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    时间:2019-01-08 03:17:51 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      “I think of slaying Holmes…and winding him up for good and all. He takes my mind from better things.(我考虑杀掉福尔摩斯……把他干掉,一了百了。他占据了我太多的时间。)”
      � Arthur Conan Doyle
      Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied to be a doctor at the University of Edinburgh and set up a small practice[医务所] at Southsea in Hampshire during his 20s. While the practice proved largely unsuccessful, the lack of patients provided him with the opportunity to create possibly the most popular character ever introduced in the history of
      fiction � Sherlock Holmes.
      While at university, Conan Doyle had been greatly influenced by Joseph Bell, one of his professors. Bell was an expert in the use of deductive[推论的,演绎的] reasoning to diagnose[诊断] disease. Conan Doyle was so impressed that he used these same principles when creating his famous detective.
      Sherlock Holmes was introduced in A Study in Scarlet (1887), followed by A Sign of Four in 1890, but didn’t really take hold of the public’s imagination until Strand Magazine, newly founded in 1890, published a series of short stories called The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. From that point on the public couldn’t get enough of Holmes and his always reliable[可信赖的] confidant[心腹朋友], John H. Watson, a retired military doctor.
      Residing in London at 221B Baker Street, Holmes’s character and personality set him apart from all others. “Holmes, with his keen sense of observation, his lean[瘦的] face and hooked nose, his long legs, his deerstalker[护耳软猎帽] hat, his magnifying glass, and his ever-present pipe, caught the reader’s imagination.” (The Literature of Crime and Detection)
      Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
      From 1891 to 1893, Strand Magazine published stories featuring Holmes and Watson, all avidly[热心地] followed by the public. When, in The Final Problem (1893), Holmes and his longtime nemesis[给以报应者], Professor Moriarty, are killed off, the public outcry[大声疾呼] was so great, Conan Doyle was forced to bring him back to life. He continued the exploits of Holmes and Watson nine years later in The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902).
      More novels and short stories appeared to the delight of Conan Doyle’s fans until The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927), the last to feature the brilliant sleuth[侦探].
      Sherlock Holmes is without doubt one of the most beloved figures in the history of mystery fiction. Conan Doyle’s works were made into several stage plays and feature films. In all, Holmes and Watson were featured in four novels and 56 short stories.
      Despite the success of his most famous character, throughout his life Conan Doyle sought to escape the Sherlock Holmes phenomenon[现象] and concentrate[集中] on writing about his other interests. Although he was never completely successful due to the intense popularity of Holmes, he was knighted[授以爵位] for his nonfiction work on the Boer War注 and also wrote other works such as The Lost World (1912) and The White
      Company (1891).
      The Man Who Inspired the
      Character of Sherlock Holmes
      Was Sherlock Holmes a real person? Not exactly, but Dr. Joseph Bell, the man who inspired the character of Sherlock Holmes shared many qualities with the famous detective.
      Conan Doyle met Dr. Bell in 1877 at the University of Edinburgh Medical School. Conan Doyle was studying to be a doctor and Bell was one of his professors.
      Bell was 39 years old when Conan Doyle first attended one of his lectures. He is said to have walked with a jerky[急跳的] kind of a step that communicated great energy. His nose and chin were angular[有角的] and his eyes twinkled with shrewdness[精明,机灵]. In addition to being a brilliant doctor, Bell was also an amateur[业余的] poet, a sportsman and a bird-watcher.
      By the end of Conan Doyle’s second year, Bell had selected him to serve as an assistant in his ward[病房]. This gave Conan Doyle the opportunity to view Dr. Bell’s remarkable ability to quickly deduce[推论,演绎出] a great deal about a patient.
      Dr. Bell observed the way a person moved. The walk of a sailor varied vastly from that of a solider. If he identified[识别] a person as a sailor, he would look for any tattoos that might assist him in knowing where their travels had taken them. He trained himself to listen for small differences in his patient’s accents to help him identify where they were from. Bell studied the hands of his patients because calluses[老茧] or other marks could help him determine their occupation[职业].
      So while Conan Doyle went on to write about Sherlock Holmes, he played Dr. Watson, at least for awhile, to his professor.
      热衷英式格斗的福尔摩斯你见过吗?如果你以为在将于今年12月25日上映的最新电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)中会看到绅士派头十足的福尔摩斯,那就大错特错了。
      (Lionel Wigram)的同名漫画改编,由有“英伦昆汀”之称的盖・里奇(Guy Ritchie)执导。制作方多次表示,这次的福尔摩斯和华生将更加锐气,一扫以往版本中维多利亚时代的沉闷,而福尔摩斯更会成为一名击剑高手,赤手空拳制服罪犯,影片也从推理破案变成以动作冒险为主。凭借《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)步入好莱坞一线明星行列的小罗伯特・
      唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)将扮演福尔摩斯;裘德・洛(Jude Law)出演华生;曾主演《恋恋笔记本》(The Notebook)的瑞切尔・迈克亚当斯(Rachel McAdams)将扮演福尔摩斯心仪的艾琳・艾德勒(Irene Adler)。

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