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    时间:2020-08-14 08:05:36 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站



     父亲的爱是威严的、沉默的、忧郁的、深远的。让你的思想即使沾 上肮脏的污垢也能焕然一新。下面是小编为大家整理了关于父亲节 的来历的内容,欢迎阅读 !想要了解更多的内容,欢迎关注应届毕业 生网论坛 !


     亲节(father s day)是每年六月的第三个星期日(2014年6月15日是 父亲节),父亲节起源于美国,在这天,每个父亲都会接到来自他们 孩子的礼物和问候。父亲节快乐: happy father 's day!

     father 's day, contrary to popular misconception, was not

     established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. in fact when a “father 's day

     was first proposed there were no father 's day cards!

     父亲节与普遍的误解不同的是,它并非是一个为了帮助贺卡制作厂 商销售更多贺卡的节日。事实上,当 “父亲节”的提议首先被提出时, 父亲节贺卡根本就不存在。

     mrs. john b dodd, of washington, first proposed the idea of a “father 's day ” in 1909. mrs. dodd wanted a special day to honor her father william, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. mr. smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern washington state. it was after mrs. dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.

     华盛顿州的约翰 .布鲁斯.多德夫人在 1909 年首先提出了设立“父亲 节”的提议。多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子来向她的父亲 ———威 廉.斯玛特表示敬意。他的妻子在生他们第六个孩子时因难产而死。

     斯玛特先生在华盛顿州东部乡下的农场里独自养大了六个孩子。多 德太太成人后她才意识到她的父亲一个人养大孩子所表现的力量和 无私。

     june as father 's day.

     1910 年的 6月 19 日人们在华盛顿庆祝了第一个父亲节。林登 .约翰

     逊总统最终于 1966 年宣布每年六月的第 3 个星期天为父亲节。

     father 's day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. stepfathers, uncles,

     grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on father ' s day.

     父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节 日。继父,伯父,祖父所有成年男性都将在父亲节受到尊敬。







     、父爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如 春。




     、父爱是一道光辉,让你的心灵即使濒临与黑暗也能看见光明大 道。

     、父亲的爱是威严的、沉默的、忧郁的、深远的。让你的思想即 使沾上肮脏的污垢也能焕然一新。

     、父爱同母爱一样的无私,他不求回报 ;父爱是一种默默无闻,寓 于无形之中的一种感情,只有用心的人才能体会。

     、有一种爱,它是无言的,是严肃的,在当时往往无法细诉,然 而,它让你在过后的日子里越体会越有味道,一生一世忘不了,它 就是那宽广无边的父爱。

     、父爱其实很简单。它像白酒,辛辣而热烈,让人醉在其中 ;它像

     咖啡,苦涩而醇香,容易让人为之振奋 ;它像茶,平淡而亲切,让人 自然清新 ;它像篝火,给人温暖去却令人生畏,容易让人激奋自己。

     、父亲的爱,是春天里的一缕阳光,和煦地照耀在我的身上 ;是夏

     日里的一丝凉风,吹散了我心中的烦热 ;是秋日里的一串串硕果,指 引着我走向成功 ;是冬天里的一把火,温暖着我那颗冰冷的心。父亲 的爱,无处不在 !

     、父爱是一阵微风,父爱如山,高大而巍峨,让我望而生怯不敢 攀登 ;父爱如天,粗旷而深远,让我仰而心怜不敢长啸 ;父爱如河,细

     长而源源,让我淌不敢涉足。父爱是深邃的、伟大的、纯洁而不可 回报的,然而父爱又是苦涩的,难懂的、忧郁而不可企及的。


     今天小编为大家收集资料整理回来了关于父亲节的相关文章,希望 能够为大家带来帮助,希望大家会喜欢。同时也希望给你们带来一 些参考的作用,如果喜欢就请继续关注我们 ()的后续更新吧 ! the united states is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. on the third sunday in june, fathers all across the united states are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special. .

     the origin of father s day is not clear. some say that it began with a church service in west virginia in 1908. others say the first father s day ceremony was held in vancouver, washington. regardless of when the first true father s day occurred, the strongest promoter of the holiday was mrs. bruce john dodd of spokane, washington. she thought of the idea for father s day while listening to a mother s day sermon in 1909.

     sonora wanted a special day to honor her father, william smart. smart, who was a civil war veteran, was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. mr. smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern washington state.

     after sonora became an adult she realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. it was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. in 1909, mrs. dodd approached her own minister and others in spokane about having a church service dedicated to fathers on june 5, her father s birthday.

     that date was too soon for her minister to prepare the service, so he spoke a few weeks later on june 19th. from then on, the state of washington celebrated the third sunday in june as father s day. children made special desserts, or visited their fathers if they lived apart.

     in early times, wearing flowers was a traditional way of celebrating father s day. mrs. dodd favored the red rose to honor a father still living, while a white flower honored a deceased dad. j.h. berringer, who also held father s day celebrations in washington state as early as 1912, chose a white lilac as the father s day flower.

     states and organizations began lobbying congress to declare an annual father s day. in 1916, president woodrow wilson approved of this idea, but it was not until 1924 when president calvin coolidge made it a national event to establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations. since then, fathers had been honored and recognized by their families throughout the country on the third sunday in june. in 1966 president lyndon johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd sunday of june as father s day and put the official stamp on a celebration that was going on for almost half a century.

     when children can t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental. most greeting cards are whimsical( 奇形怪状的,异想天开的 )so fathers laugh when they open them. some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed dad.

     父亲节 (father s day) 简介

     6 月的第三个星期日是父亲节。相对于母亲节,父亲节是人们比较 陌生的一个节日,是 1910 年在美国华盛顿州的士波肯市由杜德太太 发起的。

     而我国的父亲节起源,要追溯到国民时代。民国三十四年的八月八 日,上海闻人所发起了庆祝父亲节的活动,市民立即响应,热烈举 行庆祝活动。抗日战争胜利后,上海市各界名流仕绅,联名请上海 市政府转呈中央政府,定 “爸爸 ”谐音的八月八日为全国性的父亲节。

     虽然今日一般人对于父亲节的庆祝活动,不像对母亲节一般的重视 与热闹,但是上帝在圣经中教导我们对于父母的关爱却是一致的, 当母亲含辛茹苦地照顾我们时,父亲也在努力地扮演着上帝所赋予 他的温柔角色 ; 或许当我们努力思考着该为父亲买什么样的礼物过父 亲节之时,不妨反省一下,我们是否爱我们的父亲,像他曾为我们 无私地付出一生呢 ?

     父亲节由来 第一个说法: 世界上的第一个父亲节, 1910 年诞生在美国。

     1909 年,住在美国华盛顿州士波肯市 (spokane) 的杜德夫人 (mrs. dodd, sonora louise smart dodd) ,当她参加完教会举办的母亲节

     主日崇拜之后,杜德夫人的心里有了很深的感触,她心里想着: 什么这个世界没有一个纪念父亲的节日呢 ?” 杜德夫人的母亲在她十三岁那一年时去世,遗留下六名子女 ;杜德夫

     人的父亲威廉斯马特先生 (mr. william smart) ,在美国华盛顿州东部 的一个乡下农场中,独自一人、父兼母职抚养六名子女长大成人。

     斯马特先生参与过美国南北战争,功勋标榜,他在妻子过世后立志 不再续弦,全心带大六名儿女。

     杜德夫人排行老二,是家里唯一的女孩,女性的细心特质,让她更 能体会父亲的辛劳 ; 斯马特先生白天辛劳地工作,晚上回家还要照料 家务与每一个孩子的生活。经过几十年的辛苦,儿女们终于长大成 人,当子女们盼望能让斯马特先生好好安享晚年之际,斯马特先生 却因为经年累月的过度劳累而病倒辞世。

     1909 年那年,正好是斯马先生辞世之年,当杜德夫人参加完教会的 母亲节感恩礼拜后,她特别地想念父亲 ; 直到那时,杜德夫人才明白, 她的父亲在养育儿女过程中所付出的爱心与努力,并不亚于任何一 个母亲的辛苦。

     杜德夫人将她的感受告诉教会的瑞马士牧师 (rev. rasmus) ,她希望 能有一个特别的日子,向伟大的斯马特先生致敬,并能以此纪念全 天下伟大的父亲。

     瑞马士牧师听了斯马特先生的故事后,深深地为斯马特先生的精神 与爱心所感动,他赞许且支持杜德夫人想推动「父亲节」的努力。

     于是杜德夫人在 1910 年春天开始推动成立父亲节的运动,不久得到 各教会组织的支持 ; 她随即写信向市长与州政府表达自己的想法与提 议,在杜德夫人的奔走努力下,士波肯市市长与华盛顿州州长公开 表示赞成,于是美国华盛顿州便在 1910 年 6 月 19 日举行了全世界 的第一次父亲节聚会。

     1924 年,美国总统科立芝 (calvin coolidge) 支持父亲节成为全美国 的节日 ;1966 年,美国总统詹森 (lyndon johnson) 宣布当年 6 月第 3 个星期日,也就是斯马特先生的生日月份为美国父亲节 ;1972 年,美 国总统尼克森 (richard nixon) 签署正式文件,将每年的六月第三个 主日,订为全美国的父亲节,并成为美国永久性的国定纪念日。

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     对给一点悬赏分吧 , 找了很长时间呢 ~in 1909,living in the united states,washington spokane (spokane) of ms.du de (mrs.dodd,sonora louise smart dodd),when she was attending the main church on mothers day,held weeks later,ms.du de mind a the deep feelings,and she thought about:why in this world do not have a festival to commemorate his father do? ms.du des mother died when she was 13-year-old year,left six children; ms.du des,mr.william smart (mr.william smart),in the united states,a country in eastern washington state farms,alone,the father and mother raising six children grown up level.mr.smart participated in the american civil war,feats advertised,after the death of his wife,determined to no longer xu xian and devote herself brought up six children.

     ms.du de eldest,is the only girl at home.characteristics of women carefully,so that she could better understand the fathers hard work; mr.smart to work hard during the day,go home at night but also take care of home with each childs lives.after decades of hard work has finally grown up sons and daughters,when their children look forward to a good old age make the occasion,mr.smart,mr.smart,but because of the long years of over-exertion and the sick died.

     1909 that year,exactly,mr.smarrs death,when ms.du de attending church,mothers day thanksgiving weeks later,she missed particular father; until then,du defu people understand that her father in the upbringing of children during the pay love and efforts,and no less than any one of the mothers hard work. ms.du de her feelings to tell the church rasmus (rev.rasmus),she hoped to have a special day,to pay tribute to the great,mr.smart,and can the whole world to commemorate the great father.

     rasmus,after listening to the story,mr.smart,mr.smart deeply touched by the spirit and the love that he praised and supported ms.du de would like to promote the fathers day efforts.so ms.du de spring in 1910 began promoting the establishment of fathers day campaign,and soon received the support of various church organizations; she then wrote a letter to the mayor and the state government to express their ideas and proposed that the combined efforts of ms.du de,the spokane mayor and governor of washington state in favor of the public,so the u.s.will be in washington june 19,1910,held the worlds first fathers day gathering.

     in 1924,the united states calvin coolidge (calvin coolidge) support for fathers day become a holiday throughout the united states; in 1966,president johnson (lyndon johnson) announced in june that year the first three sundays,that is,mr.smarts birthday month fathers day for the united states; 1972,u.s.president richard nixon (richard nixon) signed the official documents,will be the third sunday in june each year,set for fathers day throughout the united states and become a permanent state-designated the anniversary of the united states.

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