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    扔西红柿是什么节日 [怪诞的扔物节日大比拼]

    时间:2019-04-24 03:20:50 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      As a child you enjoy the freedom to throw things at pretty much anyone that pisses you off1), but upon reaching your teens, you sadly have to learn how to use your words instead. But in certain towns across the globe, this behaviour—which would get you committed2) or at least arrested anywhere else—is considered completely commonplace should you visit at the right time. Here are four weird stuff-throwing festivals worldwide; just remember that such behaviour is unlikely to be appreciated once you arrive home.
      Orange Throwing
      (Ivrea, Italy)
      The largest food fight in Italy occurs each year in February in the city of Ivrea. The weapon of choice is the orange. Like many Italian festivals that have the capacity to be turned into a competition, the activity has become team-based and there exists intense rivalry3). It has been reported that at times oranges are thrown pretty much with the intention of hurting the opponent; therefore the festival is not something for the light-hearted. Should you attend the festival and wish to throw oranges at people, you must also choose a team. Spectators are not permitted to throw oranges at anyone, and are promised not to be harmed should they wear a red hat.
      Like many festivals that involve throwing things at each other, the origins are unclear. A popular account has it that it commemorates the city""""s defiance against the city""""s tyrant. This tyrant attempted to rape a young commoner on the eve of her wedding. His plan backfired4) when the young woman instead decapitated5) him, after which the populace6) stormed7) and burned the tyrant""""s palace. Each year, a young girl is chosen to play the part of Violetta, the defiant young woman.
      Gulal Throwing
      (Mathura, India)
      This is without doubt the most colourful festival within this list. Though you may not be familiar with the word Gulal, you will surely have encountered images of it when it is thrown about during the famous Holi festival in India. Gulal are simply brightly colored powders. Every year in March, these powders are thrown at pretty much everyone at the festival locations.
      The festival is hugely popular in the villages around Mathura, which is said to be where Krishna8) was born. In Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna was known to court9) Radha and the festival is supposed to commemorate their everlasting love. The reason that the throwing of powders is appropriate to commemorate such love is that their courtship10) was said to be particularly mischievous.   The day before the festival begins bonfires are lit to ward off11) evil spirits and shops stock up12) on the suddenly incredibly popular Gulal. The mixture of bright colors is meant to symbolize energy, life and joy.
      Tomato Throwing
      (Bunol, Spain)
      Perhaps not the strangest festival within the throwing-things-at-each-other category, the festival la Tomatina is however one of the largest. Each year upwards of 30,000 people come to the small town of Bunol within the Valencia region of Spain and their purpose is to simply throw tomatoes at each other.
      The festival occurs each year on the last Wednesday of August and the town, which usually has just 9000 inhabitants, comes alive as a mixture of locals and tourists take part in a town-wide tomato fight.
      To cater13) to such large crowds, tomatoes are not the only attraction, with music, fireworks and parades becoming a regular occurrence in the town over the weeklong festival. It can be difficult to not only find accommodation in the small town, but also an open shop as most business owners close up and even board up14) their shops the day before the fight in anticipation of15) the carnage16).
      Flour and Egg Throwing
      (Ibi, Spain)
      Going back 200 years, the inhabitants of the town of Ibi in Alicante Spain commemorate their version of April Fool""""s Day on December 28 every year, with a flour fight in the town square. Photos of the event show that the entire square becomes engulfed17) in a white cloud and there is rarely a person present that is in any other color.
      Flour is not the only thing that is thrown about in Ibi on the festival. Power is gained to create new laws within the town by anybody that can defeat the town council by battling them with flour and eggs. The laws are then enforced throughout the day, and anybody that breaks them is literally fined with the proceeds18) going to charity.
      洒红节在马图拉附近的村庄里特别受欢迎,而克利须那据说就是在马图拉出生的。根据印度神话,大神克利须那向女神拉达求爱,为了纪念他们之间永恒的爱情,印度人便设立了这个节日。之所以用相互抛洒彩粉这种方式来纪念这份爱情,是因为传说他们在谈恋爱期间的行为特别顽皮。   在节庆开始前的那天,人们会点起篝火驱赶恶灵,各家商店则开始囤积突然变得异常抢手的Gulal。各种明亮的色彩混在一起,象征着活力、生命和欢乐。
      1. piss off: 参见P65注释21
      2. commit vt. 犯(罪),做(错事、坏事、傻事等)
      3. rivalry [?ra?vlri] n. 竞争;对抗
      4. backfire [?b?k?fa??(r)] vi. 发生意外,产生事与愿违的结果
      5. decapitate [d??k?p?te?t] vt. 杀……的头,将……斩首
      6. populace [?p?pj?l?s] n. 平民,百姓,民众
      7. storm [st??m] vt. 强击,猛攻;直捣
      8. Krishna: (印度教)克利须那,黑天(印度教三大神之一毗湿奴的主要化身)
      9. court [k??t ] vt. 向……求爱(或求婚);追求
      10. courtship [?k??t??p] n. 求爱期
      11. ward off: 避开;挡开。ward [w??d] vi. 抵挡,防御
      12. stock up: 备货(或用品);储备
      13. cater [?ke?t?(r)] vi. 满足需要(或欲望);投合,迎合
      14. board up: 用木板将窗户封上
      15. in anticipation of: 期待(某事)的到来并为此做好准备
      16. carnage [?kɑ?n?d?] n. 大屠杀
      17. engulf [?n?ɡ?lf] vt. 吞没,淹没
      18. proceeds [?pr??si?dz] n. (从事某活动的)收入,收益

    相关热词搜索: 怪诞 大比拼 节日

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