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    【How,to,Deal,With,Problems】How to do

    时间:2019-04-22 03:16:40 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      The real price of Sept 11 for America is the economic decline. The reason is that America didn""t deal well with the terrorists. So, Bush tax cuts and the deficit-financed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan made America heavily in debt. If America hadn""t caused war in Iraq and Afghan in order to solve the terrorist problem, things might be different now. That makes me think deeply how we should deal with problems.
      In China, we exercise birth control to solve the problem of overpopulation. We develop a larger middle class to solve the wealth gap. We make sure there are enough resources for sustainable development to solve environmental problems. For example, we limit driving cars and shut down factories.
      When faced with problems, all we should do is to solve them directly, rather than taking revenge, or hurting others. Otherwise, solutions to problems are sometimes worse than the problems themselves. Remember, there is no perfect thing in the world. So, just find the most available and appropriate solution to problems. Here, I want to share two of my experiences.
      I got urticaria when I was 8 years old. I was too afraid to swim with others because I would be covered with urticaria after swimming less than twenty minutes. I was also afraid of being laughed at. I became so pessimistic and dismayed. I often complained that what happened to me was not fair. I tried so many medicines, western and herbal. But there was no cure. I was so bored with those dark days. Then I began to think differently. That was undoubtedly fair. Because, I came to know people who really cared about me, and with whom I made lifelong friendships. I was so grateful for life. I changed into an optimistic person. I would make jokes with my friends, like, "Look, guys. When I get lumps on my skin, it is cold. I am your barometer. "
      The other one is my problem with making choices. I was part of the art group at our institute during my freshman year. There was a show, and several members were needed to dance. I was always crazy about dancing. I wanted to grasp that chance to show off. But my study was in a complete mess at that time. So, I vacillated between studying and dancing. Showing myself could have made me more confident. But that would have meant putting more time and energy into preparing for the dance. I began to force myself to make a quick decision. No one could help me with my study. But there would always be someone attending the show. So, I quit the dance and devoted myself to my study.
      Problems can be blessings in our lives. We become stronger by solving problems. They are an opportunity to grow and develop. Don""t complain about life. Life has given us so much to learn.

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