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    [《超人归来》科学篇:解码电影主角的能力] 超人归来和钢铁之躯

    时间:2019-01-08 03:25:25 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      翻译:洪馥芝      当我们惊叹于超人在银幕上的各种超能力时,我们是否思考过他的这些能力的原理何在?如果你认为这些只是作者凭空想象出来的,那就错了。下面,我们请来专家为你逐一解释。 Most of us would view Superman as a fantastic creation. After all, he has x-ray vision, leaps tall buildings in a single bound, blows icy winds, is 1)impervious to bullets ?the list goes on. But while a lot of the action in Superman Returns will surely be impossible, much about Superman is taken from real science. “If course, the hero"s superpowers 2)violate the laws of nature as we understand them, but once you allow for miracles, you will find that they are related to known physics.”said James Kakalios, physics professor of University of Minnesota. Consider Superman"s Strength As any fan knows, the 3)original explanation for Superman"s amazing leaps was 4)gravity. He comes from the destroyed planet 5)Krypton, where gravity was stronger than it is on Earth. Under this theory, Superman on our planet is like a human 6)astronaut bounding around on the moon, only more so. The same 7)applies to any of his other 8)feats of strength, Kakalios says. The biggest problem with this idea, says Michael Dennin, a physics professor at the University of California, Irvine, is that he can also walk normally ?rather than bounding around like an astronaut on the moon. Superman"s ability to fly is even more problematic. “You need a source of 9)thrust and lift,”Dennin said. “There"s no way around that.” “In the early 10)comic books he could jump and be an unguided 11)missile,”Kakalios said. “But he"s now able to change direction at will, so he"s gained some ability over gravity that would puzzle scientists.” Could Superman"s other superpowers be easier to explain? 12)Invincibility “Perhaps it looks like he cannot be harmed, because no matter what harmed him, his cells immediately 13)regenerate.”Kakalios suggests. Super Energy One explanation is that Superman 14)converts light from our yellow sun ?which is probably stronger than the red sun of Krypton ?into energy that he then stores like a 15)battery. Todd Barber, an engineer from NASA, has 16)calculated the amount of energy needed for some of Superman"s feats. It turns out that, even 17)assuming he goes into space, where the sunlight is stronger, he"l have to spend a lot of time 18)recharging his batteries between super deeds. Super Hearing Superman"s 19)acute hearing would seem to be one of his more ordinary talents. But it"s actually rather unexplainable, says Kakalios. Not because it"s so acute, but because there have been 20)instances where he"s heard the sound of a gun and flown all the way across his home city in time to stop the speeding bullet. The problem is that by the time the noise got to him, the bullet would have long since found its mark. Super Breath Perhaps a more believable talent is the ability to blow very, very hard ?hard enough to push away thunderstorms or freeze nearby objects. Assuming his super lungs can greatly 21)compress air, the freezing effect might actually work, Barber says. That"s because gas cools as it expands ?an effect that Superman 22)facilitates by pursing his lips so that the air blasts out like rocket 23)exhaust through a 24)nozzle.

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