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    时间:2019-02-16 03:34:21 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      A Short History of The World"s Most Popular Pooh
      It all began in 1921 when young Christopher Robin Milne received a teddy bear named Edward as a gift for his first birthday. Over the next few years, he added other stuffed toys to his collection, which grew to include a donkey, a kangaroo or two, a pig, and a striped tiger. Owl and Rabbit were based on animals that lived near the author"s Cotchford Farm in East Sussex, England. When Christopher was four, he went to London Zoo and struck up a friendship with a Canadian black bear named Winnie (short for the bear"s hometown of Winnipeg). This fascination led the boy"s famous father, noted playwright/journalist A.A. Milne, to invent a wonderful series of stories and books.
      On December 24, 1925, the first Pooh story was published in the London Evening News. It had the descriptive title "In Which We Are Introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and Some Bees, and the Stories Begin", The story proved to be so popular that it was broadcast by BBS radio the following day (Christmas Day).
      Milne, who lived from 1882 to 1956, was one of England"s most successful playwrights. Milne wrote the original Pooh stories primarily to amuse himself. In the great tradition of J.M. Barrie and Lewis Carroll, he used a child as the catalyst to pen his stories. In fact, he was truly writing of worldly affairs, politics, puzzles, and the beauty of childhood.
      The first Disney Pooh animated featurette, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, was released in 1966.
      Winnie the Pooh and His Friends
      Winnie the Pooh 小熊维尼
      A small golden bear wears an old red T-shirt. Good nature and loveable. A bear-of-very-little-brain and chubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. Always gorges on honey.
      About 22 inches tall.
      Best Friend
      Favorite Food
      Honey. And more Honey.
      Favorite Things to Do
      Play Poohsticks. Adventures with Piglet or Christopher Robin. Exercise in the Morning. Humming. Searching honey to fill the rumbly in his tumbly. Visiting friends who have honey.
      First Thing He Says in the Morning
      "What"s for breakfast?"
      Quotes and Sayings:
      "Think, think, think."
      Piglet 小猪
      Very Small Animal. Likes to wear a long shirt with pink and black stripes. Very timid, even will be frightened by his own shadow.
      About 10 inches tall.
      Best Friend
      Favorite Food
      Favorite Things to Do
      Adventures with Pooh. Enjoys balloons. Likes to blow dandelions.
      What He Does Every Tuesday
      Spends the day at Christopher Robin"s house.
      First Thing He Says in the Morning
      "I wonder what"s going to happen exciting today?"
      Quotes and Sayings:
      "Oh, dear! Oh, dear, oh, dearie, dearie, dear!"
      Tigger 跳跳虎
      A Very Bouncy Animal. Very active and fun-loving. Likes to make friends. Very proud of his beautiful stripes. Special talent is finding his way home in the fog. (Tiggers "never get lost").
      About 23 inches tall.
      Best Friend
      Favorite Food
      Extract of Malt. Very Fussy Eater. Known to hate honey, acorns, and thistles.
      Favorite Things to Do
      Bouncing! Bouncing! Bouncing! Playing detective.
      Quotes and Sayings:
      "That"s Re-dikorus", "Hello, I"m Tigger. Hoo hoo hoo hewooo."
      Eeyore 屹耳
      An old grey donkey. Very depressed and quiet. Often worries about something and feels quite gloomy. Fortunately, all the animals in the 100 Acre Wood bring him so much joy.
      About 18 inches tall and 27 inches long.
      Favorite Food
      Favorite Things to Do
      Being remembered on his birthday.
      Biggest and Second Biggest Problem
      His tail keeps coming off and his house keeps falling down.
      Quotes and Sayings:
      "Oh, well.", "Thanks for noticin" me."
      Rabbit 瑞比
      An industrious rabbit. Has a brain but a little bit pushy and decisive. His life is made up of important things. Likes to organize things and take charge of group events, even if nothing gets done.
      About 28 inches tall.
      Favorite Food
      Favorite Things to Do
      Gardening and avoiding Pooh around lunchtime.
      Things He Hates
      Being interrupted while engaged in any activity.
      Owl 猫头鹰
      Large owl. Has a brain. Speaks eloquently. Usually talks fluently and endlessly. Everyone thinks he"s the wisest. Spells his own name "WOL", although he can spell "TUESDAY".
      About 28 inches tall, with a wing span of about 42 inches.
      Favorite Food
      Afternoon Tea
      Favorite Things to Do
      Tell stories to guests and anyone who will listen.
      Biggest Problem
      Sometimes a real bore.
      Kanga 袋鼠妈妈
      A mother kangaroo. Always carries her son with her in her pouch. The fastest animal in the Woods.
      About 30 inches tall.
      Favorite Things to Do
      Motherly things.(Telling Roo when to eat or take a bath.)
      What She Does Every Tuesday
      Goes to Pooh"s house to teach Pooh how to jump.
      Roo 小豆
      A naught young kangaroo. Cheerful and lively. Likes to play Pooh-sticks with friends. Thinks he is capable of anything.
      About 10 inches tall.
      Best Friend
      Favorite Things to Do
      Playing with Tigger. Pooh-sticks.
      Favorite Food
      Enjoys milk. Likes most everything except extract of malt.
      What She Does Every Tuesday
      Spends his time with Rabbit.
      On Stage and Backstage
      The premiere Disney Live! Show, produced by Feld Entertainment, Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh brings the characters of the Hundred Acre Wood to life in a charming story of friendship. This all-new touring stage production features the hunny-loving Winnie the Pooh and his friends Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo and Owl, who embark on a journey of fun and surprise as they plan a surprise party for Winnie the Pooh.
      Narrating the tale is Tracie, the storyteller who guides the audience through Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh with the help of her three amusing and eager Hunny Helpers. The Hunny Helpers provide constant humor and hijinx as they help change scenes, interact with the audience and follow Tracie"s direction throughout the story.
      Each of the memorable characters" personalities shines on stage, as all the friends work together to plan a surprise birthday party for Pooh. Keeping Pooh distracted from remembering that it is his birthday, Piglet accompanies the bear in his ongoing quest for a "little smackerel of hunny" and along the way, they get caught up in the adventures that unfold and take audiences through an imaginative musical journey.
      Backstage Her es幕后英雄
      Director BT MCNICHOLL
      麦可尼寇成长于美国康涅狄格州的达理恩市(Darien, CT)。高中时,他在一出学校舞台剧中初尝导演滋味,自此燃起了他对戏剧的热爱。从美国天主教大学毕业之后,麦可尼寇在纽约开始了他的演艺事业,并且和许多著名的大导演,如詹姆斯・拉派(James Lapine)、杰瑞・萨克斯(Jerry Zaks)等,成功合作过多部电影。他第一次与迪斯尼的合作是协助詹姆斯・拉派拍摄由迈克尔・J・福克斯(Michael J. Fox)主演的喜剧电影《福星急转弯》(Life With Mikey)。
      "Directing Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh is the fulfillment of a childhood dream, I"ve loved working with Winnie the Pooh and all his friends. Our show is interactive, funny and charming - a real "my first theater" experience for children everywhere."
      Lighting Designer PATRICK DIERSON
      来自纽约长岛(Long Island)的派崔克・迪尔森曾为许多大型演唱会、电视节目和商业场合设计灯光及雷射投影效果,建立了令人钦佩的成功事业。迪尔森的专业技术受到许多高品质表演场合的青睐,如全球知名的拉丁流行歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)的世界巡回演唱会、MTV音乐大奖颁奖典礼(MTV Video Music Awards)、MTV时尚喧闹派对(MTV"s "Fashionably Loud")以及许多实力派歌手在VH1音乐频道的现场演唱会等等。他还于2001年在美国华盛顿特区举行的“总统日”活动(Presidential Gala)中和小布什总统合作,之后还曾为《三军统帅》剧集(Commander in Chief)的许多场景设计灯光效果。在著名的电视节目《声援911――美国:向英雄致敬》(America: A Tribute to Heros)的演唱会中,迪尔森杰出的表现也让他获得艾美奖的题名。
      "What"s different about this show is that it is not dependent on lighting to make it a spectacle, which is amazing. We are not turning lighting into a special effect, but rather recreating the lighting to mimic the sun, for example, so that the Hundred Acre Wood looks realistic. We have to create a magical theatrical world for Winnie the Pooh while maintaining the character"s integrity, which requires a reliance on technology different from the rock concert world."
      Music Director DAVID LOUD
      "I collaborate with the writer and the choreographer to tell the story of Winnie the Pooh from a musical standpoint. I can imagine the dance in my head as I arrange the music for a particular number. We use musical techniques from adult theatre and re-imagine them for children in a way that has a spirit and life, opening their minds and ears to theatrical music."
      Production Designer ANNA LOUIZOS
      安娜・露易斯是土生土长的加州人,她毕业于纽约大学的剧场艺术学系,并且曾经担任电视剧集《天才老爹》(The Cosby Show)的助理导播。露易斯是百老汇著名的剧场设计师,她的作品包括获得东尼奖的作品《可爱大街》(Avenue Q)、《戈达的阳台》(Golda"s Balcony)以及《钢木兰》(Steel Magnolias)、《笨凯子》(Butter and Egg Man)、《城堡》(The Castle)、《定时炸弹》(tick, tick...BOOM!)、《美丽新世界》(Brave New World)、《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)、《都是男人惹的祸》(Much Ado About Nothing)、《我和我的女孩》(Me and My Girl)、《优雅幸存》(Surviving Grace)等。而她最近的电视设计作品正是轰动全球的HBO电视剧集《欲望城市》(Sex and City)。
      "We have created a number of visual surprises for the audience. Characters fly, vegetables grow - and just when you think you"ve seen everything, suddenly something new appears on the set. This will be a very interactive show, and I have created a variety of textures and surfaces that can interact with the characters and further draw children into the story and excitement that is unfolding around them. The goal of the show is to ignite an excitement for theatre in children in a way that they may not have experienced. We"re asking them to come along for the adventure and use their imagination.">>

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