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    时间:2020-10-17 09:29:21 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站




      各位领导,各位老师,各位同学,大家好!我是07计3的柳丽,今天我演讲的题目是《环境的呼吁》.环境是我们人类的好朋友,跟我们的生活息息相关.但是我们因为一时的私利,大量砍伐树木,造成水土流失和大量动物惨遭灭绝.环境对人类来说既是天堂,又是地狱,人们睁大那贪梦的双眼,恨不得将所有的财富占为己有.人类破坏环境,就是在破坏自己,自己的生存环境,人类应该用眼睛证实一下,这奇特现象存在的事实,进而能不能改善我们的生态环境.环境向我们呼吁,必须尽快采取一切措施,拯救日趋频危的野生动物,拯救我们的生存环境.生物学家发出了震撼全球的警告:全世界将有5000种动物在不长的时期灭绝.但同时几乎发出同一声音:本世纪上半期,每隔5年就有一种哺乳动物灭绝,本世纪下半期,已加速到每隔两年就在灭绝一种.警告就在空中回荡,悲剧仍在脚下发展.进入高文明社会的人类,正在野蛮愚昧的破坏生态环境.地球上指可数的野生动物资源大国,在想方设法保护他们的同时,也无可奈何地看着他们惨遭扑杀,践踏,掠夺,,,,,,,人类在破坏环境时,也在破坏国家的保护动物,大熊猫.素有国宝之称等等命运同样不佳,如果再破坏生态环境,这些世代赖以繁衍的家园也遭到疯狂的扫荡,株连九族的下场并不鲜见,是我们人类残酷无情的破坏他们.我国的长江,黄河目前也遭到同样的破坏,导致水污染严重,人们将垃圾扔到里面.使黄河,长江的水,不再是以前那样的清澈见底了.导致长江,黄河被污染的诸多因素中,人为因素是重要的因素之一.只要这个因素不彻底消除,那么天敌的罪名依然是人类难逃的梦魇!·保护野生动物就是保护人类自己.保护环境不仅有利于我们的身体健康,同时也在为我们的子孙后代造福,保护环境的主要目的是改善环境质量,保障人体健康和促进社会经济的可持续发展,保护环境不仅要从小事做起,更要从自己做起,积极的和破坏环境的人做斗争.让环境和以前一样没有任何污染,一种天然的灵性告诉我们:只有和平相处才能继续生存.让我们携起手来共创美好明天.还我们绿色空间 各位领导,各位老师,各位同学,大家好!我是07计3的曹静,今天我演讲的题目是《还我们绿色空间》.我们知道,在千百年前,人类以征服自然,运用自然万物作为人类文明的标志,千百年后的今天,人类又是否以尊重自然,释放自然,在与自然和谐相处中把延续生存作为现代觉悟的象征呢 记得有这样一句话:两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天.有人戏谑这样的意境只存在于都市人的梦中了.看着我们的周围,摩天大楼高耸入云,遮掩了本应辽阔的天空,股票厅里,模竖交织的荧屏上,鲜活的数字跳跃着工厂繁忙的机械声和路人匆匆的脚步声交织在一起,这就是所谓的都市节奏吗 在这畅欲横流的年代里,许多人为着眼前的利益忙碌着,甚至因此不惜牺牲子孙后代赖以生存的家园.我们的家园被污浊的河流包围了,树木成片倒下,鸟兽也被捕杀……,人类创造了巨大的物质财富,物质生活也因此得到了惊人的改善,可我不禁要问:这就是人类千百年来夸父般追逐的那个梦想吗 我又想起了以前看过的一个故事,在淮河流域某村,50多岁的村民由于长期饮用被污染的河水,死于食道癌.在他的新坟上,一瓶雪碧是人们给水污染受害者的唯一祭品.也许你跟我一样,也难以置信,但它的的确确发生在我们周围,在中国,是啊,就在中国!心里又不禁涌起一阵心酸.在这个发展中国家里,经济固然重要,但环保更是关系国际民生子孙后代的大事啊!为了我们的后代能够有一个良好的生存环境,为了人类能够在这个蔚蓝的星球上繁衍生息下去,我们中学生不能只顾在书海中沉浮.伸出你的手,伸出我的手,让我们共同努力,筛网滤布将我们的家园恢复到原有的面貌,让我们尽情享受那份失落已久的鸟语花香,那份清新与宁谧吧!让我们每一个人都弯弯腰,撒一粒绿色的种子,让绿色覆盖在每一片土地上,让我们每一个人都挑一担绿色的希望,置放在中华大地的每一个空间.我爱,我承诺 各位领导,各位老师,各位同学,大家好!我是07计3的贺莉,今天我演讲的题目是《我爱,我承诺》.无意中,我读到这样一句话:以生命的名义,我承诺,爱惜天空,大地和生灵.选择绿色的生活方式,杜绝破坏环境的不文明行为.心里深深地感动,我对自己说:我爱,我承诺!什么我的眼里含着泪水,因为我爱这土地爱得深沉,小时侯乘火车,过黄河,浩浩荡荡的黄河水奔腾向前,茫茫的黄土平原一望无际.整个天空只剩下黄浊一片,我被这样铺天盖地的黄震撼着,列车上响起高亢激越的歌声:黄河的源头在哪里哎,在牧马汉子的酒壶里……那一刻,年幼的我感到热血奔腾,心跳的音律同黄河水一起奔涌澎湃.啊,黄河,我孕育了整个中华民族的母亲河,经历了五千年沧桑的母亲河!我从来没有如此深刻地感受过黄河……我的母亲河.倘若有人告诉我您需要我,我会毫不犹豫地为您献身.可是,我们的母亲河受伤了.从各媒体得知:黄河两岸植被严重破坏,水土流失,黄河断流了.不久又得知黄河再次断流了,最长的断流期竟长达10个月.两岸的百姓骑着自行车在河道上来来往往.我的心在流泪了.每每回忆起初见黄河时的景象,想起当时滚滚黄河水义无返顾地奔向大海的壮士情怀,想起千百年来黄河水哺育的无数儿女,我都会加倍痛心于今日的惨况.有什么能让一条大河比失去水更伤心哭泣的呢 我们的母亲河断流了,欲哭无泪.我好象面对自己辛劳一生的老母亲病危的情景,无为求助而潸然泪下.可令我潸然泪下的不仅仅是黄河……茫茫苍穹下,我听到这样一段泣告: 黄河:长江,长江,我是黄河,我是黄河,请回话!长江:黄河,黄河,我也是黄河,我也是黄河!一直以来,喝着长江水的我把长江想象得如水晶宫一般.她应该是明亮的,璀璨的.可是残酷的现实将美好的幻想击得粉碎.1998年夏,压滤机滤布长江爆发百年不遇的洪水.面对沧海桑田,大禹为之胆颤心惊.作为万物之灵的人类,在洪水的咆哮中显得那样无助和渺小,在凄厉的哭喊声中骨肉离散.我是那样深刻地爱着我的母亲河——长江,黄河,在我心中重千斤,可我只能眼睁睁看着它们断流,发洪水……我是那样深刻地爱着人类善良的母亲……地球.她用那甘甜的乳汁哺育着大地生灵.可是人类却永不满足,肆意追求,用他们特有的本领剥削着地球的肉体,狂妄的统治着地球.从此,地球原本光滑的皮肤变得粗糙了;地球原本青春的容颜变得苍老了;地球原本华丽的衣裳变得黯然失色了.没有什么别的原因,这全都是人类伟大的杰作.聪明的人类啊,醒悟吧!难道你还没感觉到污水的洪流正侵蚀着人类的生命之源——水;难道你还没感觉到工厂的大烟囱里整日整夜的浓烟滚滚正危害着人类的身心健康;难道你还没感觉到天空不再蓝,小草不再绿,空气也不再清新了吗 聪明的人类啊,悔过吧!你流连于山光水色,绿意葱茏的大自然中时,你是否想过有一天这一切的一切都将远离我们而去,留给我们的只是光秃一片.朋友,相信我吧,这绝不是危言耸听.看:非洲大沙漠正以惊人的速度吞噬良田,人类面临生存危机;南极洲的冰层开始融化,若干年后洪水滔天不再是神话,人类正把自己推向灭亡的深渊!同学们,看看我们周围的环境吧!不要小看地上的一片废纸,不要轻视那未拧紧的水龙头.今天,你的随心所欲将可能要以血的代价偿还.让我们共同行动起来吧,努力去节约每一滴水,每一度电,不破坏植被……我将用一颗真诚的心呼唤:珍爱绿色,就是珍爱我们的生命;保卫绿色不被污染,就是保卫我们的心灵不被污染.让我们共同喊出:保护环境,美化家园的口号.不为别的,就为了我们的校园更加美丽,就为了我们的祖国将是一片绿色,让我们承诺:爱惜天空,大地和生灵,选择绿色的生活方式,让生命的绿色永远蓬勃,蓬勃永远!我爱,我承诺!!



     awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the party's eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Communist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of "leapfrog development, requirements of first-class" people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, "11th Five-Year" youth career development planning, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the "Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League" construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 2006 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, "11th Five-Year" youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the "digital XX League" construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League <XX magazine, the construction of the Communist Youth League work guidance and communication platform; expand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the XX youth electronic community website, the construction of information network and participate in the youth service platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of XX city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the XX Youth Research Institute and XX Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platform.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly XX youth development "11th Five-Year" planning work. In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, combined with the actual development of adolescent XX, XX junior career scientific judgment of future development trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescents' learning, youth culture and entertainment, exchanges and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop XX youth career development planning "in 11th Five-Year" XX, actively into the national economy and social development "11th Five-Year" plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation. In the formulation, implementation of the <XX foundation, "11th Five-Year" youth career development planning ", through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work plans for youth development, actively play with. Planning on implementation effect.(two) to grasp the overall situation, in-depth research, give full play to role of staff Explorer chamber. An in-depth study and practice of Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", comprehensively and accurately grasp the profound connotation of Scientific Outlook on Development, Scientific Outlook on Development to improve as a guide, in-depth study of youth in the new era of growth, ability and level of the Communist Youth League work and youth career the development of the municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. According to the party, and the committee's requirements, and the overall work around the XX Youth League Youth career development, actively play the subjective initiative, improve the ability to participate in the research work, a good staff and the municipal Party Committee Party think tank for work decision-making and deployment . around the center, serving the overall situation, the host of important documents and important document drafting work. Pay close attention to research on the ideological trend of the city's youth, a keen grasp of youth public opinion guidance, timely reflect the city's youth events and problems, do <XX youth opinion > edit work. To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance

     awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the party's eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Communist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of "leapfrog development, requirements of first-class" people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, "11th Five-Year" youth career development planning, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the "Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League" construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 2006 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, "11th Five-Year" youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the "digital XX League" construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League <XX magazine, the construction of the Communist Youth League work guidance and communication platform; expand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the XX youth electronic community website, the construction of information network and participate in the youth service platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of XX city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the XX Youth Research Institute and XX Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platform.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly XX youth development "11th Five-Year" planning work. In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, combined with the actual development of adolescent XX, XX junior career scientific judgment of future development trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescents' learning, youth culture and entertainment, exchanges and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop XX youth career development planning "in 11th Five-Year" XX, actively into the national economy and social development "11th Five-Year" plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation. In the formulation, implementation of the <XX foundation, "11th Five-Year" youth career development planning ", through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work plans for youth development, actively play with. Planning on implementation effect.(two) to grasp the overall situation, in-depth research, give full play to role of staff Explorer chamber. An in-depth study and practice of Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", comprehensively and accurately grasp the profound connotation of Scientific Outlook on Development, Scientific Outlook on Development to improve as a guide, in-depth study of youth in the new era of growth, ability and level of the Communist Youth League work and youth career the development of the municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. According to the party, and the committee's requirements, and the overall work around the XX Youth League Youth career development, actively play the subjective initiative, improve the ability to participate in the research work, a good staff and the municipal Party Committee Party think tank for work decision-making and deployment . around the center, serving the overall situation, the host of important documents and important document drafting work. Pay close attention to research on the ideological trend of the city's youth, a keen grasp of youth public opinion guidance, timely reflect the city's youth events and problems, do <XX youth opinion > edit work. To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance1 / 1

     awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, strengthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful career in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the party's eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Communist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of "leapfrog development, requirements of first-class" people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of management, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, "11th Five-Year" youth career development planning, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the "Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League" construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team of young talents, and vigorously promote the 2006 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, "11th Five-Year" youth career development plan, for the implementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the "digital XX League" construction project, make full use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League <XX magazine, the construction of the Communist Youth League work guidance and communication platform; expand the function, enhance interaction, give full play to the XX youth electronic community website, the construction of information network and participate in the youth service platform; integration of resources, focus on services, the establishment of XX city informatization of young talents Association, give full play to the XX Youth Research Institute and XX Information Association of young talents, and Research on construction of information talent and cohesion platform.,(a) scientific planning, meticulous organization, earnestly XX youth development "11th Five-Year" planning work. In accordance with the scientific, effective, open and operational principles, combined with the actual development of adolescent XX, XX junior career scientific judgment of future development trend, focusing on Ideological Education for youth, youth employment and entrepreneurship, Youth Science and technology innovation, adolescents' learning, youth culture and entertainment, exchanges and cooperation, the adolescent youth participation, and safeguarding the rights and interests of crime prevention, 9 key areas of youth organization construction, develop XX youth career development planning "in 11th Five-Year" XX, actively into the national economy and social development "11th Five-Year" plan system, and on behalf of the municipal government issued Implementation. In the formulation, implementation of the <XX foundation, "11th Five-Year" youth career development planning ", through the investigation and scientific analysis, to develop annual work plans for youth development, actively play with. Planning on implementation effect.(two) to grasp the overall situation, in-depth research, give full play to role of staff Explorer chamber. An in-depth study and practice of Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", comprehensively and accurately grasp the profound connotation of Scientific Outlook on Development, Scientific Outlook on Development to improve as a guide, in-depth study of youth in the new era of growth, ability and level of the Communist Youth League work and youth career the development of the municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. According to the party, and the committee's requirements, and the overall work around the XX Youth League Youth career development, actively play the subjective initiative, improve the ability to participate in the research work, a good staff and the municipal Party Committee Party think tank for work decision-making and deployment . around the center, serving the overall situation, the host of important documents and important document drafting work. Pay close attention to research on the ideological trend of the city's youth, a keen grasp of youth public opinion guidance, timely reflect the city's youth events and problems, do <XX youth opinion > edit work. To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organizations, constantly to enhance

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