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    有创意的专栏名称 [专栏]

    时间:2019-02-16 03:32:07 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      I still had feelings for her.
      We do have a lot in common.
      I should make a move on her.
      Take your head out of the sand.
      It doesn"t mean a thing.
      It"s a waste of time.
      It"s over with her.
      She is the only one who accounts.
      Hey Steven, I knew and dated Christina for about three years. A few months ago she was being totally disrespectful toward me by criticizing me, showing up late for dates, and even talking about other guys she might like to get to know. It got to be too much, so I decided not to take a beating and I walked out on her. It was hard because I still had feelings for her, but sometimes a guy has to do what a guy has to do.
      Now I"m confused about something. A few weeks later Christina stopped by my office just to say hi and see what was going on with me. This seemed kind of strange to me, since she"d never done it before. I haven"t even tried to talk to her since she did this, which was, by now, a couple of months ago.
      Recently, out of the blue, she e-mailed me, wondering how I"m doing and asking me to write her back. As I said earlier, this seemed weird to me since, in my experience, girls just don"t do this sort of thing. So I e-mailed her back about a week later. She wrote back again, saying she was glad I contacted her and how much she missed my stories. She told me a bit about her life, and then asked for my input on what I think the name of her new band should be.
      We have similar interests
      Again, Steven, this seems kind of unusual. I mean, we do have a lot in common: the same TV shows, the same taste in music, and we both play the guitar. Doesn"t this seem like kind of high Interest Level on her part, and pretty much out of nowhere?
      Am I mistaken about all this?
      Another thing, Steven; do you think I should make a move on Christina and try to rekindle what we had? Ever since she initiated contact, I find myself drifting toward the past we had together.
      Thanks for reading this, Steven.
      Hi David,
      You"re asking me for advice, right? How can you expect me to give it to you when you"re so vague about the particulars? You say you"ve been with Christina for about three years. What does "about" mean? Is it "about" 26 months or 38 months? I need to know exactly what we"re dealing with here. Does a prosecutor ever go to trial without all the evidence? No. Remember that. Having all the pieces of the puzzle makes a big difference.
      You should"ve left earlier
      Now let me ask you this. When your little Britney Spears look-alike started dissing you, why didn"t you leave sooner? As my mom always says, "What"s the matter with you, boy ―you got rocks in your head?" Why did you take all her abuse for so long? When you finally woke up and hit the bricks, it wasn"t a matter of dignity on your part. You just got weary of the beatings she was dishing out. Sure, you had feelings for her. But if she looked like Shrek"s Fiona, a blind man would have left! And yes, there does come a point when a guy has to do what a guy as to do ― next time, though, do it way, way sooner!
      Now let me explain something to you, David. Christina didn"t just "stop by" to see what was going on with you. The reason she did it was because she wants you back ―so she can reject you. See, you beat her to the punch and got out first. It ticked her off. What you were supposed to do was stay and endure more of the beatings. That"s what guys are programmed to do, right? And remember; a guy"s got to do what a guy"s got to do!
      You were right on one front
      Now, it"s good that you haven"t tried to talk to Christina. It"s admirable that you"ve stayed away, though no doubt you were tempted a hundred times to go chasing after her like a chump. This girl didn"t treat you with respect, and so you did the right thing ―the only thing you could do. So what it means is that you did one thing right so far. Let"s hope you can make it two.
      Pal, take your head out of the sand. Of course girls do this sort of thing (get in touch with guys, that is) ― they do it all the time! Especially when you don"t grovel like a worm. When you don"t beg and plead with her to stay, get down and kiss her feet, and offer your house and some cheap jewelry, then they have to come back because they"re wondering how you can live without their abuse. Unfortunately, this is just their bruised egos talking.
      So yes, Christina"s appearance on the scene seems out of nowhere, but it"s not indicative of high Interest Level. You just rubbed the poor baby"s ego the wrong way. Things can work out when Interest Level is 51% or higher. But Christina"s Interest Level is somewhere between 1% and 49%.
      You need to get real...
      The name of your ex"s new band should be "You Can"t Go Back." Of course you and she have a lot of stuff in common. Except for one thing: your Interest Levels aren"t both high. So what it boils down to in reality is that you have nothing in common. All this other stuff ― music, TV shows, etc. ― is superfluous. It doesn"t mean a thing.
      Don"t waste your time
      Buddy, let me try and save you some anguish here. Don"t go making a move on Christina. It"s a waste of time. You"ve got to realize that it"s definitely over with her. What you"re going to do instead is play a little head game with her. You"ll give her something back and throw out a little bait, just enough to lure her in. Then you"ll really realize what a psycho-case you were in love with. Plus, you"ll learn a lot more about women in general.
      So here"s what you do. Ask Christina to give you a call. When she does, tell her that your date is cooking a dinner in the kitchen for you and that you really can"t talk now. Throw in that your little servant girl doesn"t mean anything to you at all ― that she, Christina, is the only one who counts. Give her a little smooch over the wire, then hang up.
      Every time Christina calls, you"re going to have a date over at your place, doing something for you. Count how many times she calls you. After five or six, ask her to get together. When she accepts the date, you"re going to call her back and break it. You"re going to be the first man in 6,000 years to ever break a date. Then you"ll wait for her to phone you back again.
      It"s all about her ego
      But David, don"t ever place yourself under the illusion that this Hilary Duff wanna be has high Interest Level in you. You two are just engaged in a battle of the egos. But with the head trips you"re going to use, you"ll be playing with her for once, and you"ll be in control of what"s going on. And, like I said before, you"ll be shocked by what you learn about the opposite sex.
      And as far as the past goes, you"re only remembering the good parts ― not the bad ones. Remember all the criticizing? The showing up late? The talk about other guys?
      Remember; once you break up, you don"t get another shot.
      [沪江英语网www.省略, 国内最大的英语原创学习网,拥有57万会员的全民英语交互平台。]

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