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    时间:2019-01-08 03:18:23 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      When 12-year-old Cassius Clay had his bike stolen in Louisville, Kentucky, he took up the “sweet
      science注1” so he could whup[(俚)轻易地打败(对手)] whoever stole it. Soon Clay became an outstanding amateur[业余的] fighter and picked up a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Rome in 1960.
      He returned home to Louisville wearing his gold medal proudly around his neck, but the pride faded when he was refused service in a “whites only” restaurant. The incident caused him to throw his medal into the Ohio River.
      On February 25th, 1964, the 22-year-old fighter took on heavily-favored champ Sonny Liston. Clay predicted victory over the big ugly bear to anyone who would listen. He beat Liston in the eighth round to become the heavyweight champion. After the fight, Clay jumped around the ring, proclaiming[声明] he “shook up the world.” Shortly after the fight, he announced his membership in the Nation of Islam. A week later, the Nation of Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad, gave Clay the new name � Muhammad Ali. The champ embraced the name change. Many people in [the] press, including the New York Times, refused to refer to[称某人为] him by his new name.
      In 1966, Ali refused to serve in Vietnam, asserting[断言,声称] his “conscientious objector注2” status. In 1967, he was found guilty of refusing induction[入伍] into the armed forces. He appealed[上诉], but the damage was done. He was stripped[剥夺] of his belt and banned from boxing for three and a half years.
      Ali returned to the ring in 1971, taking on Joe Frazier in a title fight dubbed[起绰号] “The Fight of the Century.” Frazier beat Ali in the first of three savage[凶猛的] battles the men would engage in[使从事,参加]. After winning the belt back from Frazier in a rematch, he would lose it to Ken Norton and receive a broken jaw in the process. Ali was getting on[(人)变老] in years, but his most impressive fight was still to come. In October of 1974, in Zaire, Ali took on the seemingly invincible[不可战胜的] champ George Foreman.
      The “Rumble in the Jungle注3” was one of the greatest upsets[出乎意料的结果] in the history of boxing.
      In 1978 in a major upset, he lost the title to underdog[居于下风者] Leon Spinks. Ali returned seven months later to beat Spinks and reclaim the belt, but the end of his career was near.
      On June 27th, 1979, Ali announced his retirement. Yet, like many great fighters, he stepped back into the ring not one but two too many times, officially retiring in 1981 with a record of 56 and 5.
      In 1984, Ali was diagnosed[诊断] with Parkinson’s disease, which affected his speech and began ravaging[破坏] his central nervous system. Despite his illness, he carried the Olympic torch[火炬] at the 1996 Games in Atlanta. Ali used his unparalleled[无比的] stature to bring aid to places such as North Korea, Afghanistan and Cuba, and earned the
      Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005.
      注1:《甜蜜的科学》(The Sweet Science)是美国新闻记者赖伯宁(A. J. Liebling)的成名作,该书介于报告文学和散文之间,以拳台为背景勾勒出一幅幅拳击者的众生相。后来此词用来指拳击
      注2:“conscientious objector”指的是由于道德或宗教的原则而拒绝参加战争或服兵役的人。
      注3:“Rumble in the Jungle”是体育界对1974年阿里战胜福尔曼那场经典比赛的称呼。赛前不被看好的阿里将热门的福尔曼击倒,爆出了拳击史上最大的冷门。在那场大战中,阿里知道自己躲不过福尔曼,因此使出了“倚绳战术”――他退到拳击台的绳索边缘,靠在绳索上支撑自己,让福尔曼连续出拳攻击自己,其真正目的是消耗福尔曼的体力。于是,福尔曼在前几个回合占尽上风,但随着比赛的进行,他的体力不断下降,终于在第八回合被阿里击倒。

    相关热词搜索: 穆罕默德 拳王 阿里 永远

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