 Jenny Ye倡导女性权利和女性教育,并努力培养技术领域的年轻女性领导人。

     Ye对政治非常感兴趣。她是哈佛大学政治协会和全国妇女组织主席Kim Gandy间的学生联络人,这一角色激起了她对妇女问题的更大的热情。如今,作为哈佛政治协会的主席,Ye积极倡导妇女权益和妇女教育。Ye通过CodeED(一个招募工程师志愿者教授高危青年计算机科学的组织)在纽约领导了一个暑期指导项目,在该项目中,她教剑桥社区委办学校的女生们编程。她倡导在技术领域培养年轻的女性领导者。?


     21. Jonathan Yip,2013届 Jonathan Yip克服了癌症的威胁,追逐自己研究政治和从事政治领域工作的梦想。?

     在大一结束的那个夏天,医生在Jonathan Yip的膝盖里发现了一个肿瘤,这个肿瘤威胁着Yip的生命。尽管为了治疗休学一年,但Yip仍然非常积极;他依旧担任着哈佛模拟联合国副秘书长的职务,此外,他还加入了一个叫Kids vs. Cancer的组织,在那里促进了癌症研究的立法。?


     22.?Angela Zhang 2016届 Angela Zhang开展了癌症治疗的相关研究,该研究可能推动更有效的癌症疗法的问世。

     还在上高中的时候,Angela Zhang就凭借她关于“可能治愈癌症的纳米系统”的研究获得了2011西门子数学科技竞赛的一等奖,并赢得了10万美元奖金。鉴于纳米系统的多种功能,她把纳米系统比作了瑞士军刀:它可以同时瞄准肿瘤、消灭癌细胞并监控治疗反应。?


     the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of "four clean" "four consciousness", hold the work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ...

     2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading 2016 version XI General Secretary important speech articles selected leaders reading and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. 1 the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. 2 to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize "two 100 year" goal dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 3 understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of "five in one" overall layout and four "comprehensive" strategy. 4 a deep understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. 5 in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance "area way" construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yangtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. 6 to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the "Tigers" and "fly". 7 the

     the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of "four clean" "four consciousness", hold the work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ...

     2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading 2016 version XI General Secretary important speech articles selected leaders reading and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. 1 the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. 2 to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize "two 100 year" goal dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 3 understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of "five in one" overall layout and four "comprehensive" strategy. 4 a deep understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. 5 in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance "area way" construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yangtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. 6 to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the "Tigers" and "fly". 7 the不念过往,不畏将来,如此而已——阳光树励志网() grasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jeopardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on "seven a has of" "five a must", important discusses, enhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line "three strict three real" requirements and good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. 1 the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in "lift what flag, and go what road" Shang of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency "calcium", problem, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, "universal values", neo-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. 2 lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang "on both sides people", for wind disciplinary make "four wind", for clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou Yongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, political wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. 3 lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On

     grasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jeopardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on "seven a has of" "five a must", important discusses, enhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line "three strict three real" requirements and good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. 1 the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in "lift what flag, and go what road" Shang of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency "calcium", problem, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, "universal values", neo-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. 2 lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang "on both sides people", for wind disciplinary make "four wind", for clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou Yongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, political wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. 3 lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On2

     the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of "four clean" "four consciousness", hold the work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ...

     2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading 2016 version XI General Secretary important speech articles selected leaders reading and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. 1 the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. 2 to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize "two 100 year" goal dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 3 understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of "five in one" overall layout and four "comprehensive" strategy. 4 a deep understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. 5 in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance "area way" construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yangtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. 6 to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the "Tigers" and "fly". 7 the

     grasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jeopardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on "seven a has of" "five a must", important discusses, enhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line "three strict three real" requirements and good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. 1 the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in "lift what flag, and go what road" Shang of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency "calcium", problem, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, "universal values", neo-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. 2 lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang "on both sides people", for wind disciplinary make "four wind", for clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou Yongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, political wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. 3 lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On

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