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    【在飞浪中体验皮艇漂流】 双人皮艇漂流旅游

    时间:2019-02-16 03:32:36 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      Whitewater kayakingWhitewater kayaking is the sport of paddling a small boat down a fast-moving river. Sometimes a graceful ride, it is more often an adrenaline-filled display of strength, quick thinking and technical skill. Whitewater kayaking first became popular in central Europe in the 1950s, when daring kayakers would plunge through rapids in fast-flowing rocky rivers. The term "whitewater" refers to the appearance of the frothy water found in rapids. Rapids are created when rivers are on a steep gradient, making the water flow very fast, when the flow is constricted into a narrower channel, or where an obstruction such as a boulder interrupts the river, causing eddies and swirling currents.
      Kayaks were originally developed by the Inuit, the native inhabitants of Canada. The first kayaks were constructed with a wooden frame covered with seal skin and used to hunt in the open waters of the Arctic Ocean. Nowadays most kayaks are made from plastic or fiberglass, and are from two to three metres long. They usually seat one or two people and are propelled with a double-ended paddle. The top of the kayak has a deck, with a hole for the user to sit in, often sealed off with a spray skirt. This means that if the kayak capsizes it will not fill with water and the paddler can, with a manoeuvre known as an "Eskimo roll", right the boat again.
      Types of Whitewater Kayaking
      There are four basic kinds of whitewater kayaking.
      River running is kind of like going on a boating tour down a river, except ①every so often your enjoyment of the scenery is interrupted by battling your way through roaring cascades and jagged rocks. Enthusiasts often go on multi-day trips sometimes towing rafts to carry their food and camping gear.
      Playboating or freestyle is sometimes called a more artistic and technical kind of kayaking. Practitioners usually stay in one spot in the river where there are eddies and waves, and perform a variety of tricks. These can include surfing, spinning, cartwheels and more. Kayaks used in this sport are usually much shorter than normal, giving greater control to the kayaker.
      Playboating is popular in areas that have no natural whitewater rivers.
      Creeking is high-adrenaline form of kayaking, in which you take on very technical and challenging rapids. These can include waterfalls, very small and tight rivers, or fast-moving water in huge volumes. Kayaks used for creeking are usually larger than others to give them more stability.
      In Whitewater racing, kayakers compete directly against one another to complete the course in the lowest time possible. The sport comes in two flavours:
      In slalom, racers try to get from one end of a section of river to the other as quickly as possible whilst going through a series f "gates".
      The whitewater conditions are usually less dangerous than in creeking, but the placement of the gates and the need to get through them without touching the poles means that getting through the course fast is a feat of real skill.
      Competitors must go through the gates in order, some downriver, others in the upriver direction. Missing a gate, ②bumping into it, or going through the wrong way all lead to time penalties. This is the only kind of whitewater kayaking featured in the Olympic Games.
      Slalom kayaks and canoes are long, made of composite material, with thin sterns to go fast, but turn easily. They must ③conform to rigid length and width requirements.
      Downriver racing has no such niceties. The objective is simple - get from the top of the course to the bottom as fast as you can. These courses normally take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete and ideally feature as many rapids as possible. Though the rivers used are challenging, in order to keep the action flowing they do not include the very trickiest waters, designated "Grade V". Those are the preserve of extreme racing and often feature waterfalls or very dangerous rapids. This is a minority pursuit, as the demands of the courses are beyond the abilities of most kayakers.
      Where It Happens The biggest places for whitewater kayaking, not surprisingly, are in North America. Canada and the USA both possess outstanding natural beauty and hundreds of miles of suitable waterways. They also have plenty of people who enjoy outdoor pursuits, and so the sport is very popular there.
      Whitewater kayaking also has a sizable following in Europe, where the sport first took off. The United Kingdom is known for having many good whitewater spots, as are the Alps. Meanwhile, Norway is known for its extremely challenging rivers, typically steep with many waterfalls. They are run mainly by very experienced kayakers and often feature on extreme kayaking videos, made to ④show off the skills of the very best in the sport.
      Classifying Whitewater
      Kayakers use a standard system to rate the difficulty and danger of
      different river sections, in order to make sure they are not getting in over their heads and tackling rapids that will be too much for their own skill.
      Class 1: no rapids, smooth flowing water.
      Class 2: some rough water - the line is easy to see and pursue.
      Class 3: whitewater but very safe for larger rafts;
      kayakers should have good rolling or self-rescue skills.
      Class 4: whitewater
      for experienced paddlers only; the route through the rapids may require quick maneuvering.
      Class 5: whitewater for advanced paddlers; scouting the rapid may be required, and there may be hidden hazards which require precise maneuvering.
      Class 6: impassable or exploratory; for teams of experts, taking all safety precautions.
      kayak /`kai2k/ v&n.(划)皮艇
      paddle /`p2dl/ v.用桨划
      rapid /`r2pid/ n.急流
      frothy /`fr4Fi/ adj.起泡的;多泡的
      gradient /`Greidi9nt/ n.倾斜度;坡度
      constrict /k9n`strikt/ v.使变窄;压缩
      boulder /`b9uld9/ n.大石头;漂石
      eddy /`edi/ n.漩涡
      seal /s1l/ n.海豹毛皮
      spray skirt (划艇时用的)防浪裙
      capsize /k2p`saiz/ v.(特指船)倾覆
      manoeuvre /m9`n6v9/ n.机动动作
      cascade /k2s`keid/ n.小瀑布;喷流
      jagged /`_2Gid/ adj.参差不齐的;锯齿状的
      tow /t9u/ vt.拖;牵引
      spin /spin/ v.漩涡
      cartwheel /`k3tw1l/ vi.侧手翻
      feat /f1t/ n.功绩
      downriver /`d#n`riv9(r)/ adj.下游的
      upriver /`7p`riv9/ adj.上游的
      composite /`k4mp9zit/ adj.合成的;复合的
      stern /st8n/ n.船尾
      nicety /`naisiti/ n.拘泥细节;挑剔
      pursuit /p9`s(t/ n.事务;嗜好
      following /`f4l9uiM/ n.一批拥护者
      tackle /`t2kl/ vt.应付;处理
      self-rescue /`self `resk(/ n.自救
      ① every so often 偶尔;时常
      ② bump into 撞上
      ③ conform to符合;遵照
      ④ show off 卖弄;炫耀

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