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    时间:2019-01-08 03:18:41 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      I’m sure by now you’ve all heard the exciting news: Ghostbusters 3 is due out next year. That’s
      right, the Ghostbusters franchise[特许权] is back (with the full original cast[演员阵容]), which continues
      Hollywood’s decades long obsession[迷住] with
      sequels � not to mention prequels and spin-
      offs[副产品]. Take a minute and name as many franchises
      as you can: Indiana Jones, The Matrix, Jaws, Alien, Saw (what are we up to now, Saw 12?), The Mummy, American Pie, Austin Powers, Rocky, Rambo, James Bond, Shrek…this list could go on and on.
      A joint study last year by professors at
      Binghamton University and Florida Atlantic University
      finally put the whole thing in perspective[正确地]:
      sequels almost never do as well as the original film, but week-by-week they almost do better than
      non-sequels, particularly when they quickly follow the original film.
      As Subimal Chatterjee, marketing professor at Binghamton University said, “Indeed, we have found that some franchises are closely following this practice. For instance, New Line Studios released The Lord of the Rings trilogy[三部曲] in almost clocklike precision[精确]:
      The Fellowship of the Ring in December, 2001; The Two Towers in December, 2002; and The Return of the King in December, 2003. A shorter time gap for
      releasing a sequel is better than a longer time gap, given that the ‘buzz[(谣言等)流传]’ and anticipation[预期] is likely to dissipate[使消散] in consumers’ memory with a longer wait.”
      Turns out star power has a lot to do with it too. As Chatterjee also notes, “For example, people were quite willing to wait for over ten years to see Bruce Willis back in Die Hard or Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones.” But having big stars does not guarantee success.
      The success of a franchise mainly depends on the quality of the sequels themselves. “If consumers
      perceive[感知,感到] that the sequels are better than the original film,” said Suman Basuroy, assistant professor of marketing at Florida Atlantic University, “the number of sequels can have a positive[正面的,积极的] impact on the current sequel’s box office performance.”
      This whole sequels business follows along with another trend[趋势] in recent Hollywood productions � 3D movies. The success of Monsters vs. Aliens, which set an opening weekend record with a total take of just under $60 million in the U.S. and Canada, signals that 3D movies
      are here to stay. Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chief Executive Officer
      of Dreamworks’ Animation Department, has already
      announced that his studio will release all future films in 3D. “I think this is the beginning of an era,” Katzenberg said, “and I think we’re going to see a lot of very exciting films and
      filmmakers using this new technique.” It is Katzenberg’s hope that over the next year and a half, the number of theaters equipped with 3D technology will have quadrupled[成为四倍] from just over 2,000 in the U.S. to around 7 or 8,000.
      As Hollywood continues to struggle with the combined trends of fewer moviegoers and more online piraters[盗版者],
      it’ll only make more sense for movie studios to back[支持]
      sequels or filmmaking techniques like 3D. In fact, 3D movies may someday be the only movies people are actually willing to go to the theater to see. Sequels on the other hand, tend to cost less, can be made faster, and don’t require nearly as much promotion as an original film. Producers for a movie like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, can rely on Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg to sell the film with a minimal[最小的] amount of advertising. Repetition is just the name of the game[问题的实质].

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