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    时间:2019-05-07 03:26:33 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      2011年,经常拍摄黑暗题材的大导演Martin Scorsese (马丁·斯柯席斯)为观众们交出了一部天真烂漫、童心未泯的电影作品《雨果的秘密》(Hugo),该片在第84届奥斯卡典礼上斩获五座小金人(最佳视觉效果、最佳音响效果、最佳音效剪辑、最佳艺术指导和最佳摄影)。影片通过孩子的视角介绍了从无声电影到有声电影的电影艺术变革史,用天马行空的想象和精美绝伦的3D画面向命途多舛的法国艺术电影奠基人Georges Méliès (乔治·梅里爱)致敬,被影迷风趣地称为“马丁写给黑白电影的立体情书”。这个故事为什么能让银幕前的人们喜悦、悲伤、震撼、感动?让我们同影片的小主人公Hugo一起踏上冒险之旅,寻找答案。
      Hugo的运气一直不错,但这次他去玩具店偷零件时,却被看上去脾气很不好的店主老爷爷Papa Georges捉了个现行。作为惩罚,Papa Georges夺走了Hugo的笔记本。Papa Georges翻看着笔记本,表情从愤怒渐渐变成了惊愕,最终变得有些不知所措。Papa Georges拒绝将笔记本归还给Hugo,还威胁他要烧掉笔记本,甚至想叫车站巡警抓走Hugo。好不容易逃脱的Hugo一心想要拿回笔记本,于是晚上再次偷偷来到玩具店。
      Papa Georges: I know you"re there. What"s your name, boy?
      Hugo: Hugo. Hugo Cabret.
      Papa Georges: Stay away from me, Hugo Cabret. Or I"ll drag you to the Station Inspector"s office. He"ll lock you up in his little cell, and you"ll never get out, you"ll never go to school, you will never get married and have children of your own to take things that don"t belong to them.
      Hugo: Give me back my notebook.
      Papa Georges: I"m going home to burn your notebook.
      Hugo: You can"t burn my notebook.
      Papa Georges: And who"s to stop me?
      看到Papa Georges将笔记本揣在口袋里带回了家,Hugo只好悄悄尾随,伺机拿回笔记本。到了Papa Georges家门口,Hugo想尽了办法都进不去。但他的举动却被Papa Georges的教女Isabelle发现了。Isabelle是个善良又热情的女孩,她答应Hugo会帮他看着笔记本,不让Papa Georges烧掉它,还劝Hugo先回家去。
      翌日,Hugo一早就守在玩具店门口,期望消了气的Papa Georges能把笔记本还给他。令他心碎的是,Papa Georges塞到他手里的却是一包纸灰。Hugo伤心至极,哭着跑开时却和Isabelle撞了个满怀。
      好心的Isabelle带Hugo去了火车站书店。在高耸的书柜间,她告诉Hugo一个好消息:Papa Georges并没有烧毁笔记本,而且恰恰相反,他也把笔记本看得很重要。Hugo转忧为喜,再次奔向玩具店。Papa Georges无意中发现了Hugo修理机械的天赋,于是和Hugo约定:他可以把笔记归还给Hugo,但Hugo以后有空时要来玩具店打工,偿还他偷零件的钱。
      Hugo的生活顿时光明起来。他白天在Papa Georges的店里打杂、学习新技艺,晚上在阁楼里修理机器人。不久,机器人修理好了,只要找到钥匙打开机器人胸前心形的锁,它就能启动了。问题是,那把神奇的心形钥匙会在哪里呢?
      Hugo: Why doesn"t Papa Georges let you go to the movies?
      Isabelle: I don"t know. He never said. I bet my parents would have let me.
      Hugo: What happened to them?
      Isabelle: They died ... when I was a baby. But Papa Georges and Mama Jeanne, they"re my godparents, so they took me in (收养). They"re very nice about almost everything, except the movies.
      Hugo: My father took me to the movies all the time. He told me about the first one he ever saw. He went into a dark room, and on a white screen, he saw a rocket fly into the eye of the man in the moon. (编注:Hugo此处转述的这个场景是电影史上最重要的电影之一《月球旅行记》的标志性画面,该片正是出自法国导演梅里爱之手) It went straight in.
      Isabelle: Really?
      Hugo: He said it was like seeing his dreams in the middle of the day. The movies were our special place where we could go and watch something, and ... we didn"t miss my mum so much.
      Hugo和Isabelle迫不及待地将钥匙插进了机器人胸前的锁孔,成功启动了机器人。机器人开始在纸上涂涂画画。漫长的等待过后,一幅惊人的图画呈现在Hugo和Isabelle面前:硕大的月亮被画成一个人的面孔,一艘火箭冲向人的眼睛——这正是Hugo的父亲向Hugo描述过无数次的电影画面。Isabelle则在这幅画的落款中看出了端倪:Georges Méliès不就是Papa Georges的全名吗?
      两个孩子带着满腔困惑,拿着画来到了Isabelle家,Isabelle的教母Mama Jeanne看到这幅画之后一下子泣不成声。
      Mama Jeanne: Oh, children. What have you done? Where did you get this?
      Hugo: You"ll call me a liar (你不会相信我的).
      Mama Jeanne: No, child.
      Hugo: A mechanical man drew it.
      Mama Jeanne: Do you have him?
      Hugo: My father found him in a museum. Nobody wanted him. We fixed it.
      Mama Jeanne: No, but it needed my ... [看着Isabelle,恍然大悟] my key.
      和Papa Georges一样,Mama Jeanne也对画作背后隐藏的秘密三缄其口。Hugo却执着地想要寻求一个答案。他固执地认为,这个机器人绝不仅仅是一个玩具,它所暗示的有关电影的一切让他回想起父亲浓浓的爱,父亲一定想要传达给他某种信息。
      Hugo: Please tell us what is going on.
      Mama Jeanne: Out! None of your business. You must both forget this.
      Hugo: My father and I, we worked hard to fix this. This is all I have left of him. I need to know what this means. Please.
      Mama Jeanne: There are things you"re too young to understand. You should not yet know such sadness.
      不论Hugo如何追问,Mama Jeanne就是不愿透露半点信息,而且为了不让刚巧回来的Papa Georges发现他们,还让他们躲进了一个房间。偏偏这个房间中存放着Papa Georges过去为电影绘制的各种场景图和分镜图,Hugo一不小心打翻了一个箱子,这些绚烂的、充满想象力的图画便在空中飞舞,如梦似幻。这些声响引来了Papa Georges,看到自己昔日的作品被两个孩子无意间发现了,他勃然大怒,又忍不住伤心不已。
      在好心的书店店主的指引下,Hugo和Isabelle来到巴黎大名鼎鼎的电影图书馆Film Academy Library查找线索。在一本名为The Invention of Dreams的书里,Hugo和Isabelle沉浸在光影诞生之初的奇妙世界中:从卢米埃尔到格里菲斯,从历史上第一部影片《火车进站》到表现主义美学的开山之作《卡里加里博士的小屋》,再到深刻展现城市化浪潮的卓别林电影……忽然,熟悉的“月亮脸”画面跃然眼前,他们聚精会神地读起来:“The filmmaker Georges Méliès was one of the first to realize that films had the power to capture dreams. The great pioneer of early filmmaking died during the Great War (第一次世界大战).”
      他们感到奇怪极了,一口咬定作者Rene Tabard一定是写错了,没想到这话传到了刚巧在旁边的Rene本人耳中。得知Isabelle是Georges Méliès的教女后,Rene大喜过望,向两人讲起了自己小时候跟随做道具师的哥哥参观Georges Méliès的摄影棚的情形。
      Rene: One day he (指Rene的哥哥) took me to visit the studio. It was like something out of a dream. The whole building was made of glass. In reality, this was to let in all the sunlight necessary for filming; But to my eyes, it was nothing short of an enchanted (充满魔力的) castle. A palace made of glass. In the end, he made over 500 movies. He was phenomenally popular in his day.
      Isabelle: But why did he stop?
      Rene: Up until today, I believed that he died in the war like so many others.
      Hugo: Could we watch some of his movies?
      Rene: I wish you could. But time hasn"t been kind to old movies. This is the only one we know of that survived. Out of hundreds, one. And still it is a masterpiece.
      Rene收集了许许多多Georges Méliès用过的电影道具,在他眼里,Georges Méliès就是世界上最伟大的造梦师。
      知道真相的Hugo和Isabelle决定帮Papa Georges振作起来。在Hugo看来,失去目标的人和坏掉的机器一样都需要救治。
      Hugo: Everything has a purpose, even machines. Clocks tell the time and trains take you to places. They do what they"re meant to do. Maybe that"s why broken machines make me so sad. They can"t do what they"re meant to do. Maybe it"s the same with people. If you lose your purpose, it"s like you"re broken.
      Isabelle: Like Papa Georges.
      Hugo: Maybe we can fix him.
      Isabelle: Is that your purpose, fixing things?
      Hugo: I don"t know. It"s what my father did.
      Isabelle: I wonder what my purpose is. I don"t know. Maybe if I had known my parents I would know.
      Hugo: Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot. I"d imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn"t be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.
      Hugo的话让Isabelle展露笑颜,他们更加坚定了帮助Papa Georges的决心。这天夜里,焦虑不安的Hugo做了一个火车脱轨、自己变成机器人的噩梦,而现实中,对Hugo不利的事儿的确正在发生。Hugo的酒鬼叔叔被人发现数月前就已溺死在塞纳河里,车站的巡警因此起了疑心:如果这位钟楼工作人员早已不在人世,那么是谁一直在给火车站的大钟上发条呢?
      为了帮助自己的偶像,Rene也加入了Hugo和Isabelle的行列。他专程登门拜访,用一番真挚的话语打动了Mama Jeanne。大家坐在客厅里用简易放映机看完了Rene留存的这部《月球旅行记》。Mama Jeanne回想起昔日和丈夫一起拍电影的时光,不禁热泪盈眶。他们热烈地讨论着,吵醒了Papa Georges而浑然不觉。大家尝试着一起劝说Papa Georges。
      Mama Jeanne: Georges, you"ve tried to forget the past for so long. It"s brought you nothing but unhappiness. Maybe it"s time to try and remember.
      Papa Georges: [对Hugo说] You want to know?
      Hugo: Yes.
      Papa Georges: Just like you, I loved to fix things. I started out as a magician. Mama Jeanne was my assistant. We were very successful, I must say. We even had our own theater. But I was always tinkering (摆弄) with machines. I had my own workshop at the theater, where I could invent new illusions. Once I even built a working automaton. Oh, he was a particular treasure; I put my heart and my soul into him. Then, one night, Mama Jeanne and I went to visit a traveling circus. We were walking past the sideshow tents when I noticed something. Something strange. Something wonderful.
      Papa Georges所说的奇怪又奇妙的东西就是最早期的电影。他深深地为这种新的艺术着迷,甚至请求电影发明者卢米埃尔兄弟卖一台摄影机给他,但遭到了拒绝。于是,Papa Georges开始自己筹备人力财力、制作电影的仪器,甚至不惜为此变卖家产。他和他的电影制作团队自编自导自演自制了几百部电影,开创了人类前所未见的视觉奇观,为日后的电影发展奠定了坚实的基础,Georges夫妇也对未来充满了希望。然而一战爆发了,人们开始探讨沉重的社会话题,Papa Georges没有跟上时代的步伐,坚持拍摄他擅长的科幻、奇幻故事,逐渐失去了观众,事业滑到了谷底。为了缓解经济压力,他不得不把胶片卖给一家公司,可这家公司却烧毁了所有胶片。在残酷的现实面前,Papa Georges只有把自己对电影的痴迷深埋心底。
      原来,Papa Georges依然对电影怀有热情,但他为了忘记过去已经毁了所有道具。他现在只希望自己亲手制造的绘图机器人还在。听闻他的愿望,Hugo跑回车站想把机器人还给Papa Georges,不曾想被早已埋伏在此的巡警Gustave发现了。
      Gustave: We"ll let the orphanage deal with you.
      Hugo: No, I don"t belong there!
      Gustave: Where do you belong? A child has to belong to somewhere.
      Hugo: Listen to me, please. Please listen to me! You don"t understand. You have to let me go. I don"t understand why my father died, why I"m alone. This is my only chance ... to work. You should understand!
      [好在Papa Georges及时赶来了]
      Papa Georges: I do! I do. Monsieur (先生), this child belongs to me.
      Hugo: I"m sorry. He"s broken (机器人坏掉了).
      Papa Georges: No, he"s not ... He worked perfectly.
      就像Papa Georges说的,机器人又一次完美地运转起来,并登上舞台,重新回到公众的视野,向人们展示了电影能够怎样去实现人们的梦想。而Hugo也成为Georges家的一员,受到他们的悉心照料。
      电影寄托着人们对美的向往和追求,因为亦真亦幻,所以魅力无穷。比电影更美的,则是人类五彩斑斓的梦想。作为一部致敬造梦大师Georges Méliès 的影片,Hugo本身就像一个回味无穷的梦,让观众看到追梦的艰难,也看到圆梦之时的美妙。据历史记载,Georges Méliès在火车站开玩具店多年,直到老年时被一位记者认出,生活境况才有所改善。之后他在敬老院生活了十年,平静地与世长辞。如果他在天堂看到这部影片,相信也将会心一笑吧。毕竟,还有什么能比带给更多人做梦的可能性更让他欣慰呢?

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