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    [Working,Together] Together

    时间:2018-12-28 03:27:47 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      In the early days of the old west in North America, life was difficult. People lived on farms far away from other families. They went to town once a week or one time a month. Then they saw their friends and neighbors. On their-farms every-one had lots of work. There were many jobs to do. And there were some big problems. How did one family make a house? How could they build a barn alone? Those were big jobs.
      What did families do to build houses? They asked for help. They "asked their friends and neighbors. They invited them to a work party for a few days. The women cooked together. They made breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The men worked on the building. For the children it was like a holiday. There were many other children to play with. They enjoyed it very much. Together these people built a house or a barn. At another time the family with the new house would help neighbors. They all helped one another for the good of everyone.
      A work party is really cooperation. To cooper ate means "to work together." A big job can be easy. Many people can work together. Then the job is not difficult. It becomes a small job for many workers. Working together can be fun too.
      Today there isn"t much cooperation. People don"t work together very much. Some people don"t know their neighbors. How can they ask them for help?
      Today, the idea of cooperation is unusual. We often work against cooperation. We often work alone, not with others. We build fences by ourselves.
      Today, we wait for emergencies. We wait for accidents to happen. Then we are willing to help. Then we want to help. Then we talk to our neighbors. Then we become true neighbors and friends.
      Why don"t we always cooperate? Why do we wait for emergencies or accidents? Why don"t we work with other people? it can be fun. Life can become easier too.

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