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    时间:2019-01-08 03:18:39 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      为纪念伽利略首次使用望远镜进行天文观测400周年,在国际天文学联合会和联合国教科文组织的共同倡议下,联合国大会将2009年正式确定为国际天文年,并将其主题定为“探索我们的宇宙”。即使你一点都不喜欢让人费解的天文学,也会偶尔仰望星空吧,毕竟那里有太多的神秘、太多的遐想。本次专题分上下两辑,为大家带来13个天文史上最伟大的发现。噢,别太担心,主持人很擅长以简单的语句解释深奥的天文理论,保证所有小盆友都能看得明白哦!快来参加这次发现之旅吧!By the way,记得关注下期发现哦!
      For most of human history, the only light we knew came from the sky, by day the sun, by night an uncountable
      number of stars. From the beginning, our ancestors
      believed that the sun and the stars were heavenly[神圣的],
      out of this world. And they were right. We’ve been watching the sky for thousands of years, but until
      recently, we couldn’t see well enough to understand our connection to the cosmos. But now our astronomical
      vision has sharpened. We can see farther and clearer. We can observe objects that are invisible to human eyes. Our increasingly improving vision has allowed us to make great discoveries, revealing an astonishing
      and wonderful universe. What follows are 13 of the greatest discoveries in astronomy.
      The Planets Move
      Discoverer: Greeks
      Our first great discovery happened over centuries as the first humans looked carefully at the sky in places like this, the empty cloudless deserts of the American southwest, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Of these ancient astronomers the most important were the
      Mesopotamians注1. They considered the objects in the sky gods, and built giant towers so they could record the rising and setting of the sun, the moon and the stars. For more than 1,000 years, they used clay tablets[小平板] to
      record what they saw.
      After the Mesopotamians made the first records, it was the Greeks who took the next step.
      Owen Gingerich (Astronomy professor): Some of the Greek astronomers made a field trip[实际考察旅行] out to Mesopotamia to find out what had been going on there. And they seem to have brought back some systematic records, so that ultimately, it gave the basis for making a mathematical theory of the motion of the planets.
      From their observations, the Greeks developed a
      vision of the solar system that would stand for some 2,000 years � that the planets move, revolving[绕转] around the Earth. It would take our next great discovery to set the
      record straight[澄清问题].
      The Earth Moves
      Discoverer: Nicolaus Copernicus
      As a young man, Copernicus had studied the heavens and found that the Greek’s earth-centered system failed when it came to predicting planetary[行星的] motion. He
      began to wonder if the Earth itself moved.
      Copernicus realized that the movements of the
      planets were better explained if the sun were at the centre of the solar system and the Earth circled it like an ordinary planet. It was a revolutionary insight.
      Nye: This idea, this…this book注2, changed the world.
      Gingerich: Yes, because it made the Earth a planet and it fixed the sun in the centre. If you don’t have that
      blueprint, you don’t march ahead to the physics…the physics of the cosmos.
      Planetary Orbits Are Elliptical [椭圆的]
      Discoverer: Johannes Kepler
      Everyone from the Greeks to Copernicus assumed the orbits of the planets had to be circular[圆形的], but in 1571 German mathematician Johannes Kepler shattered[使粉碎] that assumption with our next great discovery.
      Lacking calculus[微积分], Kepler improvised[即席创作]
      ways to compute[计算] the circular orbit of Mars. The work was tedious[冗长乏味的]. Kepler wrote that he was, “almost
      driven to madness considering and calculating the
      matter.” His calculations began to reveal that the
      accepted notion of planets moving in circles simply did not work. Then a new idea came to him.
      Gingerich: Kepler
      realized somehow the sun had to be driving the planets in some way that he didn’t fully understand, and to get a
      picture, he found that an ellipse was the path rather than a circle.
      With this breakthrough, Kepler had devised the first method for accurately predicting the movement of the planets and stars across the sky.
      Gingerich: When his tables predicted the planet Mercury to pass across the front of the Sun, and nobody else’s tables were close, that was dramatic proof of the accuracy of his astronomy that linked the motions of the planets solidly to the sun. This was a very important point to help stress the idea that the Copernican sun-centered system really had physical significance.
      Despite the success of Kepler’s theory, many
      remained skeptical[怀疑的] that the sun could be the center of the solar system. But the final nail in that
      coffin[一锤定音的证据] was about to be driven home[把……讲透彻] by a man who, like Kepler, preferred to use observational evidence to form his theories. And that man was Galileo Galilei.
      Jupiter Has Moons
      Discoverer: Galileo Galilei
      The year is 1609, and Galileo is fascinated with a new invention called a telescope. Galileo turned his
      telescope skyward[朝天空] and was the first to see the mountains on the moon and the star clusters[星团] of the Milky Way. Then an extraordinary sight, a group of four small, bright stars arranged around the planet Jupiter. This was the moment of discovery. Galileo realized that the stars were actually four moons orbiting Jupiter.
      Here was proof that Copernicus was right about the structure of the solar system. If moons could orbit Jupiter, then the Earth could orbit the sun. And Galileo’s discovery demonstrated[证明] that knowledge in astronomy can only be advanced by actual observation. A theory can only be viable[可行的] when it’s supported by the facts, just like our next great discovery.
      Halley’s Comet
      Discoverer: Edmund Halley
      For centuries, comets had been considered
      harbingers[前兆] of evil. By the end of the Middle Ages, a comet’s appearance invoked[引起] fear and terror. But
      scientist Edmund Halley, like Galileo, was interested in facts not superstition[迷信].
      In 1695, he began searching for records of ancient and recent comet sightings. He found 24 comets whose passage across the sky had been recorded with enough
      detail to allow him to roughly plot their orbits. To his surprise, he found that three of the comets seemed to follow the same approximate[近似的]
      orbit, circling the sun every 76 years. Halley was so certain of the comet’s orbit that he made a bold prediction. He said the comet would return in the year 1758.
      Gingerich: And guess what, the comet came
      Unfortunately Halley was no longer alive to savor[品尝] his discovery. Since then Halley’s Comet, as it’s known, has been greeted three more times by excited sky watchers across the globe.
      No longer a harbinger of evil, Halley’s Comet became a milestone discovery in the history of astronomy,
      replacing a superstitious belief with a rational[理性的]
      scientific understanding of the physical universe.
      Milky Way Is a Disk of Stars
      Discoverer: William Herschel
      In the 18th century, William Herschel was a classically-trained musician, whose love of astronomy led him to give up music and turn his attention to the heavens, thus setting the stage for our next great discovery.
      Gingerich: When he discovered the price of a
      refracting telescope[折射望远镜], which was beyond his means[超出某人的财力], he decided to make his own, and he became the most fabulous and successful telescope builder of that period.
      He used his telescopes to methodically[有条理地]
      survey the sky, cataloguing[为……编目] what he saw.
      Gingerich: As he was searching the sky, he came across an object that looked a little bit different � turned out to be a new planet. That was the next planet
      beyond Saturn, the planet Uranus.
      Uranus was the first new planet to be identified in more than 3500 years.
      But finding a new planet was nothing compared to Herschel’s larger goal. He built a powerful 20-foot telescope, then divided the sky into equal sections and began to systematically count the stars in each field. It was a painstaking[不辞劳苦的], monumental[重要的] task. Slowly Herschel’s star count[恒星计数] began to reveal something extraordinary. The Milky Way was much larger than anyone knew. It was a gigantic[巨大的] disk of stars. Some of its fields were jam-packed[挤的]. One showed more than a quarter of a million stars alone. Other fields farther away were practically empty. Herschel’s discovery was a revelation[启示].
      Gingerich: What Herschel was seeing was, oh, a small range[区域] like this注3, maybe that big…So it was really a small part of the entire Milky Way.
      But even that small part significantly changed the study of astronomy. Herschel’s discovery
      revealed that our solar system was just an island in a deep and expansive universe.
      注2:“这本书”指的是哥白尼的著作《天体运行论》(On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres)。

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