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    童真童趣的经典句子 [童真童趣]

    时间:2018-12-27 03:31:11 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      Many a literature has been created by studying the innocence of childhood. Children are not only innocent, but also innovative, investigative and imaginative. The shelves of my memory get filled from time to time, with the anecdotes connected with the imagination of my children, nephews, nieces, and now my grandchildren.
      I recall the time we went to a village farm. We got there after dark. It was a beautiful evening, quiet everywhere, except for the chirping of the crickets. The air was damp and warm, full of jasmine fragrance. There was no smoke, nor were there city fumes to pollute the atmosphere. There was no din or noise to disturb the peace and tranquility of the place. Everywhere it was completely dark, except for the twinkle of the stars or the glint of the fireflies. It was the first time my elder son, four years old at the time, saw fireflies. He asked his mother what they were. On being told that those were fireflies, he gave a very understanding nod and innocently proclaimed, “Oh I see. When the stars fall onto the trees, they are called fireflies. Once I asked my nephew, pointing to the stars in the sky, what they were. Promptly he replied that they were lamps. On being questioned further about who lit them, his was the most ingenious reply: it was the Airplane.
      I also cannot forget the occasion when one of my nieces was at our place and she put her doll on my bed beside me, asking me to take care of it. As I was busy with some important work, I put it on one side, a little far away from me. Soon I heard her yell at me. “You are so dumb, uncle! You put the doll so far that the bear would take her away and eat her!” And now my grandchildren are in the same magical age.
      Once, my grandson came to me and asked, “Grandpa, are you mad?” I replied, “No.” He then asked, “Are you angry?” Again on my saying no, he persisted, “Are you cross?” Hearing my reply in the negative, he said, “What is the difference between mad, angry and cross?” It was then I realized that he was trying to find out the difference between phrases we use for the same thing.
      Then, one night my grandson woke up in the middle of the night and saw the crescent moon through his window. He at once shouted, “Look! The moon is broken!”
      Well! These are some of the treasures. I have kept collecting as I have advanced in age, and in that process, I have got richer and richer. No earthly riches can match the treasures that I have collected. And the beauty of it is that even the IRS cannot tax these riches of mine. These are some of the joys of growing up to this golden age. I hope that the cup of my happiness would keep getting filled by my great grandchildren.

    相关热词搜索: 童趣 童真

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