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    再见,冥王星 再见,冥王星91

    时间:2019-01-08 03:25:10 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      翻译:小淳   2006年8月底,国际天文学联合会(IAU)正式投票通过决议,将冥王星降级为矮行星。这件年度大事在社会上引起轩然大波,“冥王星降级”更有望成为06年的热门词汇之一。然而,在所有的纷纷扰扰之后,每当你抬头仰望
      So Long, Little Pluto
      The News Story
      Announcer: It’s official. The planet Pluto is no longer. It’s been kicked out of the cosmic[宇宙的] club. Its status has been officially downgraded and the solar system now consists of eight planets rather than nine. The surprise decision by the International Astronomical Union came after a group of astronomers[天文学家] rebelled against[反对] a decision to expand the solar system to 12.
      SA注1 staff: Three, two, one
      The unmanned spacecraft[宇宙飞船] blasted off[发射] earlier this year and it’s heading to the planet Pluto. But the 9th rock from the sun, named after the god of the underworld in Roman mythology[神话], has suffered a bitter blow to its “planethood.
      IAU speaker: 237 in favor, 157 opposed, 17 abstaining[弃权], so the motion[动议] is carried.
      Members of the International Astronomical Union have been meeting in Prague and they’re decided this mysterious[神秘的] mass of ice and rock should be stripped of[剥去] its planet status. Professor Mike Cruise is from the University of Birmingham.
      Cruise: Over the years we’re built better, more sensitive[灵敏的] telescopes[望远镜], much bigger ones, and they can see more objects in the solar system. And so we need to have a good definition of exactly what is a planet and exactly what is a piece of rubble[碎石] left over from when the solar system was formed. And, unfortunately for poor old Pluto, it’s fallen into the rubble rather than being retainedÓ保留] as a planet.
      Now the celestial[天的] object will be classified in the new category of “dwarf planets.Space scientists also agreed on a new definition of a planet. Professor Cruise outlines the three requirements.
      Cruise: First of all, they’re got to orbit[绕轨道而行] around the sun and not around any other body. Secondly, they’re got to be big enough to be sort of spherical[球形的] in shape; that is to say the forces of gravity[重力] have got to be strong enough that they’re gathered themselves into a ball, and then the last issue is that they’re got to have cleared the neighborhood around them. They mustn’t be existing with lots of rubble in their close neighborhood.
      There is one shining star in this cosmic story. Pluto’s demise[让位] is a boon[实惠] for the publishing industry. Every book about the solar system will have to be rewritten.
      Mike Brown Pluto’s Worst Nightmare
      Mike Brown brought that long-simmering[用文火煮] issue to a head last summer by discovering an object he nicknamed[昵称] Xena. It’s similar to Pluto only bigger. If Pluto is a planet, as astronomers have classified it for more than 70 years, then we have at least 10 planets in the solar system. If Xena isn’t, we have only eight.
      Brown’s forte[长处] is finding heavenly bodies, and there’s nobody better at it than he. Since the late 1990s, Brown has been scanning the skies with an old telescope that is too small for exploring distant galaxies[星系] but perfect for the sort of patient, methodical[有系统的] search needed to find dim worlds out beyond Neptune.
      Brown and his team have already found at least five such bodies. None of them are as big as Pluto, but they all challenge the simple nine-planet model of our solar system that most of us grew up with. And there are undoubtedly[无庸置疑地] more to come. Any number of small planets could still be lurking[潜伏] out there. Brown has, in some way, become the most successful planet hunter in the history of our solar system.
      A Big Mistake
      The roots of the problem go back to 1930, when Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto. It was classified as the 9th planet. But in recent years, astronomers have found other round worlds out beyond Neptune that are nearly as big as Pluto.
      Many astronomers have long said that it was a mistake to call Pluto a planet, and many favor demoting it to some new class of object called minor planet or dwarf planet. Some think Pluto should remain a regular planet for cultural and historic reasons. But doing that would logically mean defining the handful of other small round worlds as planets. And experts say dozens if not hundreds more Pluto-like objects remain to be found on the outskirts[外围地区] of our solar system.
      Mixed Reaction to the Demotion
      With the vote, toys and models of the original solar system became instantly useless, forcing teachers and publishers to scramble[匆忙] to update[更新] textbooks and lessons used in classrooms for decades.
      Officials at an American museum have been at the vanguard[先头部队] of the movement to demote Pluto, “We had enormous[巨大的] numbers of telephone calls and I would say things that verged on[接近] hate mail from second-graders - very angry children who said, that have you done? This is the cutest, most Disney-esque注2 of the planets. How could you possibly demote it?’”g
      But the museum staff are celebrating. They believe Pluto’s new status is more a victory for the astronomical community because it now has a “greatly increased understanding of what a planet is.”
      The new definition also means students will have to abandon current mnemonic devices[记忆口诀] that helped them remember how the planets are arranged in order from the sun.
      For example, “Mark’s Very Extravagant[挥霍的] Mother Just Sent Us Ninety Parakeets[长尾小鹦鹉]helped them recall that the order was Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
      Perhaps they can now return to the pre-1930 mnemonic: Mary’s Violet[紫罗兰色] Eyes Make John Stay Up[熬夜] Nights.
      Meanwhile, more than 300 astronomers have signed a petition[请愿书] denouncing[谴责] the IAU’s new planet definition that demotes Pluto. The petition is one more sign that this whole debate is far from over. In another move, the world’s largest group of planetary[行星的] scientists issued a statement suggesting the definition would get worked over between now and the next IAU meeting in 2009. Just as science promises to march forward, so too will all this bickering[争论] and posturing[摆出姿态]. And why not? It’s great fun, some of the best scientific theater[戏剧] of our generation.

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