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    时间:2019-01-08 03:18:24 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      General Relativity
      Discover: Albert Einstein
      Thanks to the musings[沉思] of an obscure[无名的]
      clerk working in a Swiss patent[专利权] office, our next great discovery revealed that the universe is a strange mysterious place. That clerk was Albert Einstein.
      In the early 1900s, he was puzzled, along with the rest of the scientific community, by the orbit of the planet Mercury. Despite the ability of Newton’s laws of gravity to precisely predict the motion of the planets, the laws failed when it came to correctly predicting Mercury’s orbit. The puzzle had to do with Mercury’s perihelion[近日点], that point in its orbit where it’s closest to the sun. Every century Mercury’s perihelion advanced slightly, a change that Newton’s equations[方程] could not account for.
      In a bold and startling move, young Einstein proposed his own theory to explain the puzzle of Mercury’s orbit and in the process developed a theory that refined Newton’s laws of gravity. Einstein believed that his concept of “curved space” was responsible for shifting Mercury’s orbit.
      Einstein called his idea, “the theory of general relativity.” The idea that space itself was warped[扭曲] by mass was too strange for many to accept. An approaching solar eclipse[日蚀] gave scientists the perfect opportunity to put Einstein’s new theory to the test. Photographs were taken of the background stars before the eclipse, and then afterwards. These pictures were then compared with photos taken during the eclipse. The photos showed that the positions of the stars in the eclipse photo shifted slightly inward, bending as the light from the stars passed the sun’s gravitational field. Einstein’s theory of general relativity was right. His great discovery rocked the world.
      The Universe Is Expanding
      Discover: Edwin Hubble
      General relativity had shown that space was weirder than anyone could imagine; anyone but Einstein, that is. To gain a clearer understanding of this strange universe, astronomers needed more observational data, and that required larger, more powerful telescopes, like the one that lead to our next great discovery.
      When the Herschels注 had finished their survey of the heavens in the 1830s, they had catalogued thousands of these beautiful but hazy[朦胧的] objects, then called “white nebulae[星云].” At the time, no one knew whether they were part of our galaxy or distant island universes like the Milky Way.
      In 1924, astronomer Edwin Hubble was studying the stars in several of these nebulae using a 100-inch reflector telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California. The telescope enabled Hubble to estimate that the galaxies were routinely many hundreds of thousands, even millions, of light years away. Here were objects as huge and as populated with stars as our very own Milky Way galaxy, which is why we today call white nebulae “galaxies.” The more Hubble studied these galaxies, the more he became intrigued[激起好奇心].
      At the time, scientists knew that a beam of light from a star appears as a different color on the spectrum[光谱]. The color changed according to the motion of the star. A shift toward the blue end of the spectrum meant the star was moving closer to earth. A red shift meant it was moving away. The amount of the color shift also revealed the speed of that movement. Hubble found that when he measured the distance of a galaxy, its spectrum almost always was shifting to the red. And something else � the farther the distance, the greater the red shift. In other words, the universe was expanding. It was an astonishing discovery with profound implications. Measuring backwards from the expansion, scientists found that the universe appeared to have a cataclysmic[洪水的] beginning, what one astronomer labeled, “the Big Bang.”
      Milky Way Emits Radio Waves
      Discover: Karl Jansky
      Just three years after Hubble discovered the expanding universe, our next great discovery revealed a mysterious object hidden behind the dust at the center of the Milky Way, and gave birth to a whole new branch of astronomy using wave lengths invisible to the human eye.
      In 1930, Karl Jansky was a 25-year-old physicist working for the Bell Laboratories in Homedale, New Jersey. Jansky’s job was to identify the kinds of interference[干扰] occurring at the 15-meter wave length then used for ship-to-shore and transatlantic communication. After spending more than a year recording data, Jansky decided there were three forms of static[静电干扰] at this
      frequency. The first was clearly produced in the earth’s ionosphere[电离层]. The second was caused by local thunderstorms. And the third signal was mysterious, continuous. It was coming from what appeared at first to be the sun. Each morning this signal slowly rose with the sun. During the day it rotated[旋转] across the sky, and then it set when the sun did. But as time passed, Jansky found that the mysterious radio signal slowly drifted[偏离] away from the sun, as if it were coming from a point outside the solar system. Eventually Jansky pinpointed[精确定位] its location as somewhere in the region of the constellation[星座] Sagittarius[人马座]. He believed he had discovered an unknown interstellar[星际的] object at the center of the galaxy, and he was right. Later astronomers confirmed that Jansky had discovered a super-massive “black hole,” equal in mass to three million suns. Perhaps even more significant, he was the first human to look at the universe using radio astronomy, a whole new way to study the sky.
      It was a landmark discovery. Jansky had proved that the sky does not merely sparkle with the gentle glow of starlight. Hidden out there are many strange objects, many light years away, that actually radiate more energy than whole galaxies, like quasars[类星体] and pulsars[脉冲星], dead stars spinning madly with masses so dense that a single teaspoon would weigh millions of tons.
      Before astronomers could even begin to understand the life and death of stars, new telescopes would have to be built that could look at the sky in many different wavelengths. Before that could happen, though, radio astronomy produced another great discovery that, although predicted, was as unexpected by its discoverers as Jansky had been. And once again it happened at Bell labs in Homedale, New Jersey.
      Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
      Discover: Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
      In 1964, Bell labs had this spare 20-foot microwave antenna[天线] sitting dormant[未用的]. Rather than destroy it, the lab decided to let astronomers use it for research. Two physicists, 31-year old Arno Penzias and 28-year old Robert Wilson, decided to use the antenna for measuring the temperature of the gas halo[(日月周围的)晕轮] surrounding the Milky Way galaxy. What happened next is one of the most exciting discoveries in modern astronomy.
      At the time that Penzias and Wilson detected the radio static, there were two competing theories about the origin of the universe. There was the Big Bang Theory, which Hubble’s expanding universe supported. Then there was the Steady State Theory, which proposed that the universe is timeless, with no beginning or end, expanding forever. When a friend heard what Penzias and Wilson had found, he suggested they get in touch with some cosmologists[宇宙学家] at Princeton University, who were advocates[拥护者] of the Big Bang Theory. They believed that a Big Bang would have left a faint thermal[热的] afterglow[残光] in the universe, traces of heat from the roar of the bang itself, detectable across the entire sky, and they were about to conduct research in hopes of measuring that afterglow.
      Nye: So what does your discovery mean?
      Wilson: Well, it means that we live in a Big Bang universe and that we’re seeing the radiation from 300,000 years after the Big Bang. In many cases, when there’s a paradigm[范例] shift in science, it takes a generation before people really accept it, but in this case I think the world was ready for it. Human societies have always worried about where they came from. There’re religious stories in every civilization that’s ever been found, and I think we have a definitive answer that we came out of a Big Bang.

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