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    时间:2019-01-08 03:19:54 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      “在那山的那边海的那边,有一群蓝精灵。他们活泼又聪明,他们调皮又伶俐……”   每次提起蓝精灵,Wendy的脑海里便会响起这个旋律,会不会是小时候练舞听了太多遍的缘故?
      Even non-TV viewers couldn’t escape their influence on youth culture, vocabulary and joke-telling. The Smurfs took America by storm in the 80s with a cartoon series that won Emmys along with fans, as the little blue 1)imps laughed and played in their 2)idyllic mushroom village, always a 3)wee step ahead of the 4)villainous Gargamel.
      Gargamel: Stop all that happiness out there! I said STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT!
      It did stop in the early 90s, when the Smurfs’ human guardians decided the American market was getting 5)oversaturated. So they brought the Smurfs home to their Belgian birthplace.
      The Smurfs began life in a comic strip created by Pierre Culliford, a Belgian cartoonist, 50 years ago. So are they having a mid-life crisis? 6)Au contraire! They’re planning a comeback.
      But can they succeed? Unlike their 80s-era 7)forebears, kids these days can play 8)virtual tennis
      and drive virtual race cars � even STEAL them � on their TVs. It’s hard to imagine them being
      9)mesmerized by these 10)cutesy little creatures endlessly repairing their mushroom houses or picking flowers in the forest. But that’s not something that worries the man in charge of global marketing for the Smurfs, Hendrik Coysman.
      Coysman: People like simple things because we’re living in such a complicated, confused world. It’s so 11)hectic. The Smurf village can be a good place to rest for a couple of minutes or hours.
      Reaction to the relaunch may already be proving him right. And children like these youngsters in Berlin do indeed seem to be impressed with the simple life of the
      creatures they know as “Schlumpfe.”
      “The Smurfs build all sorts of things for themselves, bridges and things like that,” says 8-year-old Harun Sariustan.
      “My favorite Smurf always has a pencil over his ear. He writes stories,” shares 9-year-old Marlene Hunger.
      But there have been 12)detractors over the years. Some Americans just felt it was too sickeningly sweet. But the most frequent complaint has been about the male-female 13)ratio and 14)gender roles. Papa Smurf makes all the big decisions, while lovely Smurfette, the most 15)prominent of just three females, does little more than run around in high heels. Hendrik Coysman says the Smurfs’ world is getting a birthday makeover, acknowledging it needed one.
      Coysman: If you look at our society, there has been a 16)dramatic change in the social and cultural environment, so we are thinking in that direction.
      Most details of the changes are still secret, except for the fact that Smurfette will finally be getting some female company.
      The Smurfs are also hoping to have an impact outside the mushroom village. They’ve teamed up with 17)UNICEF to raise money and awareness to help other little beings whose lives in the real world aren’t all so...well, smurfy.

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