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    [又是一年愚人节] 又是一年

    时间:2019-04-03 03:27:31 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      The Toilet Monster
      When you were little,did your parents tellyou the scary storyof the toilet monster? If you donot behave, a cruel monster willcrawl out of the toilet and takeyou away. Now it has becomereal! This Toilet Monster productis shocking and funny, andperfect for the Fools"" Day. Itattaches to the inside of the toilet bowl by suction cupst.As an unsuspecting person goes to use the bathroom,they""ll scream as they lift the lid when this little monsterpops out at them.
      The Crazy Egg This light-activatedegg looks just the sameas a real egg. You canhardly notice it whenit is put with a dozenof real eggs. When youswitch it on and out it inthe dark refrigerator, it will lay there quietly. However,when somebody opens the refrigerator, the light ofthe refrigerator will be on, and then this tricky egg willvibrate. Ha, gotcha! But one thing to remember, don""tconfuse it with the real eggs and put it in boiling water.
      The Bomb Bank It might look scary, butactually a very original andfun tool to save your coins!You have to put coins in yourbank bomb everyday to keep you safe. If you do not, yourbank will reach a new level of danger alert. First level, yourbank starts blinking4; second level, it starts making an alarmsound; third level, danger! It will start vibrating as well, andfinally if you wait too long before adding new coins yourbank will "explode" by spilling all your coins out.

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