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    【轻轻地告诉你】 轻轻地告诉你视频

    时间:2019-01-08 03:16:30 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      Tell me something light, she says, something I’ll forget.   So I tell her penguins are so old, they have outlived the dinosaurs.
      I tell her 1)carp has no natural life span and could technically live forever.
      I tell her a research project from the 1980s said
      people with blue eyes generate trust more easily and generally last longer in relationships, while people with brown eyes are more likely to be viewed as distant
      objects of 2)idolism and 3)affection.
      I don’t tell her that every 4)con artist I’ve ever met had blue eyes or that my brown-eyed friends are
      constantly accused of hiding something from their partners.
      I tell her my eyes are green, and sometimes
      5)hazel, but I don’t tell her that means I’m somewhere in between.
      I tell her a boy from Atlanta, Georgia, got a
      research 6)grant to study the difference between swimming in water and swimming in 7)oatmeal.
      I tell her the day everyone realizes how easy it is to get research grants, poverty will no longer been an issue.
      I ask her if she’s ever heard of 8)lucid dreaming?
      She shakes her head no.
      So I tell her lucid dreaming is the skill to control what happens in your dreams. You can learn this by asking yourself throughout the day if you are awake or dreaming and by training yourself to recognize odd 9)occurrences, or dream signs.
      Sounds boring, she says, like knowing how every movie will begin and end.
      Tell me something else, she says.
      So I tell her the sunsets we have today, they didn’t have 400 year ago. Pollution is the main reason we have sunsets and rainbows as magnificent as they are today. I tell her that’s a 10)silver lining for you.
      I tell her it’s impossible to 11)tickle yourself,
      although scientists have developed a robot tickler which tickles by remote control.
      I tell her lions are colorblind. A zebra could be bright orange and still be 12)camouflaged in the tall grass, as long as it has its wavy lines.
      I tell her comedy is social 13)lubricant, and one 14)sitcom, or one comedian can unify a generation
      and define a culture. If this isn’t light enough, I tell her, most television is broadcast via satellite and the amount of entertainment we daily shoot into space so vastly outnumbers the legitimate
      attempts we make to contact alien species that by the time they do find us, it won’t be maths that’s the principal form of communication. It’ll be
      I tell her of a recent survey that said people were 60% happier in the 1950s.
      I tell her that since 1950, 15 countries have risen above the poverty line, medicine and
      technology has frog-leaped, and candy tastes better (I tell her I can’t 16)vouch for that last one, but think of the advances made in chocolate alone and argue no more).
      I tell her the 1950s were five years after WW2.
      I tell her this survey listed neither names nor geographics.
      I tell her music is energy, and it 17)vibrates
      forever in between the 18)atoms of 19)inanimate
      objects. Mud and gravel carries the notes of Mozart and Bob Dylan注1. Heat them up and they’ll sing songs back to you, some, hundreds of years old. I tell her there’s a rock in a 20)vault at Sotheby’s注2
      in London that remembers the first song ever
      I tell her she’s sleeping and not listening. Her closed eyes neither agree nor disagree.
      注1:鲍勃・迪伦,原名罗伯特・艾伦・齐默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman),有重要影响力的美国唱作人、民谣歌手、音乐家、诗人,获2008年诺贝尔文学奖提名。

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