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    毫不“肤浅”:你的身体在说谎 经常说谎对身体有严重伤害

    时间:2019-01-08 03:15:54 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      There’s a phrase commonly used to describe something we know intimately[熟悉地] � we know it like the “back of our hand.” But is it true? A research by Dr. Matthew Longo suggested our perception[感知] of our hands is mistaken. Longo and his team conducted an experiment with volunteers covering their left hands with a board, then asking them to point to where they believe their fingertips and knuckles[指关节] were. It turned out their perception was substantially[充分地] distorted[扭歪的]. “The hand is perceived as being wider than it actually is,” says Longo, “and the
      fingers are represented as being shorter.”
      It is related to our “position sense,” which is our ability to tell where different parts of our bodies are in space, even when we can’t see them. That information comes from signals coming from nerves in the periphery[末梢区域] in real time. It also requires that we know the distance between joints, and the size and shape of our body, and that comes from a “map” stored in the brain.
      The misperception may be due to how the brain represents different parts of the skin. Regions of high sensitivity on the skin have correspondingly[相对地] larger representations. The proportions[比例] of the representations of the body parts are not in proportion to what their true size is, but are in proportion to what their sensitivity is. Longo believes the study may explain the distortions of the conscious[有意识的] body image in conditions such as eating disorders.
      President Obama is still a hit with American book buyers.省略.
      Both of Obama’s previous works, the memoir[回忆录]
      Dreams From My Father and the policy book The
      Audacity[大胆] of Hope, are million-sellers. Obama is the rare president to have a book come out while still in
      office. He will be an even rarer one if Of Thee I Sing is a best-seller. Presidents from Ulysses S. Grant to Bill Clinton have written popular books, but none came out while they were in the White House.

    相关热词搜索: 肤浅 说谎 身体

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