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    [纽约人在中国] 中国黄金加盟条件

    时间:2019-02-16 03:33:48 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      As a New Yorker who has recently moved to China, I have had a unique opportunity to learn about the East. Chinese culture is extremely foreign to me. I believe the greatest difference between Chinese and American culture can be found in attitudes towards personal space. Westerners see themselves as individual and, therefore, value personal space and choice. Chinese people, from what I understand, believe in the interconnectedness of things and, therefore, value responsibility and harmony.
      There are positive and negative effects to a belief in interconnectedness. Two sides of the same coin, if you will. The same holds true for a belief in individuality. I am confident that neither the Chinese worldview nor the American worldview is any better or worse. They are just different. Through living in China, I have gained perspective on my own western values as well as Chinese values. I have learned to look more objectively at assumptions I have about "good" and "bad" behavior.
      China"s cultural emphasis on responsibility and harmony has many great effects. People here are extremely polite, considerate, and generous. For example: When I arrived at Pu Dong airport four weeks ago I took an illegal taxi cab to the Shanghai bus station for 450 yuan. I paid upfront. The taxi cab driver spoke very little English but understood that I needed to get to Jiang Yin (a city three hours outside of Shanghai) that same night. He had picked me up a little after 7pm. After racing through traffic on the freeway, we arrived at the bus station at 8pm.
      To my surprise, instead of just dropping me off, he ran inside to make sure I could make the bus. The station had closed. I didn"t know what to do! My driver spoke with some people outside then promptly rushed me over to the train station. I was to take a train to Wuxi (which is only one half hour away from Jiang Yin). From Wuxi I could take a taxi to Jiang Yin. It was my only hope.
      We arrived at the train station minutes later. Again, my driver parked the car (this time illegally) and ran inside to get my ticket. When he returned, we unloaded my luggage and began jogging towards my platform. Suddenly, a police officer appeared and told my driver he could not stay parked where he was. My driver had to stay with his car. So, I started down the path alone. 200 feet later I was lost, showing my ticket to strangers, asking in English where I was supposed to go. It was awful. My train was about to leave. Out of the blue there was my taxi cab driver! He had come back to make sure I had made it safely... which I hadn"t!
      He showed me where to go and I managed, with his direction, to make it to my platform just in time! Only after I was sitting in my seat on the train to Wuxi did I have time to think about what a generous person this taxi driver is. I had only paid for a ride from the airport to the bus station but, for some reason, he went to a lot of extra effort to make sure I got to where I needed to go - Jiang Yin. Without him my first night in China would have turned out absolutely awful.
      Now I look back on that first night in China with more insight. For one thing, I have recently gotten a little annoyed by the lack of respect for personal space and personal choice here. For example: Last week a Chinese friend of mine and I went to a new club in town called Baby Face. The music was loud. People were dancing. Drinks were tasty. I was having a good time when a random Chinese guy came up to proclaim his love for me and to tell me that he wanted to be best friends. I naively said "OK". That was a mistake. This person proceeded to drag me up onto the dance floor. I don"t like to dance. I told him repeatedly I did not want to go. He insisted. He began pulling on my arm against my will. I"m not the strongest person and I did not want to start a fight with this person. But in America, no means no! I was shocked and really angry that my wishes were not being respected. I ended up on stage unhappy and looking like an ass.
      In hindsight, I believe both the taxi cab driver and the man in the club acted typically Chinese.Again, two sides of the same coin. They both valued responsibility and harmony above personal space and choice. The taxi cab driver felt he was responsible for my well being and my not getting lost. The man in the club felt I was responsible for having a good time and not being a party pooper for the group. Neither situation would have happened in New York; for better or worse.

    相关热词搜索: 纽约 中国

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