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    第1篇: 民办幼儿园章程草案


    第一章 总 则

    第一条 为全面贯彻党和国家的教育方针,依法自主办学,依据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》、《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》及有关法律法规制定本章程。

    第二条 本单位的名称:

    第三条 本单位的住所地:

    第四条 本单位的性质是利用非财政经费、自愿举办、从事教育事业,是非盈利性社会服务活动的民办非企业单位。

    第五条 本单位的业务审批机关是 ;
    本单位的登记管理机关是 。

    第六条 办学宗旨:遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德风尚,坚持社会主义办学方向,贯彻国家的教育方针,保育和教育相结合,促进幼儿在身心和谐发展(可按照自行确定的内容表述)。

    第二章 举办者、开办资金和业务范围

    第七条 本单位的举办者是 (联合办园的注明成员姓名)。





    第八条 本单位开办资金:
    万元。出资人 (联合办园的注明成员姓名),出资金额 万(联合办园的注明分别投资资金数额)。


    (一) 专业范围:教育;

    (二) 办学层次:幼儿园;

    (三) 学制:4年;

    (四) 办学形式:全日制;

    (五) 办学规模:
    个班共 人。

    (六) 招生区域:

    第三章 组织管理体制

    第九条 本单位实行董事(理事)会领导下的园长负责


    (一) 罢免、增补理事;

    (二) 制定幼儿园的发展规划、业务活动计划;

    (三) 制定经费筹措及年度财务预、决算方案;

    (四) 制定增加或者减少开办资金的方案;

    (五) 决定本单位的合并、分立、变更、终止;

    (六) 聘任或解聘本单位园长及内部机构负责人;

    (七) 制定和修改内部管理制度;

    (八) 决定本单位内部机构设置;

    (九) 制定和修改本单位章程;

    (十) 决定教职工的编制额和工资标准;

    (十一) 决定出资人取得合理回报的比例;

    (十二)决定其他重大事项 。



    第十四条 召开董事(理事)会议,应于会议召开10日前将会议的时间、地点、内容等一并通知全体理事。理事因故不能出席,可以委托其他理事代为出席事理会议,委托书必须载明授权范围。












    第十七条 当在职董事(理事)人数少于全体人数二分之一时,本届董事(理事)会宣布解散,重新组建新一届董事(理事)会。

    第十八条 董事(理事)长行使下列职权:




    第十九条 本单位园长由董事(理事)会提出,报审批机关核准后聘任。园长负责本单位的教育教学和行政管理工作,行使下列职权:








    第二十条 本单位设立监事会,其成员为3人。


    第二十一条 监事在举办者、本单位从业人员或有关单位推荐的人员中产生或更换。监事会中的从业人员代表由单位从业人员民主选举产生。


    第二十二条 监事会或监事行使下列职权:





    第二十三条 监事会会议实行1人1票制。监事会决议须经全体监事过半数表决通过,方为有效。

    第四章 法定代表人

    第二十四条 本单位的法定代表人为 。

    第二十五条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任本单位的法定代表人:








    第五章 保育、教育管理

    第二十六条 按照《中华人民共和国教育法》、《幼儿园管理条例》和《幼儿园工作规程》、《幼儿教育指导纲要(试行)》等法律法规自主组织教育教学活动,进行教育教学管理,并在教材选用和课程设置上接受业务主管部门指导与监督。

    第二十七条 坚持以幼儿为本,面向全体幼儿,不进行违背幼儿教育规律,有损于幼儿身心健康的活动,科学地做好保育和教育工作,促进幼儿全面和谐发展。

    第二十八条 本单位严禁体罚和变相体罚幼儿。

    第六章 资产管理、使用原则及劳动用工制度

    第二十九条 本单位经费来源:






    第三十条 出资人要求取得合理回报(该条自己确定是否注明)。

    第三十一条 本单位在确定出资人取得回报比例前,向社会公布与其办学水平和教育质量有关的材料和财务状况(该条如有前置条款的需注明)。

    第三十二条 本单位董事(理事)会应于依法作出出资人取得回报比例的决定之日起15日内,将该决定和向社会公布的与其办学水平和教学质量有关的材料、财务状况报审批机关备案(该条如有前置条款的需注明)。

    第三十三条 本单位存续期间,资产必须用于章程规定的宗旨、业务范围,任何组织和个人不得侵占、私分或挪用。

    第三十四条 本单位存续期间,出资人不得抽逃资金或者挪用办学经费。办学的积累不得用于校外投资或担保,不得转让或分红。

    第三十五条 本单位接收的资助或捐赠,依照《中华人民共和国公益事业捐赠法》及与资助人或捐赠人的约定执行。

    第三十六条 本单位依照国家有关法律法规规定建立财会制度和资产管理制度,设置会计账簿,进行会计核算、编制财务会计报告,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。接受税务、会计主管部门依法实施的税务监督和会计监督。

    第三十七条 本单位董事(理事)会换届或更换法定代表人之前必须进行财务审计。

    第三十八条 本单位的资产管理,接受业务主管部门及有关部门的监督和自身监督。

    第三十九条 本单位按照《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》的规定,自觉接受登记管理机关组织的年检。

    第四十条 本单位工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,按照国家对民办幼儿园的有关规定执行。

    第七章 规章制度

    第四十一条 本单位的基本制度有:








    第八章 终止和终止后资产处理

    第四十二条 本单位遇《民办教育促进法》第五十六条情形之一,应当终止。

    第四十三条 本单位终止,应当在董事(理事)会表决通过后15日内报审批机关审查。

    第四十四条 本单位办理注销登记前,应当在登记管理机关、业务主管单位和有关机关的指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理剩余财产,完成清算工作。


    第四十五条 本单位经审批机关审查同意后方可终止,并将办学许可证交回审批机关予以销毁,将民办非企业单位登记证、印章交回登记管理机关予以销毁,同时办理注销登记。

    第四十六条 本单位自登记管理机关发了注销登记证明文件之日起,即为终止。

    第九章 章程的修改程序

    第四十七条 本单位章程的修改,须由幼儿园董事(理事)会决议通过,报审批机关备案。

    第十章 附 则

    第四十八条 本章程经 年 月 日董事(理事)会表决通过。

    第四十九条 本章程的解释权属本单位董事(理事)会。

    第五十条 本章程如有与国家的法律法规和上级政策相抵触时,以国家的法律、法规和上级政策为准。

    第五十一条 本章程自登记管理机关核准之日起生效。



    年 月 日


    第2篇: 民办幼儿园章程草案



    第一章      总则

    第一条 本单位的名称是 xxxxxxx 。

    第二条 本单位的性质是 由个人利用非国有资产,自愿举办从事非营利性社会服务活动的社会组织。

    第三条 本单位的宗旨是 遵守宪法、 法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德风尚,以 “严谨治学、服务社会、踏实务实、教书育人”为办学目的 。

    第四条 本单位的登记管理机关是 丰县民政局 ;
    本单位的业务主管单位是 丰县教育局 。

    第五条 本单位的住所地是 xxxxxx 。


    第二章      举办者、开办资金和业务围

    第六条 本单位的举办者是 xxx 。





    第七条 本单位开办资金:5万元;
    出资者:xxx,金额:5万元 。

    第八条 本单位的业务围:


    第三章      组织管理制度

    第九条 本单位设理事会,其成员为 3人。理事会是本单位的决策机构。


    理事每届任期 3 年,任期届满,连选可以连任。






    第十一条 理事的产生和罢免:





    第十二条 理事会行使下列事项的决定权:











    第十三条 理事会设理事长1名。理事长、副理事长由理事会以全体理事的过半数选举产生或罢免。

    第十四条 理事会每年召开 2 次会议。有下列情形之一,应当召开理事会会议:



    第十五条  召开理事会会议,应于会议召开10日前将会议的时间、地点、容等一并通知全体理事。理事会会议应当由1/2以上的理事出席方可召开。理事因故不能出席,可以书面委托其他理事代为出席理事会,委托书必须载明授权围。

    第十六条 理事会会议应由1/2以上的理事出席方可举行。理事会会议实行1人1票制。理事会作出决议,必须经全体理事的过半数通过。


    (一)  章程的修改;

    (二)  本单位的分立、合并或终止。

    第十七条  理事会会议应当制作会议记录。形成决议的,应当当场制作会议纪要,并由出席会议的理事审阅、签名。理事会决议违反法律、法规或章程规定,致使本单位遭受损失的,参与决议的理事应当承担责任。但经证明在表决时反对并记载于会议记录的,该理事可免除责任。


    第十八条 理事长行使下列职权:




    第十九条 本单位园长对理事会负责,并行使下列职权:









    第二十条 本单位设立监事为 2人。监事在举办者(包括出资者)、本单位从业人员或有关单位推荐的人选中产生。本单位理事及其近亲属、行政负责人及财会人员不得担任监事。


    第二十一条    监事(监事会)的权利和义务:





    第二十二条    监事会会议实行1人1票制。监事会决议须经全体监事过半数表决通过,方为有效。


    第四章 法定代表人

    第二十三条 本单位的法定代表人为 行政负责人 。

    第二十四条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任本单位的法定代表人:









    第五章 资产管理、使用原则

    第二十五条 本单位经费来源:







    第二十六条 本单位的资产受法律保护,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分、挪用。


    第二十七条 捐赠人有权向本单位查询捐赠财产的使用、管理情况,并提出意见和建议。对于捐赠人的查询,本单位应及时据实答复。

    第二十八条 本单位执行国家规定的《民间非营利组织会计制度》,依法进行独立的会计核算,建立健全部会计监督制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。



    第二十九条 本单位换届或更换法定代表人之前必须进行财务审计。

    第六章 劳动用工制度

    第三十条 未与本单位建立劳动关系的理事和监事不得从本单位获取报酬。

    第三十一条 本单位工作人员的工资福利开支控制在合理的比例,不变相分配本单位的财产。

    第三十二条 本单位劳动用工、社会保险制度按国家法律法规及有关规定执行。 


    第三十三条 本单位按照《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》和《民办非企业单位年度检查办法》的规定,自觉接受登记管理机关组织的年度检查。

    第三十四条 本单位按要求履行重大事项报告和信息公开义务。

      第八章 终止和终止后资产处理

    第三十五条 本单位有下列情形之一的,应当终止:





    第三十六条 本单位终止,应当在理事会通过终止的决议后15日,成立清算小组,清理债权债务,处理剩余财产,完成清算工作。清算小组由本单位法定代表人或者理事会确定的相关负责人、债权人代表和相关职能部门代表等共同组成。

    第三十七条 清算工作的顺序:







    第三十八条 本单位清算期间不开展清算以外的活动。如遇民事诉讼的,由清算小组代表本单位参与民事诉讼。

    第三十九条 剩余财产的处理:




    第四十条 本单位应当自完成清算之日起15日,向登记管理机关申请注销登记。


    第八章 附则

    第四十一条 本章程经2016年7月1日第一届第一次理事会表决通过。

    第四十二条 本章程的解释权属理事会。

    第四十三条 本章程自登记管理机关核准之日起生效。

    第3篇: 民办幼儿园章程草案




    第一章      总则

    第一条 本单位的名称是 xxxxxxx 。

    第二条 本单位的性质是 由个人利用非国有资产,自愿举办从事非营利性社会服务活动的社会组织。

    第三条 本单位的宗旨是 遵守宪法、 法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德风尚,以 “严谨治学、服务社会、踏实务实、教书育人”为办学目的 。

    第四条 本单位的登记管理机关是 丰县民政局 ;
    本单位的业务主管单位是 丰县教育局 。

    第五条 本单位的住所地是 xxxxxx 。


    第二章      举办者、开办资金和业务范围

    第六条 本单位的举办者是 xxx 。





    第七条 本单位开办资金:5万元;
    出资者:xxx,金额:5万元 。

    第八条 本单位的业务范围:


    第三章      组织管理制度

    第九条 本单位设理事会,其成员为 3人。理事会是本单位的决策机构。


    理事每届任期 3 年,任期届满,连选能够连任。






    第十一条 理事的产生和罢免:





    第十二条 理事会行使下列事项的决定权:











    第十三条 理事会设理事长1名。理事长、副理事长由理事会以全体理事的过半数选举产生或罢免。

    第十四条 理事会每年召开 2 次会议。有下列情形之一,应当召开理事会会议:



    第十五条  召开理事会会议,应于会议召开10日前将会议的时间、地点、内容等一并通知全体理事。理事会会议应当由1/2以上的理事出席方可召开。理事因故不能出席,能够书面委托其它理事代为出席理事会,委托书必须载明授权范围。

    第十六条 理事会会议应由1/2以上的理事出席方可举行。理事会会议实行1人1票制。理事会作出决议,必须经全体理事的过半数经过。


    (一)  章程的修改;

    (二)  本单位的分立、合并或终止。

    第十七条  理事会会议应当制作会议记录。形成决议的,应当当场制作会议纪要,并由出席会议的理事审阅、签名。理事会决议违反法律、法规或章程规定,致使本单位遭受损失的,参与决议的理事应当承担责任。但经证明在表决时反对并记载于会议记录的,该理事可免除责任。


    第十八条 理事长行使下列职权:




    第十九条 本单位园长对理事会负责,并行使下列职权:









    第二十条 本单位设立监事为 2人。监事在举办者(包括出资者)、本单位从业人员或有关单位推荐的人选中产生。本单位理事及其近亲属、行政负责人及财会人员不得担任监事。


    第二十一条    监事(监事会)的权利和义务:





    第二十二条    监事会会议实行1人1票制。监事会决议须经全体监事过半数表决经过,方为有效。


    第四章 法定代表人

    第二十三条 本单位的法定代表人为 行政负责人 。

    第二十四条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任本单位的法定代表人:









    第五章 资产管理、使用原则

    第二十五条 本单位经费来源:







    第二十六条 本单位的资产受法律保护,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分、挪用。


    第二十七条 捐赠人有权向本单位查询捐赠财产的使用、管理情况,并提出意见和建议。对于捐赠人的查询,本单位应及时据实答复。

    第二十八条 本单位执行国家规定的《民间非营利组织会计制度》,依法进行独立的会计核算,建立健全内部会计监督制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。



    第二十九条 本单位换届或更换法定代表人之前必须进行财务审计。

    第六章 劳动用工制度

    第三十条 未与本单位建立劳动关系的理事和监事不得从本单位获取报酬。

    第三十一条 本单位工作人员的工资福利开支控制在合理的比例内,不变相分配本单位的财产。

    第三十二条 本单位劳动用工、社会保险制度按国家法律法规及有关规定执行。 


    第三十三条 本单位按照《民办非企业单位登记管理暂行条例》和《民办非企业单位年度检查办法》的规定,自觉接受登记管理机关组织的年度检查。

    第三十四条 本单位按要求履行重大事项报告和信息公开义务。

      第八章 终止和终止后资产处理

    第三十五条 本单位有下列情形之一的,应当终止:





    第三十六条 本单位终止,应当在理事会经过终止的决议后15日内,成立清算小组,清理债权债务,处理剩余财产,完成清算工作。清算小组由本单位法定代表人或者理事会确定的相关负责人、债权人代表和相关职能部门代表等共同组成。

    第三十七条 清算工作的顺序:







    第三十八条 本单位清算期间不开展清算以外的活动。如遇民事诉讼的,由清算小组代表本单位参与民事诉讼。

    第三十九条 剩余财产的处理:




    第四十条 本单位应当自完成清算之日起15日内,向登记管理机关申请注销登记。


    第八章 附则

    第四十一条 本章程经 7月1日第一届第一次理事会表决经过。

    第四十二条 本章程的解释权属理事会。

    第四十三条 本章程自登记管理机关核准之日起生效。

    第4篇: 民办幼儿园章程草案






    民办幼儿园 章  程



    核 准 表 



    幼 儿 园扬州市邗江区邗上中心幼儿园

    呈报日期 2015.10.20     







    填 表 说 明

















    意  见

    该章程已经   2015 年 10  月  19 日全园教职工大会2/3以上人员表决通过。


    负责人签字: 聂万通           2015年 10月   日


    意  见


    园长签字:  许霞                  (幼儿园章)


                                      年   月   日


    意  见


    主办者签字:                   (主办单位章)


                                      年   月   日

















    经审核,同意                      章程自          年      月      日起施行。





    年    月    日




    (经2015年10月 19 日全园教职工大会讨论通过)



     邗上中心幼儿园创办于1996年9月,隶属于邗江实验学校,2010年在区政府、区教育局和实验学校等各级领导的关心支持下,投资九百多万元,异地新建了一所全新的幼儿园, 2011年12月高标准通过“江苏省优质幼儿园”评估验收。全园秉持 “快乐生活 健康成长”的核心价值理念,坚持“以德育德、以爱育爱、以心育心”的育人导向,在主管部门和社会各界的关心、指导下,先后获得“江苏省平安校园”“扬州市绿色学校”“扬州市优秀家长学校”“扬州市A级食堂卫生单位”、“邗江区卫生保健合格园”等多项荣誉称号。曾获得扬州市家庭趣味运动会团体一等奖、区幸福宝贝幼儿才艺大赛优秀组织奖、区教育系统女教师合唱比赛一等奖,多次在区幼儿园综合考核中荣获一等奖,并多次接待了省内外的嘉宾及幼教同仁,无不交口称赞,已成为一所家长信赖、同行信服、社会赞誉的优质园。


    第一章  总则

    第一条 为规范幼儿园内部管理体制和运行机制,推进幼儿园依法治园,建设现代学校制度,全面提高教育教学质量和办园效益,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国教师法》《全面推进依法治校实施纲要》和《幼儿园指导纲要》、《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》等有关法律法规与规定,结合幼儿园实际,制定本章程。

    第二条 本园全称为扬州市邗江区邗上中心幼儿园 ;
    英文表述为 Hanshang Center Kindergarten of YangZhou ;
    住所地址为 扬州市邗城路22号  。

    第三条 本园由邗江区邗江实验学校举办,经登记批准,是具有法人资格的办学机构,独立承担民事责任。本园是一所公办全日制教育机构,隶属于邗江区实验学校。

    第四条 办园宗旨:以德育德、以爱育爱 、以心育心。

    办园理念:快乐生活  健康成长


    第五条 幼儿园的发展要体现与时俱进、开拓创新的精神,以“为幼儿的终身发展奠基”为指导思想,遵循学前教育的基本规律,深化学前教育改革,打造优秀的教师团队,促进幼儿全面健康、和谐发展,把幼儿园办成区内外有影响的、有特色的幼儿园。

    总目标:秉持 “快乐生活  健康成长”的核心价值理念,坚持“以德育德、以爱育爱”,在规范中求稳定,在稳定中求发展,在发展中创特色,在特色中求提高,“推进优效管理、锻造优质师资、创设优美环境、培育优秀人才”。

    第六条 办园特色:培养幼儿具有“健美的体魄、健康的心理、健全的人格”。

    园训:志存高远 追求卓越

    园风:尚德  博学  励志  笃行

    教风:博爱  严谨  协作  创新

    学风:惜时  博览  善思  创造

    第七条 幼儿园面向周边地区 招生,招生对象为3—6周岁儿童 ,招生规模以 邗江 区教育局核定的班级和人数为准。

    第八条 园标、园旗、园歌、园徽(暂时沿用邗江区实验学校的校标、校旗、校歌、校徽)

    第二章  组织机构和管理体制

    第九条 校长是学校的法定代表人,对外代表学校,对内全面负责学校的教育教学和行政管理工作。幼儿园实行园长负责制,园长是幼儿园具体负责人,全面负责幼儿园行政工作。园长由邗江区实验学校任命(或聘任)。副园长协助园长开展工作。

    第十条 园长依法行使下列主要职权:










    第十一条 本园建立园务会议制度。重大问题经园务委员会酝酿,在调查研究、认真听取群众意见的基础上,由园长提交学校办公会审议讨论决策。

    第十二条 幼儿园根据办园实际需要,建立由教师及家长代表参加的园务委员会,参与制定、审议幼儿园章程、发展规划和其他规章制度、人事与财务方案等重大事项。

    第十三条 学校基层党组织发挥政治核心作用。幼儿园依靠学校基层党组织,充分发挥工会、教职工(代表)大会、共青团等组织的作用。

    第十四条 学校建立以教师为主体的教职工(代表)大会制度,保障教职工参与学校和幼儿园民主管理和进行民主监督。凡属教职工(代表)大会职权范围的事项,都应提交教职工(代表)大会审议。学校工会作为教职工(代表)大会的工作机构,依法保障学校民主管理、民主监督的落实,维护教职工的合法权益。

    第十五条 幼儿园设置年级组 、教研组和后勤组 等职能部门,分别承担相应的管理职能。

    第十六条 幼儿园加强一日常规管理,主要内容与方法是:








    第十七条 幼儿园依法实行信息公开,切实保障教职工、幼儿、社会公众对幼儿园重大事项、重要制度的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。

    第十八条 幼儿园依法健全园内纠纷解决机制,综合运用信访、调解、申诉等争议解决机制处理幼儿园内部各种利益纠纷。

    第十九条 幼儿园依法接受教育及其他政府相关部门的管理和监督,接受社会、家长的监督,听取社会各界对学校工作的意见和建议。

    第三章  幼儿

    第二十条 凡被幼儿园录取或转入幼儿园学习的受教育者即取得幼儿园学籍,为本园幼儿。

    第二十一条 幼儿享有下列权利:






    第二十二条 监护人应当履行下列义务:




    第二十三条 幼儿园按照江苏省教育厅有关幼儿学籍管理的规定实行学籍管理,健全幼儿学籍档案,依法办理幼儿转学、休学、复学等手续,依法对幼儿给予奖励和处分。

    第二十四条 幼儿园建立幼儿成长档案,对幼儿实施综合素质评定,促进幼儿全面发展。每学期评价结果记入幼儿本人档案。

    第二十五条 幼儿园对符合入学条件而家庭经济困难的学生,通过助学金等形式提供资助。

    第四章  教职工

    第二十六条 幼儿园教职工由教师和其他专业技术人员、管理人员和工勤人员等组成。

    第二十七条 幼儿园根据编制、人社部门核定的编制数额、岗位数和岗位任职条件及市教育局、学校相关规定聘用教职工,公开招聘,竞争上岗,对聘用人员实行岗位管理和绩效工资制度。

    第二十八条 幼儿园依法建立教职工考核制度,对教职工定期进行考核,考核结果作为续聘或者解聘、奖励或者处分的依据。

    第二十九条 幼儿园教职工除享有法律法规等规定的权利外,还享有下列权利:






    第三十条 幼儿园教职工除履行法律法规等规定的义务外,还应履行下列义务:








    第三十一条 学校保证教职工工资、保险、福利待遇按照国家、省和本市有关规定执行,逐步改善教职工的工作条件,帮助解决教职工遇到的实际困难。

    第五章  幼儿园与家庭、社会

    第三十二条 幼儿园主动与社会、家庭联系沟通,加强幼儿园、家庭、社会密切配合的育人体系建设,形成教育合力。



    第三十三条 幼儿园按照一定的民主程序,本着公正、公平、公开的原则,在自愿的基础上,组织家长选举组成家长委员会。幼儿园为家长委员会开展工作提供必要的条件,保障家长委员会履行参与学校管理、参与教育工作、沟通学校与家庭等职责。

    第三十四条 幼儿园依托社区,开发社区教育资源,开展社会实践活动,为幼儿创造服务社区和实践体验的机会。


    第三十五条 幼儿园建立校友会组织,发挥校友的宣传、桥梁、教育、助学、咨询等作用,促进幼儿园发展。

    第三十六条  幼儿园根据办园实际需要,开展园际互动合作,不断扩大对外交流,拓展教育视野,提升办园水平。

    第六章  幼儿园资产及财务管理

    第三十七条 学校开办资金为人民币18795元。

    学校具体经费来源包括财政补助收入、上级补助收入  、事业收入 和 其他收入等。

    第三十八条 学校资产受法律保护,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。学校对侵占校舍、场地、设施等的行为和侵犯学校名称权及无形资产的行为,应积极履行国有资产管理职责,依法追究侵权者的责任。

    第三十九条 学校财务活动在校长的领导下,由学校财务部门统一管理。


    第四十条 幼儿园严格执行国家收费政策,规范收费行为,按照有关部门确定的项目和标准收费,各项收入按照有关规定严格管理,行政事业性收入实行收支两条线管理。

    第四十一条 学校依法接受社会各界的捐赠,建立健全受赠财产的使用制度,加强对受赠财产的管理并接受社会监督。

    第七章  附则

    第四十二条 幼儿园建立健全本章程统领下的幼儿园规章制度体系。规章制度的立、改、废均依照民主程序进行。

    第四十三条 本章程未尽事宜按照法律法规及上级文件政策执行。如有不同,以法律法规及上级文件政策为准。

    第四十四条 本章程的修订由园长室提出,经幼儿园教职工(代表)大会审议,邗江区实验学校校务会议通过,报区教育局核准后生效。

    第四十五条 本章程由邗江区实验学校校长室负责解释。

    You are the position of:Yangzhou Han center kindergarten >> Learn more about our >> Notice in the park> > the body

    The articles of association of the kindergarten

    Release date: 2018-3-13 Access number (1046) Publisher: Xu Xia

    The attachment1:

    Han jiang area The young son garden chapter cheng

    The approval sheet

    The young son Garden center kindergarten Han HanJiang district of yangzhou

    Reported to date 2015.10.20     

    The approval date         

    The date of         

    To the instruction

    A, reported to the kindergarten, and district bureau of education related departments shall sign the relevant section of this form.

    Second, the form with the articles of association of the kindergarten in duplicate, the district education bureau approval retained a, return to a kindergarten.

    Three, kindergarten, the district education bureau relevant departments in the formulation, review the articles of association of the kindergarten, the corresponding clauses in the articles of association to check item by item.Necessary matters specified by the articles of association are:

    (a) name of the kindergarten, park address.

    (2) the principle.Including the purpose of kindergarten, training goal, the principle of education, development plan and training, garden songs, garden celebrating anniversaries, etc.

    (3) the main task.Including the main content of the education teaching work, implementation methods, basic requirements and the education teaching characteristic, etc.

    (4) internal management mechanism.According to the different management system, specify the following content: legal representative of the responsibilities, rights and perform their duties, access way;The major issues of the kindergarten decision-making procedures and methods;Staff involved in the kindergarten democratic ways and methods of management oversight;The kindergarten organization setup and function;Other than the legal representative person in chargeAnd the main body of the responsibilities and authorities.implement“The school director responsibility system under the leadership of the garden”Kindergarten, its articles of association shall be the garden of the school"s responsibility, authority, rules of procedure, etc.

    (5) teachers and other education workers and children.Clear the source of teachers, employment or dismissal, promotion, rewards and punishment;The rights and obligations of teachers;Young children"s admission and student status;Young children"s rights and obligations;Teachers team construction goal, task, and the daily management of students.

    (6) funds, finance, property management.Clear the main source of school funds, the use and management of the organization, procedures and principles;The distribution of the faculty principle;Property purchase program, use the management;The private kindergarten to get return by the sponsor (s) must also achieve a reasonable return ratio and time limit.

    (7) supplementary provisions.About the definition of terms and phrases characteristic, should be provided for procedures for modifying the content, articles of association, articles of association of interpretation authority determination, formulate rules and regulations of the authority regulations, the provisions of the constitution implementation date.

    Four,The articles of association of the private kindergarten.In addition to indicate the above content, but also need to press“Articles of association of a people-run non-enterprise unit (legal person)”The formulation of requirements, increase the contents of the relevant.

    Kindergarten reported

    The full name of kindergarten

    Yangzhou HanJiang area Han center kindergarten

    The staff meeting


    The articles of association has been2015 years10 month 19 Day dominated faculty meetingTwo-thirds of theThe above personnel vote to pass it.

    Head of signature: NieWanTong 2015years10month day

    The kindergarten


    Director to sign: Xu Xia (The kindergarten chapter)

    years month day

    The sponsors or the organizers


    The organizers to sign: (The organizer chapter)

    years month day

    District bureau of education related departments

    Audit opinion

    Send gauge section

    Personnel section

    This the finance department

    Audit branch

    Legislative affairs office

    The base class

    The approval opinion

    With the approval of the audit,                     The articles of association of theyears month As.

    Director of signature:      

    District education bureau (chapter)

    years  month day

    The attachment2:

    HanJiang district of yangzhou Han center kindergarten"s articles of association

    (the2015years10month 19 Dominated faculty meeting discussion through)

    The preface

    Han center kindergarten was founded in1996years9Month, belonging to HanJiang experimental school,2010In the district government, the district education bureau and experimental school leaders at all levels, under the concern and support of the investment of more than nine hundred ten thousand yuan, a long-distance opened a new kindergarten, 2011years12Month high standards through the "jiangsu province high quality kindergarten" assessment acceptance.Dominated grasps "the happy life The core values of healthy growth "concept, adhere to the" on moral education, love education, psychological education "teaching orientation,In the departments and the social from all walks of life care and guidance, successively obtains "safe campus of jiangsu province", "yangzhou city green school" "good parents of yangzhou school", "yangzhou cityADining room health units ", "HanJiang area health care qualified garden" and so on a number of honorary titles.Once won the first prize in yangzhou city family fun games group, area happy baby children"s talent contest excellent organization, female teachers chorus contest area education system, many times won the first prize in the district kindergarten comprehensive assessment, and repeatedly received guests and preschool education, inside and outside the province all praised, has become a convince parents trust, peers, social recognition of high quality garden.

    The first chapter The general

    Article 1 with a Internal management system and operational mechanism to regulate kindergarten, kindergarten garden, according to the construction of modern school system,Comprehensive order to improve the teaching quality and efficiency of kindergarten education,According to the education law of the People"s Republic of China "pedagogic law of the People"s Republic of China" "the all-round implementation of lawful outline"And "kindergarten guidelines","3—6At the age of children"s learning and development guide"And other relevant laws and regulations, combining the reality of the kindergarten, articles of association are formulated.

    Article 2: All of the kindergarten called HanJiang district of yangzhou Han center kindergarten ;English as Hanshang Center Kindergarten of YangZhou ;Home address is Yangzhou Han city road22No. 。

    Article 3 the The kindergarten organized by HanJiang HanJiang district experimental school, upon the approval of the registration, is a educational institutions with legal person status, shall bear civil liability independently.Our kindergarten is a public full-time education institution, affiliated with HanJiang district experimental school.

    Article 4. The purpose of kindergarten:In the moral education, education to love by loving , to the heart of mental education.

    The concept of kindergarten:A happy life The healthy growth

    Let every children grow up feeling and experience the happiness is the fundamental aim of early childhood education, is also the important standard of the evaluation of early childhood education, kindergarten in tries to build up a happy education environment while trying to create the teaching situation of easy to stimulate children"s experience, in the game through early childhood living in the garden one day, to the "well-built, can learn to play, civilization polite, autonomous lively" for the preschool education target, let the children play in high school, learn in joy, joy long, strive to make every child happy life healthy growth.

    Article 5.The development of the kindergarten should reflect the spirit of advancing with The Times, pioneering and innovative, with a firm foundation for the lifelong development of children "" as the guiding ideology, adhere to the basic law of preschool education, deepening the reform of preschool education, make excellent teachers team, promote comprehensive, harmonious and healthy development of the children to kindergarten area, who could influence the characteristics of the kindergarten.

    General objective: grasps “A happy life The healthy growthThe core values of "concept, adhere to the" moral education, love education"And stability in the specification, strives for the development in stability, create characteristic in the development, to improve in the feature,“Promote the excellent efficiency management, forging quality of teachers, creating a beautiful environment, cultivating the excellent talents”。

    Article 6.The characteristics of kindergarten:Children with "strong and handsome body, healthy psychology and sound personality".

    Garden training:Aim high The pursuit of excellence

    Garden wind:suntech learned motivational Benedict line

    Teaching style:love rigorous collaboration innovation

    Style:Precious little time expo Good at thinking create

    Article 7. The kindergarten for the surrounding areas Recruit, recruit students object to3—6Years old children To scale of its enrollment,HanJiang Approved by the district bureau of education classes and number shall prevail.

    Article 8. Garden, garden flags and songs, garden emblem (temporarily used HanJiang district experimental school of the school, rocket, Alma mater, crest)

    The second chapter Organization and management system

    Article 9. The principal is the legal representative of the school, the school"s representative, the internal overall responsibility for school education teaching and administrative work.Limai kindergarten director responsibility system, director, head of the kindergarten is specific, overall responsibility for kindergarten administrative work.Director appointed by HanJiang district experimental school (or employment).Deputy director assist the director to carry out the work.

    Article 10 the director in accordance with law, exercise the following main functions and powers:

    (a) to carry out national relevant laws, regulations, policies and provisions of the competent department;

    (2) the leadership education, health care, safety and security work;

    (3) the organization to formulate and implement plans for the development of the kindergarten;

    (4) is responsible for establishing and perform a variety of rules and regulations;

    (5) is responsible for hiring, allocate personnel.To guide, inspect and evaluate the work of the teachers and other staff, and give rewards and punishments;

    (6) is responsible for the staff of the ideological work, organizational culture, business study, as well as their political and cultural, business education to create the necessary conditions, and gradually improve the staff"s life, working conditions, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of them.

    (7) organization and management garden, equipment, and declare the spending.

    (8) to organize and guide the parents work;

    (9) is responsible for contact with the community and cooperation.

    Article 11 the build system of garden faculty meeting of the kindergarten.Major issues in the garden affairs committee, on the basis of investigation and study, listen to public opinion,By the director in the submitted to the school office to discuss the decision.

    Article 12. According to the actual needs of kindergarten, kindergarten set up by teachers and parents on behalf of the garden affairs committee, participate in the formulation, review the articles of association of the kindergarten, development planning, and other rules and regulations, personnel and financial solutions and other major issues.

    Article 13. Grass-roots party organizations play a role of political core in school.Kindergarten rely on school party organization at the grass-roots level, give full play to the trade union, staff (representative) conference, the role of the communist youth league and other organizations.

    Article 14. Schools with teachers as the main body of the staff (representative) conference system, security staff to participate in school and kindergarten democratic management and democratic supervision.All staff (representative) conference, matters of the scope of their functions and powers, shall be submitted to staff (representative) conference.School union as staff (representative) conference working organs, in accordance with the law, safeguard the school democratic management and democratic supervision of the implementation, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the staff.

    Article 15. The kindergarten setting grade group , the educational research group and logistics group Such as functional departments, undertake corresponding management function respectively.

    Article 16 the kindergarten day routine management, main content and the method is:

    1.Kindergarten building by the director in the room, grade group, the educational research group, the shift of teaching management network.Under the leadership of the director in the room, the division of labor cooperation, mutual cooperation, common management.

    2.Grade group leader is responsible for this grade of moral education and conservation education work, teachers as a whole grade division of labor and management, education activities, parents and children"s management work, etc.

    3.Teaching and research group leader is responsible for leadership, organization for education teaching research.The educational research group on a regular basis to carry out the research activity, according to the on-site arrangements to participate in various training and learning activities, the implementation of the plans, the education teaching task.

    4.Team leader is responsible for organizing the class teacher for teaching activities and the class of regional Settings, etc., in respect of children"s individual differences at the same time will be entirely responsible for all work of the class, education teaching task.

    5.Class is equipped with two teach a bao, led by team leader is responsible for the children"s day activities organization, achieve quiet times, pay attention to children"s practice, set up necessary reasonable norm, cultivate children"s good habits and preliminary life self-care ability, guarantee the children happily, beneficial to autonomous activity.

    6.Kindergarten pays attention to the education in the field of mutual penetration, organic combination, efforts to improve the characteristic of the course system of the creation of a good education environment, pay attention to children"s interests and needs, and create a variety of situation based on the characteristics of children"s age,, games, and pay attention to children"s life experience, make full use of various resources, let every child enjoy the happiness of growth.

    7.Kindergarten strictly implement different season of work and rest time arrangement, ensure healthy and happy growth during young children in the garden.Holidays, not organize collective make up a missed lesson or class of free time, no delays in class and out class.

    Article 17. Kindergarten shall carry out the information disclosure in accordance with law, protect staff, children, social public on major issues of the kindergarten, the important system of right to know, to participate, to express and to supervise.

    Article 18. Kindergarten perfect garden dispute resolution mechanism, in accordance with the integrated use of letters and visits, mediation, appeals and dealing with dispute resolution mechanism, kindergarten in the various interests.

    Article 19. The kindergarten to accept education according to law and other relevant government departments of management and supervision, accept the supervision of the society, parents, listen to the opinions and Suggestions for the work of the school from all walks of life.

    The third chapter Young children

    Article 20. Who will be admitted to kindergarten or into the kindergarten kindergarten student status of educatees, for the children of the kindergarten.

    Article 21.Children enjoy the following rights:

    (a) to participate in the activities in the teaching plan to arrange a day, use the kindergarten education teaching facilities, equipment, books and toys;

    (2) in the emotion, attitude, ability, knowledge, skills, the development of a fair evaluation;

    (3) equal learning and development opportunities;

    (4) for kindergartens, infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests of teachers, to lodge a complaint or filed a lawsuit according to law;

    (5) other rights prescribed by the laws and regulations.

    Article 22. The guardian shall perform the following obligations:

    (a) to assist in education for children of the kindergarten, respect teachers, form a good personality trait and behavior;

    (2) to support children in kindergarten activities, let the young children in group activities and peer communication;

    (3) comply with relevant management system of the kindergarten;

    Article 23. Kindergarten in accordance with the provisions on the administration of the children admitted to the university in jiangsu province department of education the student status management, improve the children"s enrollment files, go through the formalities for a transfer, suspension and resumption of schooling children, for children give rewards and punishment in accordance with the law.

    Article 24. Children grow up files on kindergarten, the implementation of comprehensive quality evaluation of children, promote children"s all-round development.The evaluation results recorded in the children"s personal files per semester.

    Article 25. Kindergarten to comply with the requirements for admission and family economic difficulties students, funded through grants and other forms.

    The fourth chapter The staff

    Article 26. Kindergarten teachers by teachers and other professional and technical personnel, management personnel and those logistics personnel, etc.

    Article 27. Kindergarten according to prepare, prepare, jobs, and the amount of people club bureau job qualifications and city bureau of education, the school regulations to hire staff, open recruitment, competition mount guard, to hire personnel shall practise a system of post management and performance salary.

    Article 28. Kindergarten establish staff appraisal system, in accordance with the law, the assessment of faculty on a regular basis the results of the appraisal shall be taken as the basis of a renewed or dismiss, reward or punishment.

    Article 29 the kindergarten teachers in addition to the right laws and regulations and other rules, also enjoy the following rights:

    (a) on the basis of the kindergarten curriculum standards prescribed by the state, the light of the specific conditions of the children of class, independently develop and implement education teaching work plan, for a day of education activities, carry out education and teaching reform experiment;

    (2) to participate in education for teaching and scientific research, garden this training, studying and other activities.

    (3) access to pay pay on time, to enjoy paid vacation and other welfare treatment stipulated by the state;

    (4) by teaching acting meeting or other forms in the kindergarten management, Suggestions and comments on the work of the kindergarten;Matters have a right to know;The unfair treatment or a right of appeal is not satisfied with the punishment;

    (5) using the kindergarten facilities, books, audio and video data, and other education teaching supplies;

    Article 30 the kindergarten teachers, in addition to the obligations stipulated in the laws and regulations and so on also should perform the following obligations:

    (a) comply with the laws and regulations and professional ethics, a teacher by worthy example.

    (2) comply with the rules and regulations, earnestly perform their duties, education teaching task;

    (3) the care, love all the children, to respect children"s personality, to promote the harmonious development of body and mind.

    (4) the strict kindergarten safety and the health care system, with the nurse management class kindergarten life, to carry out the safety and health knowledge education;

    (5) to take the responsibility of everyone is the moral education workers, often keep in touch with parents, family education guidance, together to do a good job of early childhood education;

    (6) to stop the harmful effects of behavior or other ACTS of infringing on lawful rights and interests of children, the criticism and the healthy growth of harmful effects of phenomenon;Constantly improve the ideological and political consciousness and education teaching level of business;

    (7) regularly report to the director, and accept the inspection and guidance。

    Article 31. Schools to ensure staff wages, insurance, welfare benefits in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, province and city, and gradually improve the staff"s working conditions, faculty to help solve the actual difficulties.

    The fifth chapter Kindergarten, family and society

    Article 32. Kindergarten initiative to contact the society, the family communication, strengthen the kindergartens, families, social work closely with the cultivation system of construction, form education resultant force.

    Kindergarten, according to the needs of the education teaching, hire a part-time garden outside the kindergarten teachers and instructors.

    Establishment of kindergarten or the use of social resources to establish the moral education, science, rule of law, community and other kinds of education base, organize regular school education activities.

    Article 33. Kindergarten according to certain democratic procedures, based on the principle of justice, fair, open, on a voluntary basis, organization parents parents committee election.Kindergarten provide necessary conditions for the parents committee to carry out the work, guarantee the parents committee to perform the participation in school management, involved in education, communication, school and family responsibilities.

    Article 34. Kindergarten based on community, develop the community education resources, to carry out social practice activities, create community service opportunities and practice experience for young children.

    Kindergarten community cultural facilities and sports venues open campus.

    Article 35. Kindergarten building alumni association, alumni propaganda, Bridges, such as education, student, consulting role, promote the development of the kindergarten.

    Article 36. According to the actual needs of kindergarten, kindergarten international interactive cooperation, expanding foreign exchanges, expanding education field of vision, improve the level of kindergarten.

    Chapter vi Kindergarten assets, and financial management

    Article 37 the school opened RMB funds18795Yuan.

    Specific school funding sources include fiscal subsidies income, higher income subsidies , business income and Other income, etc.

    Article 38. School assets are protected by law, no unit or individual shall not misappropriate, embezzle and divert.School of occupied buildings, sites or facilities and school name right infringement and the behavior of the intangible assets, should actively fulfill their duties of state-owned assets management and the responsibility of the infringer shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

    Article 39. Financial activities in the school school long under the leadership of the unified management of the financial department by the school.

    School of accounting personnel qualifications, job responsibilities, work permissions, professional title, appointment and rewards and punishment, in strict accordance with the legal system of national accounting is carried out.

    Article 40. Kindergarten strictly implement the national policy, the standard fees, in accordance with the items and standards set in the relevant departments, the various income in accordance with the relevant regulations, strict management, government administrative income income and expenses two line management.

    Article 41. Schools accept donations from all sectors of society in accordance with the law, establish and perfect the system of the use of the donated assets, to strengthen the management of the donated assets and accept social supervision.

    Chapter vii. Supplementary provisions

    Article 42. The kindergarten at the head of the kindergarten rules under the articles of association set up a sound system.Rules and regulations of the state, change and waste are conducted in accordance with democratic procedures.

    Article 43. Matters not in accordance with the laws and regulations and the articles of association the superior policy implementation file.If you have different, the policy laws and regulations and superior documents shall prevail.

    Article 44. The revision of the articles of association presented by the director in the room, the kindergarten teachers (representative) consideration by the general assemblyHanJiang district experimental schoolThrough the reception meeting, submitted to the district education bureau approval to take effect.

    Article 45. These articles of association by HanJiang district experimental school to interpret the principal"s office.

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