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    时间:2018-12-27 03:34:02 来源:柠檬阅读网 本文已影响 柠檬阅读网手机站

      一I Have to Wait   Mr Little works in a factory. He"s 1than any other workers and so he"s paid2. He"s always angry about it. But he is afraid to be3 , so he has to go on working.
      One afternoon Mr Little4to mend a machine. After a while he felt tired and wanted to5 . He looked around and found the foreman(工头)had 6 .He sat down in a corner of the shop and soon fell7 .When the foreman was coming back, another worker 8 him up. He hurried to the machine and 9 his arm against the wall. But he didn"t notice it.
      That 10 , when the Littles were having supper, Mrs Little found there was some blood on her 11shirt.
      "What"s the matter, my dear?" asked the woman. "Something is12with your arm, isn"t it?"
      At that moment Mr Little felt his arm13. He took off his shirt and found a wound (伤口).
      "Go to see a14at once!" called out the woman.
      "It was hurt when I was15," said the man. "I"ll have to bear(忍受) it till tomorrow morning."
      1. A. better B. abler C. lazier D. stronger
      2. A. much B. the most C. little D. the least
      3. A. sent away B. paid for C. heard of D. looked after
      4. A. told B. was told C. asked D. was asked
      5. A. have a rest B. do some shopping C. read a book D. do some washing
      6. A. come B. entered C. died D. left
      7. A. behind B. down C. asleep D. over
      8. A. looked B. woke C. got D. help
      9. A. put B. showed C. threw D. hit
      10. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night
      二Could I Play Cards Alone?
      The story happened during the Second World War. Bruce, Jack and Jarvis 1the army(军队) together after they left middle school. The three young men and the other2were flown to France. There they would fight against the 3 army. The fights were fierce(激烈的) and some of them 4 lives. But none of them was 5 of it and they all fought bravely(勇敢地).
      One afternoon a lot of important things6to the front(前线) . The roads were bad and it was difficult to move them to the 7 places in the night. So Bruce, Jack and Jarvis were told to8them that night. At first they did it carefully and9was all right. At two in the night they were all so sleepy that they could hardly open their10 .
      "Nobody will be able to come here, I think," said Bruce. "We"d better play cards together."
      " 11!" Jack said and found some cards.
      "It"s forbidden(禁止)when we"re on duty," said Jarvis.
      " 12 !" said Bruce. "All the officers(军官) are asleep now. Nobody will know about it."
      So the three friends played cards till13 . Bad luck! An officer found some of the important things were gone!
      The three young men were called in the office. The officer called out angrily, "I"m sure that you played cards when you were 14 !Tell me, Jack! Did you play cards?"
      "No, I didn"t, sir," answered Jack.
      "What about you?" he asked Jarvis.
      "I didn"t, either," Jarvis answered 15.
      At last the officer turned to Bruce and said, "And you?"
      "Could I play cards alone, sir?"
      1. A. reached B. liked C. joined D. knew
      2. A. drivers B. soldiers C. cooks D. doctors
      3. A. English B. Russian C. Japanese D. German
      4. A. lost B. found C. saved D. kept
      5. A. ready B. willing C. sure D. afraid
      6. A. carried B. were carried C. sold D. were sold
      7. A. low B. high C. safe D. dangerous
      8. A. watch B. make C. hide D. use
      9. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything
      10. A. mouths B. noses C. eyes D. ears
      11. A. I"m sorry B. Well done C. That"s all D. Good idea
      12. A. Never mind B. What a pity C. Luckily D. With pleasure
      13. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night
      14. A. at home B. in school C. at college D. on duty
      15. A. happily B. loudly C. in a hurry D. with a smile
      A lot of students are having all kinds of sports on the sports field. A ball game is going on right now 1 Class 3 and Class 4. Can you2me which team is winning? Do you see many people over there? Some students of Class 1 are practising the3jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practises4every day. He wants to5 the school record (纪录) at the sports meeting next spring. Not far away, some girls are getting ready 6a race. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group(群) of students. Their teacher is telling them 7 to throw discus (铁饼). We students love sports. Sports8 to keep people healthy. They help people to live happily,and9games on the sports field, it canl0people become good friends.
      1. A. in B. between C. among D. by
      2. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk
      3. A. long B. far C. high D. tall
      4. A. hard B. fast C. quietly D. quickly
      5. A. do B. take C. work D. break
      6. A. to B. for C. with D. at
      7. A. what B. that C. which D. how
      8. A. want B. hope C. help D. wish
      9. A. in B. before C. after D. when
      10. A. make B. enjoy C. get D. bring
      Henry is sixteen this year. He often does sports, so he"s the strongest in his class. He lives outside the town and his house is about half an hour from his1on foot. He doesn"t want to be late for class. So he has to 2 early in the morning. After breakfast he runs to school. He has a nice3,but he doesn"t ride it and always goes to school on foot.
      It was a winter morning. There were a lot of clouds in the sky(天空) and Henry couldn"t see anything when he4 . Suddenly(突然) he heard someone5for help behind a house. He ran there and saw a young man wanted to insult(污辱) a girl,with a knife in his hand.
      "Stop!"shouted Henry."6her go!"
      "Go away!" said the young man. "Or I"ll kill you!"
      But Henry wasn"t 7 . He went to him quickly. The young man said, "I"m Mr Stone(石头;也是姓氏) ! I"m afraid of8!"
      "I"m Mr Stonebreaker(杂碎石头的人;也是姓氏) !" said Henry. "I"m sure you don"t know about it."
      Just at that time they saw a9 . The young man had to run away and the girl10Henry very much.
      1. A. shop B. hospital C.school D.park
      2. A. get up B. go to bed C. stand up D. sit down
      3. A. plane B. truck C. boat D. bike
      4. A. got B. reached C. arrived D. left
      5. A. calling B. singing C. asking D. laughing
      6. A. Help B. Let C. Watch D. Make
      7. A. happy B. sad C. glad D. afraid
      8. A. nobody B. anybody C. everybody D. somebody
      9. A. doctor B. farmer C. student D. policeman
      10. A. enjoyed B. thanked C. learned D. heard
      ?筲 完形填空答案 ?筲
      1. C. 从Mr Little不好好工作来看,他比别人懒。
      2.D.Mr Little比别人懒,付给他的工资当然是最少的。
      3.A.Mr Little当然是怕被解雇,才不得不继续工作。
      4.B.工头只会是吩咐Mr Little去干某种工作。由于该句主语是动作的承受者,谓语动词要用被动语态。
      5.A.Mr Little感到很累,就要休息一会。
      6.D.Mr Little害怕工头看见他在睡觉,因此要等他离开以后才敢休息。
      7.C.由于Mr Little感觉到累,他在坐下后不久就睡着了。
      8.B.Mr Little睡着了,所以在工头要回来的时候,他的同事把他叫醒了。
      9.D.从后面的内容来看,Mr Little受了伤,他的胳膊碰到了墙上。
      10.C.Mr Little和他的家人在吃晚饭,说明已经到了晚上。
      11.A.从故事内容来看,是Mr Little的妻子发现了他衬衣上的血。
      13.B.前面已经提到Mr Little没有发现他的手臂受了伤。当他的妻子提起以后,他就会感到痛。
      14.C.Mr Little的手臂受伤了,自然要去看医生。
      15.A.从上下文可以得知,Mr Little是在上班时受伤的。
      1. C. 从他们到法国去参战可以看出,他们参军了。
      8.A. 既然那些物资是暂时放在露天,夜晚就必须认真看守。
      12.A. 从Bruce说的话来看,他认为没有关系。
      13.A. 他们在打牌的时候,就不再困乏了,一直打到天亮。
      2.A. tell意为“告诉”,say表示“说”,强调内容;speak意为“说”,接宾语通常为语言;talk意为“谈
       论"talk to sb.;talk with sb. ;talk sb.about sth./sb.此处为告诉哪个队赢。
      3.C.the high jump为“跳高”之意。
      5.D.break the school record为“打破校纪录”之意。
      6.B.get ready for sth.为某事做好准备。
      7.D.how如何,怎么样,此句相当于一个宾语从句The teacher is telling them how they should
      throw discus。
      9.C.由下文it can make people become good friends推断,“比赛之后”,使人们成为朋友。
      2.A. 早晨应起床去上学,所以为get up。
      3.D.从下文“He doesn"t ride it”推断出,此空应填bike。
      5.A. call for help为“叫人来帮忙;呼救”之意。

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