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    时间:2020-08-30 08:06:44 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站


     使用Word写作论文的方法和技巧 1

     1、用好样式 1

     2、使用交叉引用设置编号 2

     3、对齐 2

     4、绘图技巧 2

     5、编辑数学公式 3

     6、参考文献的编辑和管理 3

     7、使用分节符 3

     8、使用子文档 3

     9、及时保存、多做备份 4

     10、大纲视图与文档结构图 4

     word实用技巧大全 4








      如果你发现自己是用选中文字然后用格式栏来设定格式的,一定要注意,想想其他地方是否需要相同的格式,如果是的话,最好就定义一个样式。对于相同排版表现的内容一定要坚持使用统一的样式,这样做能大大减少工作量和出错机会。如果要对排版格式(文档表现)做调整,只需一次性修改相关样式即可。使用样式的另一个好处是可以由 Word 自动生成各种目录和索引。


     如笔者用Microsoft Office Word 2003进行样式设计如下图:






      论文中会用到很多图表,笔者强烈建议论文撰写者分清论文中的图形和表格,表格可以使用Word提供的工具进行编写,很简单,这里就不再赘述了。框图和流程图的编辑,笔者强烈建议使用Office 2003中绑定的Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003画。如果不能忍受Visio对象复制到Word的速度,还可以试试SmardDraw,功能不比Visio弱,使用不比Visio难,速度却快多了。


     在论文中编辑数学公式,个人建议使用MathType5.0,其实Word集成的公式编辑器就是它的3.0版。安装MathType后,Word会增加一个菜单项,其功能一目了然。推荐使用 MathType 的自动编号和引用功能,这样首先有良好的对齐效果,还可以自动更新编号。Word 正文中插入公式的一个常见问题是把上下行距都撑大了,很不美观,这部分可以通过固定行距来修正。但是要提醒论文撰写者,如果你计算机上安装了MathType5.0后,撰写公式的速度非常快,占用少量的CPU。但是,当你准备打印论文的时候,要记得找个按照了MathType5.0的计算机打印,不然,我们的公式就"不翼而飞"了。



      我建议使用Reference Manager,它与Word集成得非常好,提供即写即引用(Cite while you write,简称Cwyw)的功能。你所做的只是像填表格一样地输入相关信息,如篇名、作者、年份等在文章中需要引用文献的的方插入标记,它会为你生成非常美观和专业的参考文献列表,并且对参考文献的引用编号也是自动生成和更新的。这除了可以保持格式上的一致、规范,减少出错机会外,更可以避免正文中对参考文献的引用和参考文献列表之间的不匹配。并且从长远来说,本次输入的参考文献信息可以在今后重复利用,从而一劳永逸。



      上述七点都是关于排版的建议,还是要强调一遍,作者关心的重点是文章的内容,文章的表现就交给Word去处理。如果你发现自己正在做与文章内容无关的繁琐的排版工作,一定要停下来学一下Word的帮助,因为Word 早已提供了足够强大的功能。













     1. 问:WORD里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?

      答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。文件——页面设置——版式——页眉和页脚——首页不同 。

      2. 问:请问word中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉?怎么我现在只能用一个页眉,一改就全部改了?


      3. 问:如何合并两个WORD文档,不同的页眉需要先写两个文件,然后合并,如何做?

      答:页眉设置中,选择奇偶页不同/与前不同等选项 。

      4. 问:WORD编辑页眉设置,如何实现奇偶页不同? 比如:单页浙江大学学位论文,这一个容易设;双页:(每章标题),这一个有什么技巧啊 ?


     5. 问:怎样使WORD文档只有第一页没有页眉,页脚?


      6. 问:如何从第三页起设置页眉?





      7. 问:WORD页眉自动出现一根直线,请问怎么处理?


      8. 问:页眉一般是——,上面写上题目或者其它,想做的是把这根线变为双线,WORD中修改页眉的那根线怎么改成双线的?








      9. 问:Word中的脚注如何删除?把正文相应的符号删除,内容可以删除,但最后那个格式还在,应该怎么办?


      10. 问:Word 里面有没有自动断词得功能?常常有得单词太长了,如果能设置一下自动断词就好了。


      11. 问:如何将word文档里的繁体字改为简化字?


      12. 问:怎样微调WORD表格线?WORD表格上下竖线不能对齐,用鼠标拖动其中一条线,可是一拖就跑老远,想微调表格竖线让上下对齐,请问该怎么办?

      答:选定上下两个单元格,然后指定其宽度就可以对齐了,再怎么拉都行press “Alt”,打开绘图,其中有个调整坐标线,单击,将其中水平间距与垂直间距都调到最小值即可。打开绘图,然后在左下脚的绘图网格里设置,把水平和垂直间距设置得最小。

      13. 问:怎样微调word表格线?我的word表格上下竖线不能对齐,用鼠标拖动其中一条线,可是一拖就跑老远,我想微调表格竖线让上下对齐,请问该怎么办?



      单击 “Alt”。

      14. 问:怎么把word文档里已经有的分页符去掉?答:先在工具——> 选项——> 视图——> 格式标记,选中全部,然后就能够看到分页符,delete就ok了。

      15. 问:Word中下标的大小可以改的吗?


      16. 问:Word里怎么自动生成目录啊?


      17. 问:Word的文档结构图能否整个复制? 论文要写目录了,不想再照着文档结构图输入一遍,有办法复制粘贴过来吗?


      18. 问:做目录的时候有什么办法时右边的页码对齐?比如: 1.1 标题1 1.2 标题


      19. 问:怎样在word中将所有大写字母转为小写?比如一句全大写的转为全小写的。


      20. 问:在存盘的时候,出现了问题,症状如下:磁盘已满或打开文件过多,不能保存,另开新窗口重存也不管用。如何解决?


     21. 问:WORD中的表格一复制粘贴到PPT中就散掉了,怎么把WORD里面的表格原样粘贴到PPT中?


      22. 问:有没有办法将PPT的文字拷入WORD里面?答:另存就可以了。只要以.rtf格式另存即可。

      23. 问:用word写东西时字距老是变动,有时候自动隔得很开,有时候进入下一行的时侯,上一行的字距又自动变大了,这是为什么?怎么纠正啊?


      24 .问:在使用WORD的样式之后,如标题1、标题2之类的,在这些样式前面总会出现一个黑黑的方块,虽然打印的时候看不到,但看着总是不舒服,有没有办法让它不要显示呢?


      25. 问:文章第一页下面要写作者联系方式等。通常格式是一条短划线,下面是联系方式,基金支持等。这样的格式怎么做出来?就是注明页脚吗?


      26. 问:文字双栏,而有一张图片特别大,想通栏显示,应该怎么操作?


     27. 问:Word里面如何不显示回车换行符?


      28. 问:有没有方法把WORD里的软回车一下子替换掉?识别出来的文字全带着软回车,能把他们一次全删掉吗?


      29. 问:在WORD里的框框里怎么打勾?

      答:画个文本框,文本框里写一个勾,然后拖过去;或者先在WORD里插入符号“√”,然后选中“√”,到->格式->中文版式->带圈字符->选“□” 。

      30. 问:还是不行,这样拷过去的框框字体是windings的,而原来的是宋体的,两者有很大的区别。


      31. 问:Word中怎么在一个英文字母上打对号?

      答:透明方式插入图片对象,内容是一个√ 。

      32. 问:WORD里怎么显示修订文档的状态?文档修订后,改后标记很多,但是在菜单里没有“显示修订最终状态”等,怎么调出来?

      答:工具->自定义->命令->类别(工具)->命令(修订)->把“修订”等拖到工具栏上 。

      33. 问:怎样把许多分开的word文档合并成一个文档。我的论文是按照章节分开写的,但现在图书馆要提交电子版的学位论文,是一个文档的,我找了很多选项但好象不能合并,选择插入文件功能,可以加入内容,但文档中的页眉却插不进去,有谁有高见?

      答:acrobat6 可以直接把多个文档打印成一个pdf文档。可以提交pdf格式的论文,先一个一个word文档转换为pdf格式的,然后在pdf文档菜单的文件菜单中,选上作为pdf格式打开,追加上就可。

      34. 问:Word里面要写方程式怎么办啊?


      35. 问:想在WORD里面表示矩阵,怎样才能画出那个很大的矩阵括号?


      36. 问:Word的公式编辑器怎么安装?


      37. 问:Word2000下调用公式编辑器的快捷键?


     38. 问:WORD中出现公式的行往往要比只有文字的行来得宽,如何把这些行改的跟只有文字的行一样宽?


      39. 问:我的文档就是公式多,应该怎么办?








      40. 问:怎样在word里面的公式编辑器中输入空格?

      答:ctrl+shift+space 。

      41. 问:如何使word中公式全都小一号?一个一个选实在麻烦。

      答:在Mathtype公式编辑器中:首先,在Mathtype中的菜单Size中选define,定义所需的字号大小;再次,在Mathtype中的菜单preferences中的equation preference的save to file存贮所定义的字号文件;返回word中:在Mathtype菜单中选Format equation,(1)在MathType preference file中,选你刚才所定义的文件;(2)在Range中,选Whole document。最后,选OK,即OK了。

      42. 问:如何将WORD中的公式编缉拉到外面?


      43. 问:怎样可以去掉word里面公式,或是图片上方总是出现的灰色的横条啊?


      44. 问:整个论文用一个WORD文档,太大,不好编辑,一个地方有增删,后面那么长一个文档版面分布会变得乱七八糟,特别是图表之类的东东。想让每章的偶数页自动显示自己的章号和题目,WORD里这个能够自动实现吗?


      45. 问:论文按照章节写的,想把它们合并成一个文件,并保持原有的文件格式。采用了在文件末尾插入分节符的方法,但插入后有些文件的部分格式发生了变化,请问如何解决?


      46. 问:WORD里边怎么样显示行号?


      47. 问:Word里面怎么插入半个空格?


      48. 问:只要一回车,或是改变光标位置的任何操作,都会使上一行的)变成=,有人遇到过这个问题么?


      49. 问:WORD有没有可以按单词的首字母进行排序?就是从A-Z进行排


      50. 问:怎么在word里面打R^2?

      答:先打R2,然后用鼠标选中2,同时按“Ctrl”,“shift”和“+” 。

      51. 问:Word中发现空格都是小圆点,是怎么回事情?每输入一个空格就出现一个小圆点,怎么把它消除掉啊?这个空格会打印出来吗?

      答:不会打印出来,如果想不显示:工具-选项-视图 格式标记中前面的勾去掉即可 。

      52. 问:word如何使两个表格能排在一起?我做的表格每一个都比较小,但是表格数比较多,我想两个表格排成一行,请问该怎么做?


      53. 问:为什么换机器打开WORD文档排版变了?在一台机器上排好板的WORD文档换在另一台机器打开就变了?


      54. 问:Word里面插入表格的问题,同一表格前后两行被分在了不同的页上,想限制他们在同一页怎么做?


      55. 问:怎么在word里画坐标图?在word里有了坐标图,文字却加不加去怎么办?


      56. 问:WORD文件有密码,怎么办呢?


      57. 问:怎么给word文档加密?


      58. 问:Word文件怎么转化为postscript文件?


      59. 问:Word无法识别origin中的汉字怎么办?用origin做的图形中有汉字,copy到word中就成了问号,因此我不得不先用export把图形变为jpg文件才能解决这个问题,有没有方便的解决办法?


      60. 问:请教怎么把Origin中的图表拷贝到Word?

      答:点origin的Edit菜单里的copy page到word里粘贴就行了。

      61. 问:把origin的图复制粘贴到word,总有一大块的空白,这个空白有什么工具可以去掉吗?还有就是用word自带的图表工具画图时,也是有一大块空白去不掉,这个可以解决吗?


      62. 问:插入的图片为什么老是处于页面的顶端,想拖下来放到其他地方,却又自动跑到顶端去,就是拖不下来,请问该如何处理?


      63. 问:如何保证一幅图像固定在某一段的后面,另一段的前面,而不会因为前面段落的删减而位置改变?


      64. 问:如何把在WORD里面图形工具画的图转化为jpg?


      65. 问:请问什么格式的图片插入word最清晰?手头持有png和tif格式,复制粘贴到word中模糊一片,请问转换成什么图片格式用于word最清晰?什么方法(插入图片来自文件还是直接复制粘贴)对清晰度有否影响?


      66. 问:在WORD中如何让图片的左、上、下边都是文本?


      67. 问:jpg文件插入word文件以后怎么让文件变小?jpg格式图片插到word文件以后文件变的巨大,有什么方法可以让它小一点?最好能一张软盘放的下。




      68. 问:Matlab仿真图片大家一般怎么弄到word里面的?相对横轴和纵轴修改一下?


      69. 问:如何向WORD中的图片添加文本?想在图片上输入一些说明文字?


      70. 问:AUTOCAD的图拷贝到WORD下如何处理?

      答:有几种办法:一是可以在WORD中进行CAD编辑的方法:将CAD的背景设为白色,然后将CAD窗口缩小,到你想复制的图形的大小,正好可以容纳就可以了,否则WORD里面有很大的空白,然后,拷贝,选中所有的图形中的线条,右键。到WORD中粘贴。二是,先转为wmf文件,具体先将窗口缩小,如上,然后,按emport,选中线条,存储。WORD中,插入,图形,来自, 文件,找到文件就可以插入了。

      71. 问:文章用WORD打开时,原有的公式全是红叉,以及WORD中图变成red cross(红叉)怎么办?


      72. 问:如果Word突然定在那里了怎么办?


      73. 问:如何解决word说磁盘已满不让保存的问题?







      (6)按Ctrl+V,将复制下来的文本粘贴到新文件中。注意:在删除临时文件时,可能会出现一个对话框,提示不能删除正在使用的文件。这是因为Windows运行的时候,需要不断地用到一些临时文件。因而,在人工删除临时文件时,试着在开始时只删除几个文件,然后对桌面上的回收站进行清空。否则可能无法删除所有选择的文件 。


     consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the inevitable requirement of the party's advanced nature. As a Communist, not only a model to comply with state laws, in accordance with party rules discipline strict demands on themselves. The guidelines of the party's line, principles and policies the party, party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must not violate, flexible bottom line, it must be unconditional obeyed and the implementation. By the accumulation of general social ethics of Chinese civilization, is the party members and cadres must adhere to the moral bottom line, the morals of party members should be above the general requirement of social morality, become popular to do three "four spoke four." Qualified members of the standards, principles, is specific and historical. Whenever the new situation and new tasks facing our party, have to produce qualified party member standards. For example, Yan ' an period of "six standard", the reform and opening up of the "five spirits", and so on. Central learning education programme of the qualified party members in the new era "told four four" standard, that is, about politics, faith, show good manners and discipline

     consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the inevitable requirement of the party's advanced nature. As a Communist, not only a model to comply with state laws, in accordance with party rules discipline strict demands on themselves. The guidelines of the party's line, principles and policies the party, party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must not violate, flexible bottom line, it must be unconditional obeyed and the implementation. By the accumulation of general social ethics of Chinese civilization, is the party members and cadres must adhere to the moral bottom line, the morals of party members should be above the general requirement of social morality, become popular to do three "four spoke four." Qualified members of the standards, principles, is specific and historical. Whenever the new situation and new tasks facing our party, have to produce qualified party member standards. For example, Yan ' an period of "six standard", the reform and opening up of the "five spirits", and so on. Central learning education programme of the qualified party members in the new era "told four four" standard, that is, about politics, faith, show good manners and discipline

     moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt and to lead the economic development of the new norm, implementation of the "five" concept, completing five tasks. (A) to grasp the characteristics and trends of economic development, better adapted and to lead the economic development of the new normal. China's economic development has entered a newState and party Central Committee's comprehensive analysis of the world economy long-period and developing stage characteristics of great judgment and their interactions. In May 2014, General Secretary in Henan during the visit clearly, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and should adapt to the new normal, conservation strategies on the normal state of mind. After General Secretary on a number of occasions, multiple sessions on the new normal was systematic and profound interpretations. July 2014 Conference today, the main work is reviewed in recent years, the County's technology innovation and talent, scheduled deployment next steps task, mobilizing the County and work together to promote scientific and technological progress, promote technology and personnel support capacities, promoting economic and social development to a new level of Dongping. In recognition of scientific and technological innovation and talent advanced units and advanced individuals in the work, here, on behalf of the County, the County Government expressed warm congratulations to the advanced units and individuals, to science and technology and talent of the County workers to extend my sincere regards and highest respect! XX group, power supply companies, Farm Bureau, Dong Ping Street, introduces in technology innovation and talent of good experiences and practices, hope that the units of the departments at all levels in particular, enterprises should seriously learn from. In recent years, the County implemented "innovation" and "talents" strategy, launched the "platform of year" "year of cooperation in science and

     moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt and to lead the economic development of the new norm, implementation of the "five" concept, completing five tasks. (A) to grasp the characteristics and trends of economic development, better adapted and to lead the economic development of the new normal. China's economic development has entered a newState and party Central Committee's comprehensive analysis of the world economy long-period and developing stage characteristics of great judgment and their interactions. In May 2014, General Secretary in Henan during the visit clearly, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and should adapt to the new normal, conservation strategies on the normal state of mind. After General Secretary on a number of occasions, multiple sessions on the new normal was systematic and profound interpretations. July 2014 Conference today, the main work is reviewed in recent years, the County's technology innovation and talent, scheduled deployment next steps task, mobilizing the County and work together to promote scientific and technological progress, promote technology and personnel support capacities, promoting economic and social development to a new level of Dongping. In recognition of scientific and technological innovation and talent advanced units and advanced individuals in the work, here, on behalf of the County, the County Government expressed warm congratulations to the advanced units and individuals, to science and technology and talent of the County workers to extend my sincere regards and highest respect! XX group, power supply companies, Farm Bureau, Dong Ping Street, introduces in technology innovation and talent of good experiences and practices, hope that the units of the departments at all levels in particular, enterprises should seriously learn from. In recent years, the County implemented "innovation" and "talents" strategy, launched the "platform of year" "year of cooperation in science and1

     consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the inevitable requirement of the party's advanced nature. As a Communist, not only a model to comply with state laws, in accordance with party rules discipline strict demands on themselves. The guidelines of the party's line, principles and policies the party, party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must not violate, flexible bottom line, it must be unconditional obeyed and the implementation. By the accumulation of general social ethics of Chinese civilization, is the party members and cadres must adhere to the moral bottom line, the morals of party members should be above the general requirement of social morality, become popular to do three "four spoke four." Qualified members of the standards, principles, is specific and historical. Whenever the new situation and new tasks facing our party, have to produce qualified party member standards. For example, Yan ' an period of "six standard", the reform and opening up of the "five spirits", and so on. Central learning education programme of the qualified party members in the new era "told four four" standard, that is, about politics, faith, show good manners and discipline

     moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt

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