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    时间:2018-12-27 03:34:06 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

       "What" s that?" said Great Claus. "Have I not killed him? I must go myself and see to this." And so he went over himself with the bushel to Little Claus.
       "Now, where did you get all that money from?" he asked; and he opened his eyes wide when he saw all that had been brought together.
       "You killed my grandmother, and not me," replied Little Claus;"and I"ve sold her, and got a whole bushel of money for her."
       "That" s really being well paid," said Great Claus; and he hastened home, took an axe, and killed his own grandmother directly. Then he put her on a carriage, and drove off to the town with her, to where the apothecary lived, and asked him if he would buy a dead person.
       "Who is it, and where did you get him from?" asked the apothecary.
       "It" s my grandmother," answered Great Claus."I"ve killed her to get a bushel of money for her."
       "Heaven save us!" cried the apothecaly, "you" re raving! Don" t say such things, or you may lose your head." And he told him earnestly what a bad deed this was that he had done, and what a bad man he was, and that he must be punished. And Great Claus was so frightened that he jumped out of the surgery straight into his carriage, and whipped the horses, and drove home. But the apothecary and all the people thought him mad, and so they let him drive whither he would.
       "You shall pay for this!" said Great Claus, when he was out upon the high road: "yes, you shall pay me for this, Little Claus!" And directly he got home he took the biggest sack he could find, and went over to Little Claus and said,"Now, you" ve tricked me again! First I killed my horses, and then my old grandmother! That" s all your fault; but you shall never trick me any more." And he seized Little Claus round the body, and thrust him into the sack, and took him upon his back, and called out to him, "Now I shall go off with you and drown you."
       It was a long way that he had to travel before he came to the river, and Little Claus was not too light to carry. The road led him close to a church; the organ was playing, and the people were singing, so beautifully! Then Great Claus put down his sack, with Little Claus in it, close to the church door, and thought it would be a very good thing to go in and hear a psalm before he went farther; for Little Claus could not get out, and all the people were in church; and so he went in.
       "Oh, dear!Oh, dear!"sighed Little Claus in the sack. And he turned and twisted, but he found it impossible to loosen the cord. Then there came by an old drover with snow-white hair, and a great staff in his hand; he was driving a whole herd of cows and oxen before him, and they stumbled against the sack in which Little Claus was confined, so that it was overthrown.
       "Oh, dear!"sighed Little Claus, "I" m so young yet, and am to go to heaven directly?"
       "And I, poor fellow," said the drover, "am so old, already, and can"t get there yet?"
       "Open the sack," cried Little Claus; "creep into it instead of me, and you will get to heaven directly."
       "With all my heart," replied the drover; and he untied the sack, out of which Little Claus crept forth immediately.
       "But will you look after the cattle?" said the old man; and he crept into the sack at once, whereupon Little Claus tied it up, and went his way with all the cows and oxen.
       Soon afterwards Great Claus came out of the church. He took the sack on his shoulders again, although it seemed to him as if the sack had become lighter; for the old drover was only half as heavy as Little Claus.
      "How light he is to carry now! Yes, that is because I have heard a psalm."
       So he went to the river, which was deep and broad, threw the sack with the old drover in it into the water, and called after him, thinking that it was Little Claus, "You lie there! Now you shan"t trick me any more!"
       Then he went home; but when he came to a place where there was a cross-road, he met Little Claus driving all his beasts.
       "What"s this?" cried Great Claus. "Have I not drowned you?"
       "Yes, "replied Little Claus, "you threw me into the river less than half an hour ago."
       "But wherever did you get all those fine beasts from?" asked Great Claus.
       "These beasts are sea-cattle, "replied Little Claus. "I"ll tell you the whole story--and thank you for drowning me, for now I"m at the top of the tree. I am really rich! How frightened I was when I lay huddled in the sack, and the wind whistled about my ears when you threw me down from the bridge into the cold water! I sank to the bottom immediately; but I did not knock myself, for the most splendid soft glass grows down there. Upon that I fell; and immediately the sack was opened, and the loveliest maiden, with snow-white garments and a green wreath upon her wet hair, took me by the hand, and said, "Are you come, Little Claus? Here you have some cattle to begin with. A mile farther along the road there is a whole herd more, which I will give to you. " And now I saw that the river formed a great highway for the people of the sea. Down in its bed they walked and drove directly from the sea, and straight into the land, to where the river ends. There it was so beautifully full of flowers and of the freshest grass; the fishes, which swam in the water, shot past my ears, just as here the birds in the air. What pretty people there were there, and what fine cattle pasturing on mounds and in ditches!"
       "But why did you come up again to us directly?" asked Great Claus."I should not have done that, if it is so beautiful down there."
       "Why," replied Little Claus, "just in that I acted with good policy. You heard me tell you that the sea-maiden said"A mile farther along the road"--and by the road she meant the river, for she can"t go anywhere else-- " there is a whole herd of cattle for you."But I know what bends the stream makes--sometimes this way, sometimes that; there"s a long way to go round; no, the thing can be managed in a shorter way by coming here to the land, and driving across the fields towards the river again. In this manner I save myself almost half a mile, and get all the quicker to my sea-cattle!"
      "Oh, you are a fortunate man!" said Great Claus."Do you think I should get some sea-cattle too if I went down to the bottom of the river?"
      "Yes, I think so," replied Little Claus. "But I cannot carry you in the sack as far as the river; you are too heavy for me! But if you will go there, and creep into the sack yourself, I will throw you in with a great deal of pleasure."
      "Thanks!"said Great Claus; "but if I don"t get any sea-cattle when I am down there, I shall beat you, you may be sure!"
       "Oh, no; don"t be so fierce!"
       And so they went together to the river. When the beasts, which were thirsty, saw the stream, they ran as fast as they could to get at the water.
       "See how they hurry!"cried Little Claus. "They are longing to get back to the bottom."
       "Yes, but help me first!" said Great Claus, "or else you shall be beaten."
       And so he crept into the great sack, which had been laid across the back of one of the oxen.
       "Rut a stone in, for I"m afraid I shan"t sink else, "said Great Claus.
       "That will be all right," replied Little Claus; and he put a big stone into the sack, tied the rope tightly, and pushed against it. Plump!There lay Gleat Claus in the river, and sank at once to the bottom.
       "I" m afraid he won" t find the cattle!" said Little Claus and then he drove homeward with what he had.
      “是我奶奶,”大克劳斯答道, “我杀了她,想换一斗钱。”
      “啊,你真是个幸运儿!”大克劳斯说, “你觉得如果我到河底去,也能弄到海牲口吗?”

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